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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 334

Chapter 334 

At the airport in Athana, Frank brought Ava to Grand Manor for a meal. After they finished eating, he drove straight to the airport. 

According to the plan, Ava was going to board the plane at half past one. The duration of the flight was about four hours, s0 it was almost dinner time by the time she arrived home. 

The bodyguards who secretly tailed after her were already waiting on the plane. Joseph was the one that made this arrangement for her before he left 

At the car park of the airport, there was a black off-roader. It had an impressive and imposing appearance. The black exterior of the car glistened in the reflected light, giving off a mysterious and impressive vibe. There was a lot of space in the 


Two people who were reluctant to part from each other were sitting inside and holding hands. The girl’s eyes welled up with tears, gradually blurring her vision. Parting was always sad. Rarely did people bid farewell with a smile. Even if they smiled, their hearts were filled with anguish. 

This was especially the case for lovers who were deeply in love 

Frank sat in the driver’s seat. His heart ached. After a while, he said, “Tll accompany you back.” 

Ava shook her head slightly. She was fine. It was just that she could not bear to leave. She was not that insensible. The round. trip of about eight hours was exhausting. There would surely be more farewells in the future. She still had a long period of studies ahead. It would not be practical to send her back every time only to return a 


Frank leaned over, unbuckled her seatbelt, and exerted strength to lift her onto his lap. His strength was remarkable, causing Ava to instinctively wrap her arms tightly around his neck. 

He shifted the seat backward, as if he was preparing for something. The space in front of the seat instantly became much more spacious. Ava did not feel any sense of crowding at all. 

She had a lingering attachment for Frank’s scent, and she did not want to leave for a moment. She buried her entire head in his neck and wrapped her arms tightly around him, refusing to let go. His hands remained still and calm, resting on her waist without any movement. 

The next moment. Ava moved backward slightly. She cradled Frank’s face with both hands and looked at it carefully. With one hand, she traced his handsome features. Frank’s eyes looked serious, but he cooperatively stayed still, allowing her to fiddle around. 

She traced for a while. Frank then asked, “Can you commit then to memory?” 

“Yes,” Ava said. “Eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, nose, mouth…” She liked these features. They had already been engraved in her mind. How could she not be able to commit them to memory? 

Frank looked at the young girl whose eyes were filled with a great sense of reluctance and affection. He could not hold back anymore. He moved one of his hands upward slowly and held the back of her head, gently controlling her head with his broad palin. 1lis other hand firmly held her waist in place. 

Two warm lips were engaged in an uninhibited exchange. Their teeth were slowly pried apart. Affectionate feelings wandered between their lips, taking possession of their lips. It was as if they were marking territory with drawn boundaries. Having experienced it once, Ava knew that she needed to breathe and pant. She clumsily responded to Frank’s rhythm. When he received a response, he looked as if he had been injected with stunulants. In the end, he lost control. 

His warm lips no longer craved the exchange between lips and teeth. Ava’s ear became a new target, and her neck was the second goal. His breath left its trace wherever it touched. Even when Ava’s face flushed with great intensity, Frank still could not control himself. He did not pull away. He lowered his head and kissed her again. He wanted to act in an unrestrained 

manner for once. 

The long kiss in the car was unrestrained. The enclosed space was filled with romantic undertones and the overflowing expression of affectionate feelings. It was unknown how long the kiss lasted. Ava’s lips were stained. It was only then that Frank panted heavily and pulled away. 

The roles were now reversed. Frank buried his head in Ava’s fragrant neck and panted heavily. His calm and hoarse voice could be heard coming from Ava’s neck. “Baby Ava, what should I do with you?” he asked. 

Ava was stunned. She did not know what Frank meant. She thought Frank was also reluctant to part with her. 

Frank kissed her fragrant shoulder and took a deep breath. Then, he straightened up. He gently tidied her messy hair with one hand. He was responsible for causing her hair to turn messy. “Your hair is messy,” he said. Teach me. I’ll help you tie it up.” 

She smiled gently, and the warm sunshine once again found its way into Frank’s heart. Her sweet and soft voice could be heard. “Okay,” she said. 

After saying that, she was indeed not at all restrained. She opened the app on her phone and searched for tutorials on 


braiding hair. She entered “fishbone braid” into the search bar. 

In an instant, many braiding tutorials appeared on the screen. Ava scrolled through the screen and chose a simple tutorial. She opened it and placed her phone on a stand, allowing Frank to watch. 

