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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 282

Chapter 282 

Everyone had different personalities. Some would arrive at the company half an hour before work, while others would not waste a second and 

would go to the company on time. 

For example, some felt getting exactly 60 marks was the best outcome in school exams. Obtaining exactly 60 points was a reflection of one’s ability. 

A score of 98 or 99 was not impressive enough. They would be considered outstanding at most. A score of 60 marks exact is the goal to reach. 

Rose was the kind of person who went to work on time. At this moment, she was in the front passenger seat and urging the driver-cum-bodyguard to drive faster. 

The driver’s name was Tom. Rose did not know his family name. 

Tom was neither handsome nor tall. He was thin but looked very strong and had a good physique. He looked like a good fighter. Although Rose was anxious to get to work on time, it did not stop her from scrutinizing Tom in detail. 

“Tom, drive faster and step on the accelerator. It’s fine. If you are fined, 

brother will deal with it. I’ll be much harder to deal with if I’m late for 

my work.” 


Tom wanted to tell Natalie he would be on time if she could be a few minutes earlier. He had to put his driving skills to the test daily to ensure that Natalie was not late. However, Tom could only reply obediently, “Okay, Miss Natalie.” 

Seeing that he had agreed, Rose was relieved. She leaned against her seat leisurely. After all, Tom’s driving skills were good. He could ensure she was on time every day. Even though she thought that way, Rose decided to wake up five minutes early in the future. It has been an arduous task for Tom so far. 

Rose suddenly asked, “Tom, can I ask you a rather impolite question?” 

Tom had a lot of thoughts in his mind. He wanted to tell Natalie not to ask the question if it sounded rude. In the end, he muttered, “Miss Natalie, please go ahead.” 


Rose asked bluntly, “Why did your mother name you Tom?” 

Tom explained straightforwardly, “My mother despised my father’s looks. When I was born, she did not want me to take after my father’s looks, so she named me after the most famous handsome actor she could think of, Tom.” 

Rose was surprised by this practice. She thought, “Well, based on Tom’s features, his name clearly showed that he took after his father’s genes.” 

Tom smiled and earnestly asked, “Miss Natalie, did you think my name didn’t suit my appearance?” 

Rose said against her will, “No, no, how can that be? A name is just a name. You’re not bad-looking. Everyone’s aesthetic sense is different.” 

Sure enough, people liked to hear good things, regardless of their social status. Tom immediately smiled after hearing that. 

When Rose arrived at the hospital, she realized that her phone was not with her. It was still with Frank! She woke up late that morning and was in a hurry, so she forgot to retrieve her phone from Frank’s room. Frank had a habit of sleeping in and basically would not wake up that early in the morning. 

After thinking about it, Rose used the landline to call Frank. On the first attempt, there was still no answer. She called the second time, but there was still no answer. Rose looked at the time and saw that she had five minutes before work started. She continued to call. 

The call was picked up on the fifth attempt. Frank’s tone was very unkind. His voice was hoarse. Frank said, “Hey, speak.” 

Rose immediately replied, “Frank, send my phone to the hospital when you wake up.” 

An impatient voice replied. “Can’t you come and get it yourself this morning? I’m going back to sleep. We’ll talk after I wake up.” 

Rose was speechless. Frank did not have such an arrogant attitude when he tried to borrow her phone. She said, “Frank, that’s not right. You can’t act like this. You’ll only wake up in the afternoon. I know it! I need my phone before then.” 

Frank replied, “Then go home and get it yourself tonight.” 

Rose responded patiently, “Frank, one should place things back after 


using them. Where’s your credit? Where’s your credit? Do you still want to use my phone in the future?” 

Frank snapped, “Go work. Stop talking nonsense. I’m going back to bed.” 

Rose was speechless. 

Two hours later, Frank had his bodyguards send Rose’s phone to her at the hospital. 

Rose was stunned when she received the phone as it was in a sealed bag. It was similar to the evidence bag used by the police. 

For a moment, she felt like she was dead. 

When the bodyguard handed the phone to her, he explained, “Miss Natalie, this is your phone. Mr. Roberts said that I’m only responsible for delivering the phone. My fingerprints can’t appear on the phone.” 

Rose took the phone. She understood the situation. After the bodyguard left, she checked the phone carefully. Then, she turned on WhatsApp and found that there was nothing unusual with her device. She kept the phone. She was very puzzled. Why did Frank take her phone last night? 

Was it to look at Ava’s photos? 

She was too busy at work to ponder over such things. 

At the Wilson’s residence, Rachel and Natalie were still in the living room. Trevon was also chatting with his grandfather in the study. 

Rachel’s personality was cold, to begin with. She is somewhat similar to Trevon yet expresses herself differently. 

However, Rachel is not arrogant. Trevon is arrogant and prideful. It was already not easy for Rachel to say those words to Natalie today. 

Natalie thought Rachel probably wanted harmony in the family too. 

Natalie’s thoughts were interrupted when laughter came from the door. Before she saw her, she heard her voice. His voice was filled with joy as he exclaimed, “Today is a good day. You’re all busy. Finish your work.” 

The person directed the servants, acting like the mistress of the house, her mannerism high and mighty. 

Rachel knew who it was from her voice, but she did not care at all. She could not care less. Rachel did not even raise her head to look and 


focused on helping her grandson with his Lego. 

However, Natalie could not ignore the person who came. After all, she was the young one out of the group and had to put on a pretense even if she was an unwilling party. Otherwise, she would be criticized and embarrass Rachel and Trevon. 

After being together with Trevon, she had more things to consider than when she was single. They were now living in the same household. Natalie raised her head and greeted politely, “Little Aunt.” 

