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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 279

Chapter 279 

At that moment, 

Rose hung up the phone and stood in front of the window. Her white pajamas blended in with the moonlight. 

As long as one looks up, one would feel the stars close to you. It was so close that you would unconsciously reach out to 

touch it 

Looking down, everything was beautiful. The night scriery in the courtyard was captivating if only one looked closely. It was simply breathtaking The lush trees and blooming flowers competed for one’s attention. There was a crystal-clear swimming pool lined with rockery and a small bridge Colorful goldfish were swimming under the truall bridge. 

The entire courtyard was elegant, romantic, solemn, and pleasing to the eye. 

She couldn’t help but sigh at Will and Grace’s exquisite taste. Everyone wanted to buy a villa, and everyone was buying villas. Only her parents acquired a plot of land in the suburbs and built the house themselves. 

It was good to be back. It felt good to have a home Why did she not treasure this back then? 

Self-reliance Running away from home? Wasn’t this villa perfect? 

As Rose was ileep in thought, there was a saw Grace standing outside. 

k on the door. Rose came to her senses and walked over to open the door. She 

Rose opened the door a little wider to let Grace in. She smiled politely and said apologetically, “Grace, you’re back.” Grace was holding a bag of snacks and a plate of fruits. They were all to Rose’s liking She handed it to Rose and replied. “T bought some after work. If you like it, eat it. If you don’t, bring it downstairs tomorrow” 

Rose took the bag and looked in it. It was filled to the brim. Her heart felt warm as she smiled playfully, “Grace, come in and have a seat 

Grace paused for a moment before entering Rose’s room in her slippers She looked around and asked, “Is there anything you’re unhappy withe” 

Rose plated the things on the table beside the sofa and pulled out a white clair for Grace to sit on. She exclaimed. “It’s quite good I like it” 

Grave sat down and looked up at Rose’s hair. Rose looked comfortable, pure, and young in her current hairstyle. Her bangs highlighted her exquisite facial features. The top of her hair was naturally fluffy, and the end of her hair was very smooth. Her hair color was light browni 

Her hair color was simular to Grace’s When the two stood together, Grace looked more like Rose’s sister. 

Noticing that Grace’s gaze was on her head. Rose pretended to be relaxed and scratched her hair twice casually with her fingers. Rose asked with a smile. “Does it look good? I’ve thought of this color for a long time” 

Grace did not explicitly adout that the hairstyle looked good on cold. She was serious and quiet, to begin with. Grace asked, “Why did you cut your hair? 

Rose looked relaxed and casually replied. “I thought your hairstyle was quite nice. I want to try it too” 

Moments later, Grace smiled and said in a low voice. “It looks good.” 

It was unknown if this sentence was meant for Rose or herself 

Rose smiled and touched her hair again before saying, “I think it looks good too. At the salon, I feared Tony would get too excited over the hairstyle. I was going to buy a hat at the shop. When Tony was cutting my hair, I kept looking at the hat. I was already thinking of a solution” 

The reason for Rose’s fear was because of her classmates. She remembered that there was a time when curly hair was fashionable. Two classmates in class who were vain went to perm their hair. In the end, they came the next day furious. They looked at least ten years older. 

It was not an exaggeration to call them aunties. After school, the two vain girls went to have their hair straightened. 

At that time, Rose was holding her phone and comparing their photos. She almost died of laughter. This was not an ordinary accident scene 

Recalling this joke, Roseoberts could not help but smile. 

Grace smiled faintly and looked at her daughter with a straightforward gaze. “You don’t have to cut it if you don’t want to. You don’t have to force yourself. No one forced you to do anything* 

Hearing Grace’s words, Rose was stunned. She stopped smiling and pursed her lips, “Mum, thank you for your understanding * 

Grace reached out to pull herself up before sitting on a chair beside Rose. Grace croued her legs and placed her hand caually on her lap before saying. “Everyone makes mistakes. Who can guarantee that they will be rigist for the rest of their 


lives or that every decision is perfect! I can’t do it, and neither can you. Why does the pencil have to be matched with an Fraser Isn’t it to correct it? Won’t it look better after correction? You can make mistakes, but we can’t make the same mistakes repeatedly 

Tears welled up in Rose’s eyes as she looked at the trees outside the window. Tears blurred her eyes as she assured her mother, “I know I was blindsided in the past It won’t happen again” 

Grace had already guessed that her daughter knew the truth and comforted her. “At that time, you were still young and could not see through people’s intentions Even people of the right age might not be able to see through people’s thoughts. 1 have also misjudged my subordinates in the past ” 

Grace patiently explained the human mindset to her daughter for the first ume. “This society is very realistic Some people approach you with ulterior motives and know how to pretend from the beginning. Some people are sincere with you initially but may leave you because of vested interests after a while. Some people can sacrifice themselves to protect you Of course, this is the most uncommon and also the most precious. I telling you this not because the people around you are unreliable and you should be wary of them. You should not judge others either. The society is not complicated. The human heart is the most complicated because you can’t see through it. You never know what others are thinking” 

Grace was a rags-to-riches story. She was used to seeing through people’s intentions. People were lickle-minded and rebellious. How much could they sacrifice? In this era, it was easy to be blinded by fancy surroundings It was not easy to maintain one’s innocence. It was even more uncommon to have two or three good friends. 

This was Grace’s first time talking about the human heart with Rose. It was also another way of educating her Rose was not stupid and understood. She took a can of drink from the bag and handed it to Grace before saying generously. “Thank you for sharing your experience, Grace I salute you” 

Grace opened the lid and gently clinked it with Rose’s can. She suddenly realized that her daughter had grown up. Grace’s eyes welled up as she raised her head and sipped her drink. Her lips quivered. 

After Grace left. Rose was in a good mood. It was as if she had cleared her emotional baggage. She picked up his phone and took a beautiful photo of the snacks and fruits on the table. Then, she uploaded the picture online and added the caption, “Thank you for freding me. Grace I love you” 

Rose was satisfied with her post. It looked good from all angles. Then, she posted Ava’s photo on her social media and added the caption. The poor little princess had encountered a problem and has been trying to solve it all day and night. She has moved to the dormitory and continues to fight hard day and night. Sending you hugs and kisses Keep fighting”” 

The post was uploaded onto Rose s social media. 

After finishing her posts, Rose happily put on her earphones and listened to the music of her liking. She was even humming a small song as she leisurely ate her snacks. At this moment, she wished she had two months so that she could eat snacks and sing at the same time 

Just as she was eating happily, there was a knock on the door. She thought it was Grace again and quickly put on her slippers. to open the door However, it was Frank standing outside with two bags of snacks 

Rose looked at her brother outside the door in disbelief. She licked her dry lips, removed her earphones with one hand, and asked. “What are you doing?” 

Frank looked at his short-haired sister inquisitively and snapped, “It’s for you. I’m afraid you’ll starve to death” 

Rose thought. “What’s going on today? Should I open a snack shop with this many sucks? I’m so lucky!” 

She hurriedly took the bag and ran into the room. Frank entered without invitation and casually walked in. He looked around and said, “It looks like a cozy nest” 

Rose was in a good mood and did not argue with the sharp-tongued man. She said, “Is there anything else” 

Frank did not waste any time and reached out his hand to say, “Can I borrow your phone? My phone is spoilt.” 

“Frank, can you come up with a better reason? Don’t tell me you want to see something from my phone. Tell me the truth” 


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