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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 363

Chapter 363 

At the Blackwell family’s house. 

Hackett stared at Frank’s message and fell into deep thought. 

He became fixated on losing the debate about the gene of twins. He suddenly experienced a flash of inspiration and shouted at Sherri, who was reading a parenting book on the bed, “Baby, I have an excellent idea. Do you want to hear it?” 

As he spoke, he climbed onto the bed and smiled brightly. 

Sherri held the book and looked up to see a hint of conspiracy in Hackett’s eyes. 

He did not hide it at all. Even a blind person could sense it. 

“You’re not telling me you can’t resist your urge and want to get a lover?” This was Sherri’s first reaction. After all, she could not make out with him now. 

Hackett thought, “Oh my. Where’s that thought come out?” 

He raised his hand and swore. “What are you thinking about? Honey, I don’t have the urge or the guts to do this. Don’t worry. It’s already tiresome enough for me to distribute seeds on your land. I’ll be crazy if I dare to find another one.” 

With that said, Sherri’s expression immediately softened. The corners of her mouth turned high, and her eyes lit up. She was satished with his answer. “Then what do you want to tell me?” 

Hackett leaned against the back of the bedside and said in a scheming tone. “Natalie is pregnant, right? Frank said in the group chat that this gene came from Ava’s family, so Natalie’s pregnancy with twins is 100%; due to the gene. It definitely has nothing to do with Trevon. If Natalie’s twins will have a daughter and we a son, how about we let them be together in the future?” 

Sherri felt it was a good idea, yet, she had already arranged for Ruby’s future boyfriend. “Hackett, but Ruby is going to be with Jasper” 

On the day of her pregnancy test, Sherri also said she wanted another betrothal of her kid and Natalie’s. Later, when she went home and thought about it again, this idea seemed strange. 

If she was pregnant with a son and her son was engaged to Natalie’s daughter, her son would also be Ruby’s brother-in-law. It would be too weird. 

Harkett was upset. “No. I don’t want Ruby to be Trevon’s daughter-in-law. Absolutely not. If the little one in your belly is a boy, I want Trevon’s daughter to be my daughter-in-law. If a girl, 1 want her to stay away from Trevon’s three sons in the 


Sherri was speechless. Hackett was a crazy protector of his daughter, even though he was unsure if he would have one now. 

At last, Sherri was convinced by Hackett’s words. 

Sherri did not tell Hackett that she liked Jasper very much, though she would not interfere with Ruby’s future love life. 

In the blink of an eye, it was the following Sunday. 

Natalie and Sherri were at home with their husbands and children this weekend. 

Only Rose, the single one, was bored. When she went to the pier to look for her brother, Frank only held his phone and smiled like a fool. 

Rose could not stand the lovey-dovey vibe around her. She needed to find a quiet place to cleanse her mind. 

She did not want to be immersed in the thought that she was lonely. 

Panting, Rose climbed up to the tallest church in Athana. It was in a lush area surrounded by mountains and towering ancient trees. One could smell the scent of nature with a light breath 

It was quiet around the church in the early morning. One could hear the church bells ring, calling the faithful to worship and purify their souls. 

Rose walked toward the entrance and took a brochure of the church and welcome packets. She even put a donation in one of the offertory boxes. 

She took the things and walked inside the church. This was her first time coming to the church. She observed other people’s etiquettes and how they worshipped. She took a seat, and after watching for a while, she seemed to have learned it. 

Rose memorized other people’s movements. She folded her lands, bowed her head, and kneeled on the kneeling of a pew. She began to pray sincerely. 

When she closed her eyes, a man came to the pew and knelt beside her. He was also praying in the same posture. 

Rose prayed silently. “May Grace and William be safe, healthy, and have a great day every day. May my brother be with Ava happily for the rest of their lives. I hope Natalie and Sherri can give birth to their babies safely. May God bless me to be 


She only opened her eyes after praying all she wanted. 

When she got up, Rose saw a person wearing black jeans, a creain-colored shirt with black pinstripes, and a pair of white shoes with air cushions. 

It was Sherri’s brother as well as Rose’s savior. What a coincidence! 

Perhaps sensing the scorching gaze on the side, Edward opened his eyes and looked at the person beside her. His eyes widened in a second. 

Edward’s mouth tell agape. 

“Miss Roberts?” Edward exclaimed in surprise, 

He felt that he had been a little troubled recently, so he came to the church to pray and find inner peace. He did not expect 

to meet Rose here. 

Rose was also surprised. “Hey, what a coincidence. But you should probably finish your prayer before we talk.” 

It was disrespectful and insincere to chat while praying. 

“Alright.” Edward continued to close his eyes, but there were doubts in his heart. 

The bodyguards in the dark were astounded again. They already could not believe their eyes to see Rose climbing the mountain so early in the morning. Now that they felt even more unbelievable to see Edward here. 

One of them said. “The places where Miss Roberts dates with Mr. Landor are unusual.” 

Another one echoed, “Tell me about it. Last time, they drove the car to the countryside and then returned. This time, they clunbed the highest church. Perhaps that’s what rich people like to do.” 

“Well, their relationship is much more interesting than Frank’s” 

“That’s for sure. Miss Roberts is a girl full of whims. Didn’t she ride a dude’s electric motorcycle at the pier and have a crash a few days ago? She rode the motorcycle and knocked off the car door of Frank’s project partner” 

“Miss Roberts is awesome. I admire her. There aren’t many people who come to the church to have a date.” 

“Maybe they hope that God could bless them. Let’s just follow them.” 

Rose stood outside the church and looked down at the foot of the mountain. It was tall. No wonder so many people came to worship. Firstly, climbing up could show their sincerity. Secondly, it was quiet at such a high place. Even if people did not come to the church, they could have inner peace from nature. 

The sunlight shone on the man who came out of the door. His tall figure stepped out of the door. He was refined and elegant. In ancient times, Edward might have been a gracelul young prince. 

Rose stared at Edward for a few seconds before looking away. 

Edward came out from inside and looked up at Rose, wearing a cream-colored hoodie and pants. It was simple and neat. He took a step forward politely “Miss Roberts, are you religious?” 

Edward was not an indifferent person. He was careful and gentle. He would not ignore someone he knew. 

Rose smiled. The sun shone on her body, making her feel even warmer. “How should I put it? Those who came here might not necessarily be religious Perhaps there are things they wish to come true. Would it be rude for me to say so?” 

Edward agreed with what Rose had said. The people who came to the church might not be religious. Some might have been devout, while some might be desperate and have no places to go. In short, only those who prayed knew what they prayed for. 

It was just like how not all the people who went to the City Hall and got married were in love with each other. Some might make do with each other, some might get married by agreement, and some might be together out of love. Only they knew 

the reason. 

Edward was still holding the church brochure. He said calinly, “No. I think it might be the truth.” 

It suddenly occurred to Edward that this place was quite far from the city. He did not think Rose could drive here herself with her poor driving skills. “Did you drive here yourself, Miss Roberts?” 

Hearing this, Rose said faster than she could think, “I took a taxi.* 

She repeated, “Right. I took a taxi here.” 

For some reason, Edward felt it was suitable for her to take a taxi. At least, it would be better than her driving. Rose’s driving was dangerous, and she might kill herself if she was not careful enough. 


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