Emily held Max’s hand intimately. Max has not been spending time with Emily and used the excuse of being busy. This made Emily anxious. 

He took the initiative to mention the registration of marriage to Peggy. He even told her that today was an auspicious day. Peggy immediately agreed after hearing it. This was beyond Emily’s expectations. 

Emily was scared that the longer she waited, the more uncertain things would be. As long as they registered their marriage, things were more or less in place. It did not matter when they got engaged. She was nervous as long as their marriage was not registered. If Max were to be seduced by another woman one day, she would lose out big time. It was better to get it done as soon as possible. After registration, she would become a legitimate young matriarch of the family. 

Emily held the marriage certification and proudly addressed Natalie, “Sister-in-law.” 

Emily was unwilling to do so. She thought it was a bad idea. She previously addressed Natalie as “sister” but had to address her as “sister-in-law” going forward. 

Natalie was not blind. How could she not see the marriage certificate in Emily’s hands? Of course, she knew that Emily had deliberately held it. If she did not comment on it, she would make Emily disappointed. 

Natalie congratulated the couple casually. She was sincerely congratulating them. After all, the two contributed to society by being together. “Congratulations on registering your marriage.” 

Emily accepted Natalie’s blessing. She held Max’s hand and sat on the sofa. Just as she was about to say something, she saw another marriage certificate on the coffee table. 

She thought that Natalie was also going to remarry today. She smiled and 

said, “Sister-in-law, did you and Big Brother remarry today too?” 

Peggy was stunned. Remarry? When did they get a divorce? Why didn’t they know? 

Peggy was shocked at the news and raised her voice to exclaim, “You two got divorced and remarried?” 

Back then, she thought that she was divorced. That was why she told Emily and the others that Trevon had nothing to do with her anymore. Now, it seemed that she couldn’t hide the situation any longer. Natalie said, “See for yourself.” 

Throughout the entire process, Rachel ignored the three of them. Max thought that Natalie looked good again today. After taking a few glances, he recalled what Rachel had said over a meal previously. He had no choice but to look away reluctantly. 

As she was in a good mood today, Emily did not notice Max’s gaze on Natalie periodically. 

Emily was only curious about what Natalie meant. When she went to the hospital with her father to beg Natalie, Natalie insisted that she had divorced. At that time, Emily thought that Natalie was a fool. 

Emily passed her marriage certificate to Max and reached for Natalie’s on the table to check. After glancing at the date on the document, she widened her eyes and looked at Natalie, who was sitting calmly. “Aren’t you divorced? Why isn’t the date of marriage today?” 

‘Has it been two years already?’ 

Peggy quickly took the marriage certificate from Emily’s hand and checked it. After reading it, she glared at Emily unhappily and barked, “What nonsense are you talking about?” 

Since the matter was already cleared, Natalie did not want to speak further. It was so quiet as if this matter had nothing to do with her. You guys can solve the case yourselves. 

Rachel stopped what she was doing and reprimanded Emily. “You’re always making a fuss. You can’t bear to see your sister-in-law and brother getting along, right? Why do you have to label her as a divorcee? Didn’t your mother teach you to think before you act? Your mouth is always faster than your brain. If you continue in your ways, you need not come to the Wilson’s residence anymore.” 

Hearing this, Natalie changed her mind. She felt that Rachel wasn’t cold. toward her. She only showed her gentleness and protectiveness for the people she cared about. 

Peggy glared fiercely at Emily. It was better to discipline her rather than leave it to Rachel. Peggy added, “Hurry up and thank Auntie Rachel for her guidance. Don’t listen to rumors in the future.” 

Peggy thought Natalie was incredulous. However, she thought there was more to it. Things could not be as simple as it seemed. Who knew what evil intentions she harbored? 

Emily grabbed her limited edition dress with one hand and apologized unwillingly, “I’m sorry, Sister-in-law. I won’t do it again.” 

Emily initially thought that she could use this bitch to her advantage. To her, the son was Mr. Wilson’s descendant, but the daughter was not. She did not expect the daughter to be Hackett’s. 

She deliberately revealed this matter to Peggy, but she was scolded by Peggy instead. Peggy chided that Emily was stupid and could not even look into such a small matter properly. 

Who could she blame? She had limited funds and could afford to hire. such a good detective. 

It was easier said than done. 

Natalie replied calmly and explained, “This certificate was indeed made up today. It’s just that the previous photo didn’t look too good. Trevon wanted to change his style, so he took a new photo. You should understand that it’s fashionable.” 

Emily thought, “I don’t understand. Are you guys bored out of your mind? A marriage certificate couldn’t have been changed that easily.” 

Peggy laughed to ease the atmosphere and said, “Sister-in-law, what a coincidence for Max and Trevon to register their marriage today. Oh, no, Trevon went to apply for a supplementary copy. This means that today is an auspicious day. Regardless, we should celebrate and let Mary make more dishes today.” 

She was planning to stay for lunch. There was a good reason for her to freeload. 

Rachel and Natalie did not say anything because Peggy would still stay regardless. They might as well save their breath. 

There was a commotion on the second floor. It was Trevon coming out of Theo’s study. Natalie looked in his direction and saw his somber expression. He had been reprimanded by Theo. She frowned slightly. 

Trevon walked straight down the stairs toward Natalie and naturally sat beside her before saying. “Are you eating here?” 

Rachel suggested, “Eat before you leave.” 

Natalie would not object. She had to stay as Rachel had protected her and said. “Eat before you leave.” 

It could also be considered her first meal after Natalie got her 

supplementary marriage certificate. She was just irked that there were some unimportant people around. 


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