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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 318

Chapter 318 

Engrossed in their discussion, Ava and Frank unconsciously drew many complex gazes from the students nearby. 

Countless looks of envy, jealousy, and disdain were all cast their way.. 

Not far from the pair, two girls engaged in a relentless whisper, their conversation a tapestry of speculation. Their gazes were anything but discreet as they remained fixated on the man seated across from Ava. 

One of the girls held a book in one hand, a pen in the other, and a notebook was placed on her side. This pair was none other than the identical girls who had approached Frank earlier. 

There was another girl who was sharing the table with them. Together, the three women instantly formed a gossip group. 

The girl majoring in broadcasting scoffed angrily as she said, “What is the big deal? He is just taken. There was no need for him to act all high and mighty just now.” 

Her female companion, who was more pragmatic, advised her as she said, “Concentrate on your studies. He might just be reserved. If he responded to your greeting, would that not be disingenuous?” 

In any case, this girl felt that the man’s actions were proper. Having a girlfriend while entertaining advances from others was certainly disingenuous behavior. Pursuing one individual at a time was the only fair approach. 

The girl, who was sharing the table, briefly glanced toward the couple. In a hushed tone, she asked, “Are you discussing the couple over there?” 

The broadcasting major girl remained dissatisfied. It was her first time encountering a man who treated her with such indifference. Annoyed, she pursed her lips and replied, “Yeah, do you know that guy?” 

She had heard of Ava’s name before, as Ava was renowned for her beauty and amiability. Besides, Ava also had many admirers. It was said that the pursuits of others did not easily sway Ava. However, she had never met or seen this specific guy before. He had even indicated he was not from their institution, implying his association with another. His handsomeness would have garnered him fame if he were from Sapphire City University. 

The girl at their table retrieved her phone and shared an online forum post with the pair. The post featured a picture of Ava and the other person, Frank. The image portrayed Ava clutching a mask while the individual gently wiped her tears. The man’s gaze seemed tender, and it was laced with a trace of indulgence and anguish. 

“They are a couple. There’s no doubt after seeing them together,” the broadcasting major girl asserted, preempting the need to see the photo for confirmation. 

The girl at their table divulged information in a low voice, saying, “No, they are not. A student of the computer science department told me that Ava initially pursued the man but was subsequently rejected. She feigned distress, and then the man had initiated pursuit here.” 

This was the nature of gossip. With each recount, the information morphed from one iteration to the next to a point where the truth became murky. 

Different versions circulated among social groups, and the emotional consequences of these tales were often disregarded. 

“So, she pursued them first. That explains it” the broadcasting major girl responded with a blend of scorn and disdain. 

Suddenly, a “man” wearing a mask settled beside them. A look of curiosity was plastered on the girls’ faces. “What’s the chatter about? Fill me in,” the “man” said. 

The girls at the table glanced at the “male” classmate who joined them. One of them inquired curiously, “Are you guys as drawn to gossip as we are?” 

“Hey, gossip is not constrained by gender. It’s a human tendency. It’s more entertaining when we share information with one another,” Alex responded. Her expression indicated she was present to revel in the drama. 

If invited to participate in the gossip, all girls would undoubtedly oblige. The girls at the table began to recount the gossip tale in great detail. 

Alex kept her mask on throughout the conversation. Her voice was naturally low, creating an impression of gender ambiguity. After hearing the gossip tale, Alex corrected the group, saying, “You have all the facts wrong. Where did you pick up this misinformation? It’s entirely off the mark. Let me correct this for you. The man did not reject Ava. This person noticed her when she visited her sister’s city. You know what?” 

Alex addressed the trio of girls with a hint of amusement. She continued, half-serious and half-joking, saying, “Then, you know, our Ava from the university is quite something. She turned this person down despite their relentless pursuit. Yet, upon her return, the man employed all means to get closer to Ava. On the day of the competition, the man even arranged for a delivery rider to present Ava with 11 roses. Eleven roses, you grasp the significance, don’t you? It means utter devotion.” Alex reshaped the narrative’s protagonist. After all, speculation would thrive where truth remained elusive, Who could not concoct stories? She emphasized again. “There is no room for doubt. This is the real truth. Just look at that picture. Their gaze is rife with tenderness and affection. Scrutinize it. Ponder it deeply.” 

