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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 377

Chapter 377 

After departing from the Roberts family, only Edward remained on the journey back. 

The entire drive remained tranquil. Instead of immediately leaving the Roberts family, Edward drove for a while before pulling over on a side road. 

He took a cigarette in the car, opened the window, propped his left hand on the window ledge, and let his right hand rest on the steering wheel. He absentmindedly tapped the steering wheel and glanced at the backseat, finding the silence in the car too pronounced. 

With the cigarette lit, smoke filled the air, obscuring his already decent and handsome face. A strand of moonlight illuminated the front of the car, casting light on the depth of his heart. 

It felt as though he had found redemption. 

Edward was naturally intelligent and perceptive of his surroundings. His insight was keen, so he realized early on that Natalie hadn’t shown any interest in him. He saw it clearly. He had long noticed the issues with his mother’s behavior and 

Hackett’s evasiveness. 

Lately, Juana had occasionally been bringing up his blind date experiences and asking if there were any girls he was interested in. It was a subtle way of nudging him towards marriage, even though she had never explicitly mentioned this topic. 

Edward’s idea about relationships was simple. To engage in a meaningful relationship, his heart must be unburdened. Otherwise, it would be unfair to the girl involved. 

May 1st quickly arrived. 

Today was the engagement party for Sherri and Hackett. Throughout the day, major media outlets announced the Landor and Blackwell families engagement. To prevent potential malicious rumors, both families revealed the love birds had already obtained a marriage license and announced their wedding date as July 7th. 

This tactic effectively silenced those who sought to fuel gossip, but it couldn’t stifle the pangs of jealousy. Some still believed Sherri had been pregnant before the engagement. 

The banquet was hosted at Grand Manor. 

Luxury cars kept arriving at the luxury hotel entrance, carrying guests to the engagement party. Everyone was dressed to the nines, showing their radiating charm and beauty. 

Natalie donned a light blue strapless evening gown that resembled a starry sky. The dress was slightly loose, and soft blue gemstones adorned her fair neck. Her wavy hair fell over her shoulders. 

Trevon wore a black suit emphasizing his tall and lean frame, and he elegantly held Natalie’s waist as they entered. His steps were slow, following hers. 

A good-looking man and a beautiful woman were always objects of envy. 

In the distance, many people were already whispering. Natalie also noticed a few women discreetly exchanging words, their gazes fixed on them. She paid them no mind as long as she felt content. 

She knew exactly what they were saying without thinking. It was just the same old cliché, doubts about her compatibility with Trevon or insinuations about financial differences between families. There was nothing worthwhile to concern herself with. 

The wheat and the tares might grow together in the field, and the same applied to people. Not everyone treated others with kindness and respect. 

The Roberts family sent Rose and Frank to Hackett’s engagement party. The two of them followed closely behind Trevon as they entered. 

Trevon’s attention was fixed on Natalie, so he naturally didn’t notice what was happening behind him. With more people around today, he needed to be highly attentive to prevent any harm from coming to Natalie. 

Rose walked into the hall, holding her brother’s wrist. Her high heels were causing her discomfort, and her eyes quickly spotted Natalie ahead, dressed in a matching outfit within the same color scheme. “Natalie,” she called her. 

Afraid of drawing too much attention. Rose held her hand near her mouth and shouted. Upon hearing this, Natalie and Trevon both turned around. 

“Look! We are in sync. My dress is also light blue, but I wear strapless. Let’s go find Sherri 

Rose had snatched Trevon’s wife away with a blatant display. 

Trevon seemed upset and did not know how to react because his wife had been pulled away. He frowned slightly. “Ava is 


not here?” 

It was a rhetorical question. 

“You look funny in formal attire. Where is your windbreaker? You look less out of place in Lithern Club, Trevon teased 


Today, this guy was alone while the others were paired up. 

Frank retorted, “Where is your apron then?* 

“Works for me too. Either way, I’m still a husband and a father. You don’t even have the honor to put on an apron. Ava is in Sapphire City now.” 

As Trevon spoke, he put on a snug expression, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 

Frank was speechless. 

The engagement party commenced, and the Landor and Blackwell families took the stage to announce their union and extend gratitude to the attending guests without indulging in unnecessary rhetoric. 

Sherri and Hackett descended from the stage. 

Rose, Sherri, and Natalie huddled together to chat as if they were here today to enjoy food and drinks. 

“Sherri, congratulations! May you and Hackett’s years ahead be filled with love and joy. And you too, Natalie,” said Rose. 

Natalie received the well-wishing. I am sure you’ll also find someone who cherishes and loves you one day. Maybe the right time hasn’t come yet. Lately, I’ve been dabbling in tarot.” 

Sherri also nodded in agreement. “Oh wait, when did you start the side business?” 

Natalie quipped, “Could you focus on the point? Are you sure I was talking about the side business?” 

“Caught you,” Sherri exclaimed, wearing an expression that clearly said, “You’re a con artist, I get it.” 

Natalie would have slapped her head if it weren’t for Sherri’s engagement today. 

Rose smiled and tossed her hair confidently. “You girls are always right! I know I will meet someone treating me like a queen one day. Don’t be jealous when the time comes. 

