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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 313

Chapter 313 

From what place did these exquisite beings emerge, if not from the untamed wilderness itself 

As the quartet of otherworldly women graced the rugged terrain, a newfound guardian spirit materialized alongside. 

Each woman displayed her unique elegance, atured in distinct fashions, radiating diverse charms. Yet, their shared gender was the only commonality among them. 

Under the pergola s shelter, four men engaged in conversation. Three adorned themselves in white short-sleeved shirts, while Hackett stood out with his vibrant attire, an anomaly that set him apart. 

Their discourse spanned topics of commerce and the launch of the research facility. Yet, the entrancing tableau at the villa’s entrance effortlessly diverted their attention, capturing their care and resonating within their hearts. 

Around the table, four pairs of eyes stole glances at the four women. Joseph briefly diverted his gaze toward Ava and Natalie before courteously lowering his head to take a sip Hackett’s eyes were fixed on Sherri a glint of enraptured fascination in his eyes Trevon’s gaze was unyielding, affixed on Natalie, unable to divert his attention 

In comparison, the women maintained a composed demeanor. Their collective focus centered on Frank. All eyes were trained on his countenance, brimming with curiosity over his reaction as Ava graced the scene, each wondering if he would be captivated 

Two words were etched upon each individual’s expression which are curiosity and eagerness. 

Frank was adept at reading expressions, and he naturally picked up on these subtle reactions. 

Women were inherently curious creatures, and Natalie was certainly no exception. Stepping out of the villa, her attention was immediately drawn to Frank. Even with Trevon right there, she couldn’t resist stealing glances at another man. Trevor being astute, could sense the subtle undercurrent of dissatisfaction brewing within himself 

As soon as Ava made her entrance. Frank fell silent. Leaning back in his chair. he exuded an air of casual nonchalance One hand rested on the chair’s back while the other lazily lay on the table. His expression was inscrutable, his piercing eyes squinting slightly as he swept his gaze over Ava from afar. He took a sip of his drink, seemingly untazed. 

A warm radiance seemed to envelop Ava enhancing her presence as the center of attention for the day. Frank’s kren eyes caught every fleeting emotion playing across her face 

The sleek black pants not only flattered her figure but also elongated her legs. The classic black and white ensemble was effortlessly stylish, imparting Ava a fresh, distinct allure With a button of her blouse unfastened at the collar, the creamy expanse of her collarbone was subtly exposed, igniting curiosity 

Ava locked eyes with Frank, a rush of nervous energy coursing through her, causing her heart to race and her chest to flutter. Alex. ever the supportive friend, gently squeezed her waist, infusing her with courage. 

Perhaps it was Ava’s imagination, but she thought she detected a crack in Frank’s typically imperturbable demeanor. A subtle curve played at the corners of his lips, a detail that went unnoticed by most. Their eyes held for mere seconds before Ava lowered her gaze, conceding victory in this silent duel. 

Hackett failed to discern these subtleties. Believing Frank to be composed, he playfully nudged Frank’s shoulder and asked. “Aren’t you making a move?” 

Ah. Joseph’s presence acted as a reminder, tempering any bold inclinations 

Amidst this analysis, Jasper unexpectedly blurted out. “Go for it.” 

Innocent words, spoken innocently. Certainly not in the same context 

With a proud expression, Jasper sought approval from Trevon, as if he had just accomplished a great feat. Trevon, regardless of whether Jasper truly understood, muttered toward Frank. “Frank doesn’t have the nerve.” 

Jasper chimed in. “He’s scared.” 

Hackett had to give the kid a thumbs-up. “Impressive.“ 

Jasper looked satisfied, nodding like an inspector evaluating an employee’s performance, pleased with himself 

Frank didn’t spare a glance at Hackett, finishing his water and swallowing audibly. Trevon, with Joseph present, commented, “Quenched your thirst?” 