The three girls regarded Alex’s words with confusion and reluctant belief. After all, Alex had delivered her account with such 


precision and conviction. Alex’s version of events appeared reasonable when they examined the photo through the phone’s 


The broadcasting major girl was consumed by envy. What was Ava’s secret? It boiled down to slightly enhanced looks, tinged with innocence and sweetness. She, too, possessed such allure 

Alex’s brief dialogue had successfully twisted the narrative. It was not entirely fabricated. Frank’s pursuit of Ava was genuine. The episode involving the II roses was also accurate. Alex had not fabricated these details. She had only changed the protagonist of the story. 

The girl majoring in broadcasting clung to two pivotal details: the first is that the young man who pursued Ava had faced rejection yet persevered. The second is that he hailed from a city beyond Sapphire City’s borders. Curiosity spurred her to address Alex and ask. “He’s not affiliated with Sapphire City, am I right? He stated he was from Homeschooled University, but where is that situated?” 

Beneath her mask. Alex’s countenance registered surprise. She asked, “Which university?” 

“Homeschooled University,” the broadcasting major girl repeated. 

“Are you certain about the name?” Alex questioned. She found herself increasingly puzzled. The moniker sounded almost like a made-up word. 

The broadcasting major girl nodded affirmatively, and Alex stifled a grin. Standing up. Alex said, “Well, that could be a well-known institution over there. Anyway, focus on your studies. I’m heading out. Oh, and keep this information to yourself. These are insider information. Ironically, some people believed that Ava was the one pursuing him.” 

After Alex’s departure, the trio of girls released sighs of contemplation. They pondered why such a handsome individual was not pursuing them. Their envy was evident. 

Afterward, Alex made a discreet exit from the library. Curiosity piqued, she messaged Ava, asking [Hey, could you ask Frank what Homeschooled University is?] 

While Ava was engrossed in the lecture, the buzzing of her phone on the desk disrupted her focus. She sneakily stole a glance at the device, reading the notification. 

“Go ahead and check it,” Frank gently said as he halted mid-lecture, 

Every minuscule motion and expression of Ava was perceptible to Frank. Nothing eluded his attention, and he was merely playing along. 

“Oh,” Ava responded as she openly picked up her phone, a playful smile gracing her lips. 

Reading the message, Ava’s brows knitted in confusion as she thought, “What is this university? Should I approach Frank to clarify this?” Yet something about the message felt peculiar. After rereading it several times, she surrendered the thought. 

She scratched her neck and propped her chin on her hand. Her lengthy eyelashes fluttered gently, and her gaze flowed tenderly as she asked, “Mr. Roberts, what is Homeschooled University?” 

This query prompted Frank to momentarily pause his lecture, a fleeting grin curving his lips. He sent the correct name to Ava via text. [Home-Schooled University I 

A faint buzz urged Ava to inspect her phone. Confronted with the words on the screen, she could no longer suppress her reaction. She placed her hand on the desk and buried her face within her arm, her shaking shoulders belying her genuine 


Chuckling unreservedly, Frank rested his phone on the desk. He folded his arms across his chest and reclined against the chair. Resuming the lecture could wait; the girl’s joy took precedence for now. 

Observing Ava, who was immersed in unrestrained laughter, he succumbed to the contagion of joy. 

Arching an eyebrow, he inquired, “Is it amusing?” 

Following her laughter, Ava yearned to applaud him, and she pondered, “How did he think of this? So inventive.” Despite the lingering smile, her breathing remained uneven as she supported herself on her elbows, trained her gaze on the impassive Frank, and asked, “Where did you come up with this phrase? Is there a source?” 

Frank sustained his gaze, uttering a single word. With an air of tranquility, he replied, “Yes.” 

Meeting Ava’s direct, inquisitive stare, Frank preempted her question, replying, “I’m at home every day. Isn’t that akin to attending Home-schooled University?” 

The girl had not inquired about his profession, solely about the university. Since he was presently unaffiliated with an institution, why not dub it Home-schooled University? The name seemed fitting enough. 

Ava’s hand covered her forehead, following her attentive listening, her laughter reverberating. With one hand still veiling her face, she extended her other hand and gave Frank an appreciative thumbs-up. 

Frank observed the pale and slender outstretched hand before him. An internal impetus propelled him, prompting the uncrossing of his arms. His hand ascended, capturing her delicate fingers and delicately lowering them onto the table. The motion flowed seamlessly, exuding a naturalness that bordered on the ethereal. His lips parted, and his voice emerged, 


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