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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 236

Chapter 236 

Ever since Ava got into the car, he had been sizing up Ava, who looked like a young princess. 

No matter how many times Rose sized Ava up, she still found Ava really beautiful. When Ava went to pick up Rose that day. Ava still looked like a young student, but today, Ava looked really like a fair lady. 

Ava was really a girl of different styles. 

Rose looked at Ava for a while and chuckled. She praised Ava repeatedly. “Ava, you’re really beautiful. You look great in all styles of clothes. I like you so much!” 

Normally, Ava would have begun to chat with Rose confidently, but faced with Frank, she restrained herself. “Rose, that’s too much. I’m not that good.” 

Rose said casually. “Don’t be embarrassed. You are good-looking. Don’t be so humble. If you appear to be too humble, those who are not good-looking will think that you are acting, so you have to admit generously that you are beautiful.” 

Frank stared at the road ahead of him. He was driving seriously and did not speak the entire time. He only frowned occasionally. Perhaps Rose’s words had provoked him. 

After a while, Rose suddenly shouted at Frank, “Cranky Franky, do you think that Ava is beautiful? You only have one chance to ask the question. Cherish it, okay?” 

Ava tightened her grip on the hem of her dress and waited for Frank’s answer. She thought to herself, “It doesn’t matter if he says no because he doesn’t understand me.” 

That didn’t mean that she wasn’t good 

Ava’s ability to accept things was still very strong. She looked soft and cuddly, but she often attacked other people’s computers. How could she be a fragile girl’ She could accept all kinds of results. 

After a long while, Rose did not hear Frank’s reply. She urged again. “Would it kill you to say something, Cranky Franky? Say it, okay? Don’t hold it.” 

Frank, who was in the front, said in a low voice, “I don’t answer strange questions.” 

Rose’s anger rose “Cranky Franky, say it clearly! Strange? Am I strange? You are the strange one. Don’t think that else in the world is like you” 


Frank was not angry at all. He was still invulnerable. He said unhurriedly. “Tell me three things about you that are not strange, and I’ll answer your question” 

Rose wasn’t stupid Only a fool would fall for it. If she were to get serious about this topic with him, wouldn’t she be admitting that she was strange and try her best to explain it to him? He was sick, but she wasn’t. 

Ava sat at the side and watched the siblings argue with each other. Neither of them gave in to the other. For some reason, he thought of Trevon’s words. The siblings were like fire and water. They fought to the death. However, they only quarreled and never fought. 

That seemed to be the case. Trevon’s words really made sense. 

It was a concise summary. 

Ava’s family was very harmonious. Her brother, Joseph, loved her very much and doted on her very much. The current scene shocked her. She had never thought that siblings would have such a unique way of getting along. 

Natalie often told Ava. There are all kinds of birds in the forest. Don’t be so quick to deny what you haven’t seen. Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. It’s just that you haven’t encountered it. Don’t judge anything subjectively.” 

Rose had already fallen silent. Frank, who was in the front, suddenly said, “Are you admitting you are strange?” 

“Can’t I be silent? Silence is gold.” 

“Come on. You never keep silent. You don’t have anything to do with gold. You are not worthy of being put together with gold.” 

“Cranky Franky!” Rose was finally angered by Frank. The entire car was filled with her voice. 

Along the way, the sounds did not make Ava feel bored. Instead, she found it interesting and fun to see them quarrel. 

They had been arguing all the way, Ava couldn’t interrupt, so she quietly became a spectator and listened to the guests. 

Unknowingly, the car stopped at the dock. 

Jim’s car arrived first, followed by Frank’s car. 

After the car stopped, Rose opened the door angrily and got out. Ava quickly got out from the other side. 


Rose forcefully opened the driver’s door. She reached out to grab Frank’s collar, but Frank blocked her. 

Then, Frank came down and Rose kicked him twice to vent her anger. 

Ava was dumbfounded. Wasn’t it said that they never fought? What were they doing at this point of time? Was Rose tickling Frank’ 

As soon as Trevon got out of the car, he saw Frank being beaten up. He carried the child over and teased Frank with a smile. He looked like he was watching a show and even put on a comforting posture. “Yo, did you not lock your mouth? You made Rose so angry that she hit you.” 

Frank did not answer this question. He took out a cigarette box from his pocket, shook out a cigarette, and put it in his mouth. He lit it up and gestured to Trevon. “Do you want it?” 

Trevon refused. “I quit.” 

Frank curled his lips into a smile and glanced in the direction of Ava. Then, he put down the cigarette and stuck his tongue into the corner of his lips. “That’s enough. Hurry up and get your luggage.” 

This was directed at Rose, who was glaring at him angrily. 

Hackett was the last to arrive. As soon as he stepped on the ground, he was mocked by Frank. “Can you be any slower? Are you the brother a snail?” 

Hackett, who had just gotten out of the car, was dumbfounded. Who did he offend? Why was Frank so angry? Was Frank in period” “Do you need any sanitary towels? I will buy some for you.” 

Frank leaned against the car door and smoked like a hooligan. He said lazily, “Okay. Send me some. I’m willing to take whatever freely. My sister can use them 

Rose said in her heart. Thank you so much for even preparing this for me.” 

Then, Frank turned to Ava and said, “Hey, Ava, I will send you some!” 

Ava did not feel awkward about the topic of sanitary pads and replied directly, “No need, Buddy. I only use sanitary pads of 

certain branks.” 

The cigarette in Frank’s mouth almost fell to the ground. He trembled twice. He really did not expect her to answer like this. 

Hackett wondered what the hell was happening. 

While they were talking. Natalie walked over. Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, she asked Ava, “What’s wrong? What are you guys talking about?” 

Ava shrugged and smiled Buddy and Hackett are talking about sanitary pads” 


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