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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 371

Chapter 371 

With a tall height, it was inconvenient and awkward to climb from the driver’s seat to the passenger’s seat to open the door. 

Fortunately, no one could not see through his window. 

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing for him. 

Edward realized that ever since he met Miss Rose of the Roberts family, embarrassing things seemed to happen one after another Moreover, he could not predict what would happen next. He was always caught off guard. 

It was something that had no happened in his life. 

The bodyguard parked on the other side quietly watched Edward get out of the passenger seat. 

He was dumbfounded. Tom said. “The way these two people date is quite unique.” 

The girlfriend blocked her boyfriend’s car door, who climbed from the driver’s seat to the passenger’s seat to follow her into the hospital. 

Indeed, rich people’s relationships were so strange 

Edward’s target was a man in black. He held a medical insurance card, a hat, and a surgical mask. That man looked like a patient who had visited the hospital to see a doctor 

However, Edward knew that this man wasn’t. It wasn’t that his back betrayed him, but the way he walked was flawed. 

Rose had just entered the consultation room and was about to change into her white coat. For the first time, she did not arrive just in time She woke up a few minutes early to avoid Tom, who wanted to drive her to work. 

The consultation room door was pushed open, and a man came in. She looked puzzled, but after thinking about it, it was normal. It might be the parent of a child. 

She buttoned up her white coat and politely introduced herself, “Sir, are you here to bring your kid to see the doctor? The consultation. oom is only open ten minutes later Please sit outside and wait for the call 

The man held the medical record documents and did not move His gaze was fixed on Rose’s face. The more he looked at her, the better she looked. This woman became more mature and attractive after not seeing her for a few years. 

The moment the man took off has mask. Rose’s smile froze. Her entire body froze, and she was dumbfounded but not afraid. 

She spoke coldly, “What’s the matter?” 

The man sat down on the chair. “Rose, I want us to get back together” 

Rose felt that sounded more like wanting her to die. 

She had never been so calm before. Slowly, she stood upright with her hands in her pockets, and hei delicate face turned cold. “Samson, I remember my brother hitting your leg, not your brain. How did you get this crazy idea? 

“If something is wrong with your brain, my friend is from the neurology department. I can arrange for you to get a full checkup and take it as me doing a good deed” 

Rose looked down at him as if she was looking at something dirty 

He was not angry. Instead, he looked as if Rose owed him. He was very confident and felt that Rose should get back together with him and look after him. After all, his leg was broken by Frank. Rose should feel guilty. 

This was what he had always thought. He had thought about it before, but Rose had gone overseas. He did not dare to threaten Frank. However, if Rose were to date him again, Frank would not dare to lay his hands on him just because of Rose. 

The title of the Roberts family’s son-in-law would allow him to make a comeback. 

Samson began to blame others. “I was also tricked by that woman back then, Rose. She didn’t like me at all. She just wanted to snatch it from you.” 

Rose had no interest in listening to this man’s history of two-timing. It was disgusting. Once again, it proved how blind she was. She felt sorry for Grace, William, and her brother. “Please leave within five minutes. Otherwise, I’ll call security.” 

Samson could tell that Rose did not miss him. Her gaze on him filled with indifference and hatred. He might be dragged out of the room if he continued to pester her. It seemed that being the Roberts family’s son-in-law was not that easy. Before leaving, he had to ask for money to sustain his daily life. “I can leave, but your brother crippled my leg. All the hardships I endured over the years were because of you. I didn’t look for your brother because of you. Your brother broke my leg, and I can’t find a good job now.” 

Rose spoke out for her brother. “Samson, why didn’t I realize you’re thick-skinned and useless? If you weren’t two-timing. my brother would not have done that to you. Don’t think that the world owes you anything. When will you return the money you borrowed from me back then?” 

In the past, she had become friends with Samson because she was naive. They had a good relationship, Samson had lived in 


the countryside since he was young. Because his parents wanted to murture him into a successful person, his family rented a house in Athana 

Sunce she became friends with Samson, Samson, who loved at ting, would always let Rose see his pain. Kind and silly as she was, she would always lend him all the money she saved and never ask him to return it, not even mentioning it on the day they broke up. 

Although Samson did not specify how much compensation he wanted, he was trying to remind her that her brother had caused him to lose his joli. 

In the past, she couldn’t tell how cunning he was. Now, she didn’t need to use her brain to figure out his motive. It was as if she was not blinded by love anymore. 