Rose’s words and attitude amused Natalic. 

Anyone who had spent enough time with Rose could see how wonderful she was and feel her kindness. 

Getting to know someone for real didn’t come from listening to others. What you came to know was just the side they wanted you to see, which might not be accurate. 

People said outer beauty would capture the eyes, but inner beauty would capture the heart. However, how many were willing to spend time knowing others? Most of them judged a book by its cover. 

Sherri seemed to have discovered a new world. Not far away, her brother was conversing with a group of people. There were already many female companions around him. Some were granddaughters, nieces, and daughters brought by relatives and friends who aimed to get married. 

Upon closer inspection, quite a few girls stood beside Edward, shyly adjusting their hair, fluttering their lashes, and hoping to catch his attention. 

Edward, who was surrounded, was looking overwhelmed. Rose was amazed by the girls’ determination and persistence. “Sherri, your brother seems to have become a target tonight. It’s a bit pathetic, isn’t it?” 

Sherri was wearing a pink diamond gown today and a pair of single shoes like Natalie. “It’s not strange. My brother is already thirty years old. He’s at a marriageable age. Look at Mr. Wilson and me. We already have children. My mother has been anxious for him recently. 

“But she doesn’t want to hurt my brother’s feelings. Whenever she talks about his relationship life, she beats around the bush, like telling him a neighbor just gave birth recently or her friend just had a grandkid. Don’t you think it’s too much? This kind of conversation makes me tired.” 

Rose nodded and looked significantly in Edward’s direction. “It’s pretty sad. My brother is 29 and dating a girl now. Although it’s a long distance relationship, they’re in love. My parents are eager for Baby Ava to join the family.” 

Natalie noticed Juana, who was talking with Sherri’s mother-in-law, looking in Edward’s direction. “Why does it smell fishy to me? Do you think they want Edward to meet someone at your engagement party?” 

From a distance, Juana and Joy Blackwell both had wide grins on their faces. 

Sherri and Rose nodded in agreement. “I think you might be right.” 

Rose was curious. Is your brother looking for someone?” 

“It’s my mom’s idea for him to meet a girl, but my brother isn’t interested. Natalie’s idea is spot-on. My mom might have asked these girls to come. She probably wanted my brother to talk to them and see if there’s any chemistry. 

Natalie had just pulled her gaze away from Edward when she met the intense gaze of Trevon, radiating displeasure. 

Even from a distance, Natalie could sense Trevons unhappiness. 

She quickly averted her gaze, while Trevon didn’t look away, keeping his eyes fixed on her, his focus solely on Natalie. 

When Trevon finally shifted his gaze, he noticed Juana’s gaze was on Rose. Even Hackett’s mother’s attention was on Rose. This sudden realization lifted his spirits 

Her lips curled slightly as he told Frank pleasantly, who was before him. “Your sister and Edward could be a match.” 

Hackett had just approached them when he heard this, and he immediately put on a dramatic expression. “Seriously, Frank? Is it true? Are we becoming family?” 

Frank seemed not to like the comment, and he surveyed his surroundings. Realizing that the atmosphere of the engagement party had taken an unexpected turn, he said coldly. “Are you Cupid or what?” 

In just a second. Hackett’s disappoinment was palpable. He leaned against Frank, but his attempt was mercilessly shrugged off “Stay away from me 

“I wanted to share the positive vibes, aiming for you to establish a meaningful connection with Little Princess Ava soon. If you’re not interested, that’s okay. I’m not keen on pushing ut, either. By the way, Rose and Edward are not a bad match. Don’t you think sof 

After saying that, he nudged Franck with the elbow and suggestively raised an eyebrow Look over there. 

“Can you just stop being this nosy?” 

Trevon was in a good mood. He lifted his wine glass and took a sip, and those planning to approach him for conversation finally gave up upon seeing him engrossed in the chat with the trio. 

After a moment, Trevon’s heart ached. ‘Stop looking. Only Rose’s feelings matter” 

Frank shot him a sharp look, the implication clear without words. Trevon certainly understood the meaning behind that gaze. Both were acutely aware. 

Hackett looked around the banquet hall and couldn’t find anyone. ‘Damin it. Chris didn’t show up to congratulate me. Trevon was in a good mood and spoke up for Chris, “Is your engagement party more important than him performing surgery? Don’t flatter yourself’ 

If there were surgery or research, Chris wouldn’t leave the lab or the hospital. He could spend all year long in the hospital. His presence at the wedding was a big deal, so expecting him to skip surgery for an engagement party was unrealistic. 

Frank was thinking about Ava. He checked his phone and sent a message, letting her know he was attending Hackett’s engagement party. 

Hackett said. “It’s not surprising. Chris’ sister is more of a workaholic than him. She is almost thirty and still works like crazy every day. Compared to her, he’s quite normal, right?” 

I wonder what the elders of the Yamin family think. 

They were three children in this family. One without much ambition, one son fully dedicated to his career, and the eldest daughter took the lead in the family’s business. She was always busy, and people often didn’t view her as a woman. Most thought the Yamin family had only one daughter. 


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