Still casting a sideways glance at Ava, Frank lifted his chin slightly at Trevon “Not enough? Need you to fetch some for me!” “Let him stay thirsty.” He wasn’t about to waste his time. It was a rare sight to see this guy back down. He deserved to feel parched, and suffocating would be even more fiting 

Joseph picked up an orange, meticulously peeling it. His tone calm and deliberate, he remarked. “Having an orange to quench your thirst at my place wouldn’t bode well. Mr. Roberts, it’s wiser to cherish your life” 

Frank reached out, taking the orange into his hand. “Absolutely, and for the long haul” 


Joseph caught the subtlety but opted for a knowing smile over exposing it 

Amid their conversation, the group of five had arrived at the edge of the sunshade. Ava displayed a slight flush on her checks, her heartbeat racing. Alex shot a sly glance at the composed Frank, her arm confidently wrapped around Ava’s waist. 

It was a striking sight. 

Frank’s gaze lingered on Alex’s hand. Despite her being a girl, the gesture was strikingly audacious. Yes, audacious. He pressed his lips together, picked up the orange, and took a bite with a nonchalant one-handed maneuver 

In a split second. Alex was taken aback by his intense stare. It was as if this man was devouring her, yet she knew the rules of friendship. One had to stand their ground. If provoking this man was the outcome, then she was willing to play her role. 

The group settled into their seats. 

Natalie instinctively took her place beside Trevon. Once seated. Trevon’s hand grew restless. His broad palm encircled Natalie’s waist. Even through the thin fabric, the warmth of his touch radiated, his subtle yet deliberate caresses sending shivers down her spine, electric current coursing through her entire body. 

After indulging in these playful gestures for a while, Natalie lifted her gaze and shot him a warning look, silently urging him 

to behave. 

After receiving the warning glare, Trevon toned down his actions, yet his hand remained steadfast, gripping her waist firmly. He refused to let her slip away. She tilted slightly, compelled to tug her chair closer to him. 

With the distance shortened, Trevon found satisfaction in the adjustment, a subtle smirk playing on his lips. 

Alex settled into a nearby seat, followed by Ava, Joseph, Frank, Hackett, and Sherri 

Rose stood by the table, sensing the informality of the arrangement. She leaned in to murmur a few words to Hackett. In the next instant, Hackett guided a puzzled Sherri to rise, situating her across from Frank and beside Trevon 

Once Hackett settled, Rose leisurely positioned herself beside Frank, her hand lightly resting on his shoulder. Her weight leaned into him, her pleased gaze sweeping the scene. “Ah, just right. This is how it’s meant to be.” 

An assertive force abruptly brushed away the hand resting on Frank’s shoulder. He gently guided Rose back into her seat and inquired. “Planning to head back in the evening or early tomorrow?” 

They had arrived on a Friday, and now it was already Monday. Their leave was up, and work beckoned the next day. If they were returning, it made sense to do so in the evening. Joseph had mentioned escorting her home, but the thought left an undertone of solitude. 

At the question, Ava faltered for a moment. Her initial determination seemed to waver. Her shoulders sagged, and Joseph reached out to encircle her with his arm, quickly adjusting her ponytail. “Let’s savor the cake and keep our spirits high. You never know. There might be a surprise waiting for us tonight” 

Ava’s mind had already begun to wander. Would he be going back with her? 

Weren’t his intentions here to declare his feelings, to pursue her? 

Was he leaving before even getting the chance to do so? 

Separated by Joseph, Frank couldn’t catch a glimpse of Ava’s expression. Noting Rose’s lack of response, he said, “If you’re not up for heading back, you can take a day off. I’m a bit tied up to escort you.” 

No time to escort her back? Was he planning on staying? 

The cake in Ava’s hands suddenly seemed much sweeter, her mood lifting. On the sidelines, Joseph released a relieved sigh and shook his head with frustration and amusement. 

Suddenly rising from his seat, he addressed the group. “I’ve got some company matters to attend to. Have a good time, and if you need anything, just let Trevon know, and he’ll take care of it 

Trevon? Natalie and Trevon shared a chuckle at the term. Indeed, Joseph had a sense of humor. 

With a cheerful nod, Trevon said, “You can count on me, Joseph. I’ll play the role of the gracious host” 

After Joseph left, a vacant spot was now between Frank and Ava. Rose quickly noticed and made a sly attempt to seize the opportunity, but her hand was swiftly caught in a firm grip. Meeting Frank’s warning gaze, she lifted an eyebrow. “What’s the deal?” 

“Stay where you are,” Frank’s tone was a mix of firmness. 


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