Since they were talking about money now, Rose had to say she was no longer the stupid Rose from back then. She took the mitiative and sand. “Let’s settle the money you owe me first. I’m generous and don’t remember the exact amount, but I remember it is about 1 thousand dollars. I won’t ask you to return the rest. Do you want to return them to me by cash or bank transfer? Choose what’s more convenient for you.” 


expression turned gloomy. He was here to ask for money, not to return it. When did this woman become so 

“Don’t you think you should give me money? Didn’t I suffer all these years because of your family?” 

Samson was also infuriated as he gritted his teeth 

Rose sighed as she thought. “Look! He can’t hide his true self anymore” She once again felt that she was possessed back then. Why didn’t Grace take her to the neurology department to look at her brain? What an embarrassing history in her life. She said, “Sir, I seriously suspect your brain is fried. Go out and turn left, then go to the 8th floor using the elevator The neurology department is where you should go. This is the pediatrics department. Please leave. If you want me to check on your brain, you must remcarnate into an infant again” 

Samson saw that Rose was not so easily fooled and was very angry. He stood up and was about to hold Rose’s hand, but she quickly stepped back and said sternly, “Get out” 

Her patiener had reached its hirmut. 

It was unrealistic to want to have a good chat “The Roberts family is rich and powerful now. To the Roberts family, giving me a little compensation is like pliking a strand of hair from a row. I don’t want a lot 2 million dollars is enough. I know you have it on you Your brother treats you very well. You have it. Once I get the money, I promise to leave immediately. and never appear before you again” 

2 million dollar Why did everyone want to get 2 million dollars? The person who threatened Natalie last time also wanted this number. Was this number so popular now? Had everyone gone mnsane? 

Did they think the money came from the sky? Even if she had the money, she would rather donate it to charity than give it to him. 

Grace and the others earned the money hard. In the past, she had not seen them working hard to make money up close. In the past Tew days, she had been cooped up at the pier with her brother after work every day to see her brother’s hard work with her eyes. He had been working overtime Sometimes, she would accompany him until very late before returning to her house 

The Roberts family’s money didn’t come from nowhere. Her brothers earned it through hard work. They just didn’t put pressure on her 

Rose refused without thinking “No, even if I had it, I wouldn’t give it to you. You don’t deserve it.” 

Samson was infuriated because Frank had told him the same thing, “You don’t deserve my sister. Get lost.” 

He, who had always thought he was outstanding, could not listen to others looking down upon him. He felt that his self-esteem had been thwarted 

Samson, who had lost his mind, dashed toward Rose. But before he could pounce on her, someone grabbed the back of his neck, and he fell hard against the door as pain struck him. 

Rose had just picked up the kettle and was still holding it in the air when she saw Edward’s tall figure rush in. It was like a light that shone on her from nowhere, making her dazed for a moment. 

“Are you alright?” A gentle voice pulled Rose back to reality. 

She nodded her head to indicate that she was fine 

Dressed in a suit, Edward pushed up his glasses and glanced at the man who wanted to attack him. He reached out to grab him again and turned to ask Rose. “Do you want to call the police?” 

Rose put down the kettle. She did not expect Samson to attack her in a place like the hospital. “Call the police. We can’t fight violence with violence. We are law-abiding citizens.” 


Edward continued subsdung the man on the wall, and Rose called the police. Soon, the nearest police officer took Samson 

Rose had to start working bibward was a witness. Thinking that people would be coming just to see Rose, Edward told the police that he could cooperate with the police to make a statement after witnessing the incident. 

When Sherri came to look for Rose, she was so surprised that her jaw dropped. Her brother was walking with the police behind ham “Brother, what’s wrong?” 

Her voice sounded surprised. 

“I caught a bad guy. Why are you going to Rose’s office so early in the morning instead of going to work? Don’t run around. Do you hear me?” She was pregnant but still liked to walk around, especially during work hours. 

Sherri nodded and went to Rose’s consultation room with doubt. Unfortunately, she had limited time and had to go to work. 

Rose briefly explained the situation. Sherri left with a sympathetic look. “Rose. I think you need to check your eyes. What kind of a man did you choose lack then?” 

“Sigh! I’m sure everyone has a jerk ex-boyfriend. Let’s get back to work. Besides, you would make me feel embarrassed of myself if you continue saying that.” 

Sherri stood from her married perspective and suggested, “Forget it. I’ll check on your future boyfriend before you date him. I’m very worried about your taste in man.” 

“Got it, Sherri Hurry up and go to work. Be careful.” 

Rose reminded her carefully. 

Sherri strode out of the consultation room. Rose shook her head as she watched. She turned on her computer and prepared to call the number. 


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