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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 242

Chapter 242 

Hackett sat on the chair with Ruby in his arms. Ruby sat on his lap and played games with him. He taught her how to play a few games. 

On the other hand. Trevon quietly held Jasper in his arms, not saying a word. Jasper held onto a Rubik’s Cube and played with it absentmindedly, randomly twisting the sides. 

The first impression they both gave was that of devoted dads. 

Hackett glanced at the girls huddled together, chatting animatedly in the distance. He was curious about what they were talking about, but then he shifted hus attention to Frank, who had just lazily sat down and started smoking. He asked, “Frank when girls huddle together to chat, what do they usually talk about? It was not about us, was it?” 

“Look at us guys when we chat or play cards. Don’t we often talk about girls? Which of the girls is prettier, which one we find attractive, or who has a good figure. Frank replied with a hint of amusement. 

Trevon did not need to guess to know what the women were plotting. From this angle. Sherri was cheering for Ava, so it was oblivious to him that they were talking about Frank. 

He remained silent and only wanted to watch the scene quietly. His gaze was fixed on Frank, and his hand held a milk bottle for Jasper to drink. 

Jasper took the milk bottle and handed the Rubik’s Cube to his father. He gulped the milk down. 

Natalie was busy preparing the ingredients for the evening’s barbecue and pizza. She kept going in and out of the kitchen. Initially, Trevon wanted to help, but Natalie stopped him, saying that the kitchen was restricted to people with disabilities 

As a result, only a few women were occupied. There were also Jim and Terrell in the kitchen. 

Frank took a puff of his cigarette and blew out a ring of smoke. The thin fog blurred the handsome features on his face as he teased Hackett, “No one will be talking about you. You can rest assured about this” 

Hackett hugged Ruby and cursed. “Damn it!” 

Trevon reminded. Tll teach you how to be a good father. Don’t you know that it’s easy for children to pick up bad habit from parents? 

Hackett was speechless. 

Frank was in a good mood and continued to banter. “After staying at the Grand Manor for so many days, your temper is still fiery. Did Miss Landor not drive you crazy, or is it just your nature?” 

Hackett. This guy had some killer communication skills, always able to talk about anything and make the conversation. lively, stirring up emotions in people. He knows how to hit where it hurts.” 

He would have forgotten about the incident at the Grand Manor if Frank did not mention it. It’s all because of that cunning guy causing trouble. 

He still had the cheek to mention it. 

Hackett’s face was gloomy as he glared at Frank. “Did you control the budget while procuring the amenities for your hotel? Can’t you buy a few sizes of each? You are so stingy.” 

They were all large sizes, and he had to dig around for a while before retrieving them. He almost messed up himself. 

Frank quickly understood. He glanced at an area of Hackett, slightly parted his lips, and raised his chin towards that spot. “Was the size too big for you?” 

Trevon was caught off guard and choked on the soda water while drinking. He subconsciously looked at the area on Hackett and nodded in agreement. 

Hackett was at a loss for words. 

There was no need for Hackett to answer. By looking at his expression, he knew that they had guessed correctly. Frank kindly explained, “I don’t watch live broadcasts. Don’t worry. I didn’t install a camera in your room. As for your… I can tell at a glance that the things in my hotel are indeed… inappropriate for you. They’re too big” 

Then, he shook her head in a complicated manner “It was my fault for not knowing I did not know that different sizes were required. The requirements are also different for each I would be more careful next time 

Hackett’s heart was once again dealt a heavy blow. In an instant, he wanted to pull out his gun and compete for the strongest. 

Hackett’s face darkened as he retorted gloomily. ‘Are you sure the things you prepared are for guests’ usage! You didn’t even survey the market requirements. I don’t know why your hotel business is so good. I suggest you try it yourself before providing it to your guests” 

He did not believe that Frank could fit the large size. He thought he could adjust his size freely. 

The next second, Frank cut off his thoughts. “I like the raw feeling. I don’t need it”. 


Hackett. “Are you an old virgin?” 

Frank gave him a look as if he was looking at a fool. “Are you being an idiot now? Has your intelligence been eaten away?” 

Hackett thought there was no way to continue the conversation that day. They had already talked themselves into a dead 


Frank gave Trevon a dark look. “What about you? Tell me your opinion” 

Trevon led guiltly. He hugged Jasper and played with his son’s earlobe. “The quality is not good” 

Frank knew very well that he had not used it. But did not expose him. He said with a faint smile. “The requirements are quite high. Why don’t you customize one yourself?” 

A few women walked over. Sherri’s hand was on Hackett’s shoulder, and Rose’s arm was bent as he leaned against Frank’s back. She smiled and said. “You guys were chatting so happily. What are you talking about?” 

Sherri only stayed for a few minutes. After kissing Ruby on the forehead, she went to look for her best friend. Ava needed to organize her thoughts, so she did not join in the fun and went to the kitchen to look for Natalie. 

Hackett did not treat Rose as a girl. “Trevon said he wants to build a small protective umbrella for himself” 

Frank shrugged his shoulders to express his dissatisfaction. “Get up. Do you not know how heavy you are? You are so heavy” 

Rose lowered her body and leaned close to Frank’s ear. Her voice was only audible to the two of them. “Cranky Franky, why are you so difficult to deal with? You either despise my age or my weight. You are even more annoying than ever. Let me advise you. You would easily die alone like this.” 

Of course, Frank knew what this resentful sister meant. He pursed his lips and did not say anything. He turned around and glared at her. That’s enough 

Rose got up from Frank’s shoulder, clapping her hands, acting as if she had accomplished something remarkable. She did not want to lean on him anyway, so she shrugged indifferently and said to Trevon, sitting across from her. “Trevon, do you have some special attachment to the protective umbrellas, or do you just enjoy studying them? I’m worried about Natalie.” 

Trevon was so angry that he laughed. He smiled at Hackett. ‘Hackett thought that some things in Frank’s hotel were too big and could not find anything suitable. I plan to expand my business and customize a suitable size for him as a wedding gift.” 

Rose was taken aback by the straightforwardness of the comment and looked at Hackett with sympathy and pity. A girl couldn’t stare so blatantly at that area. “Hackett, it’s alright. If there’s an issue, we’ll deal with it. Don’t carry any psychological burden. We are all friends here. We would not look at you with judgmental eyes” 

Hackett. “I do not have any issues! What’s with all of you and your judgmental looks? If I did have a problem, I bet they would send flowers to mourn the loss of my dignity.” 

He subconsciously clamped his legs together and crossed them, covering them tightly. 

Frank choked on his smoke and coughed. “Cough, cough, cough… 

Hackett was in awe of this sibling duo. They could roast people to death with their comebacks and comfort others to the point of feeling reassured. There was no doubt that they were siblings. 

He suspected the siblings were the grim reapers in their previous lives. 


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