The atmosphere of intimacy in the car was dispelled by this topic. Frank did not put Ava back in her seat. She remained seated on his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. 

Ava lowered her gaze and noticed that Frank’s hands were slender and delicate. In comparison to a girl’s hands, his hands were not inferior to a girl’s. Perhaps piano teachers would like his hands very much upon seeing them. 

Frank watched the video attentively. After watching it for a while, it appeared that he understood. He released his hold on Ava’s waist. Then, he gently untangled her disheveled hair, following the instructions in the video step by step. He displayed good learning abilities. His hands were not clumsy like his feet. Naturally, the braiding he did was not unattractive. On the contrary, it looked nice. 

In no time, a completely new fishbone braid, which was Frank’s version, came into existence. Ava lightly touched it and found it quite nice. She turned around with an expectant look, seeking permission. “Can I take a photo of us?” she asked. 

Frank gave his permission. “Sure,” he said. 

Today, Frank had unknowingly learned a brand new skill. That skill was braiding. 

Sitting on Frank’s lap, Ava opened her phone. The corners of her lips lifted, revealing a smile that came from the heart. Frank’s thin lips curled up slightly too. The curvature of their smiles was quite similar. When they entered the same frame, there was an illusion that they looked like a married couple. 

Ava wanted to take a few more photos, so she could look at them whenever she missed Frank. Click Click Click. She took over a dozen photos. Then, she took a photo album of her fishbone braid. After taking the photos, she smuggled into Frank’s arms and posted them on her social media. She uploaded the photos of her hairstyle that she had just taken. ‘One-of-a-kind boyfriend’s version of fishbone braid” was the caption. 

After posting, she smuggled up for a while before getting out of the car. It was already half past two. Any later would mean that it would be dark when she returned home. 

The two of them were already standing outside the car, facing each other. Frank said again, I’ll send you back.” 

Ava declined again. She showed no signs of having any emotional burden. “It’s okay,” she said casually. “Ill be fine. Goodbye, boyne. Im leaving now. Be sure to miss me.” 

Ava’s face was filled with a blissful smile and reassuring affection. Seeing this, Frank could not bear to let her go. He reached. out and pulled her into his arms again, hugging her tightly. “Goodbye, girllie, he said. 

Tears welled up in Ava’s eyes again. The airplane’s fuselage gradually blurred. ‘T’ll miss you like hell, she said. 

“Min Frank replied “Send me a message when you arrive.” 

“Okay,” Ava replied obediently. 

Frank escorted her to the plane. He controlled his emotions and got off the plane. He leaned against the black off-roader, pursed his lips without saying a word, and smoked one cigarette after another. He looked up at the plane that soared into the sky. Even though it had vanished from sight, he was still there. He did not leave. 

He stepped into the driver’s compartment of his car and quietly looked at the azure sky. The scent left behind by Ava lingered in the car. It was comforting. 

Ava said that she would deduct points last night, but in the end, she could not bring herself to deduct even a single point.. In the Wilson’s residence, the atmosphere was especially harmonious and warm at the dining table. Natalie had been living in the Wilson’s residence for a few days. Every day, Trevon would pick her up and drop her off for work. She started to miss her own beloved car a little, but she hesitated to use it at the Wilson’s residence as it might not be well-received by her mother-in-law 

Lately. Theo had been in a great mood. He enjoyed the pleasure of family life every day. He felt like he might have added a few more years to his life, and perhaps he would even live long enough to see the birth of his great-granddaughter or great-grandson. 

Theo picked up a pork rib and placed it in the bowl. He said affectionately. ‘Natalie, I’ve helped you identify some wedding dates. One is April 8th, and the other is April 18th. May 1st is also a good option. Choose the one you prefer. I’ll go along with your preference.” 

Trevon, who did not express his opinion throughout the discussion, was eating seriously. He did not even raise his head. “I don’t have to do anything today, he thought. “As long as I’m the groom on the wedding day, I’m fine with every 


Natalie now highly valued Rachel’s opinion. Rachel treated her better than before. Although Rachel did not say much, Natalie could sense it. People who were emotionally sensitive could keenly perceive changes in their surroundings, noticing even the smallest of actions or gestures. 

They were more adept at sensitively capturing key messages compared to the average people. 

“Caleb, Rachel. Trevon, which date do you think is better?” she said. Respecting each other was also a necessary aspect of politeness that one should learn. 


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