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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 388

Chapter 388 

An hour later, Ava led Frank to Sapphire City’s liveliest late-night food gathering spot, a restaurant located on the beach. 

The restaurant wasn’t large, but there were many cars parked outside, representing various brands, which was enough to show the popularity of this place. 

Frank glanced into the distance, found a parking spot, pulled in, and turned off the engine. He looked at the restaurant in front of them and asked, “Here?” 

“Yeah, exactly. The food here is delicious. They’re all seafood and very fresh,” Ava replied. 

As Ava spoke, she remembered the late-night snacks Alex had brought her last time. She had been well protected and rarely went to places like this at night. Her brother was too busy, and she was obedient enough not to ask him to bring her here. 

Frank had keen observation skills. He could tell Ava hadn’t been to such a place alone. He got out of the car, walked around to the passenger side, opened the door, and held her hand as they walked inside. 

Entering the restaurant, they saw many men and women of different ages already seated inside. It didn’t bother Frank, as he had frequented such places for late-night snacks before. However, it seemed a bit overwhelming for Ava. 

Frank asked, “Do you want it to go?” 

“Is it not safe here?” Ava seemed to understand Frank’s concerns. 

Frank’s gaze met Ava’s clear eyes, and it was hard for him to refuse her. Frank changed from holding her hand to putting his arm around her waist. She leaned against his chest, and he said, “It’s up to you.” 

“Then let me check if there’s a private room available. If there is, we can eat here. If not, we’ll take it to a quiet place to eat, alright?” 

Ava came up with a compromise. She understood his worry. 

Fortunately, luck was on their side. When they inquired at the front desk, there was indeed a private room available. Frank was concerned about Ava getting bumped into by people around them. Hence, he held her tightly as they walked to the private room and only released her once they were inside. 

He closed the door, pulled out a chair for her, and let her sit down. 

A minute later, a waitress came in and couldn’t help but say, “You two are the best-looking customers I’ve ever served here.” 

The waitress was a young girl too. Her words praised them, and her eyes were honest. Her eyes had no hint of flirtation. and she did not glance at Frank. Instead, her gaze remained on Ava during the compliment. 

Ava quite liked this and politely thanked her. “Thank you. It’s my first time here. Could you recommend the best seafood 


Her voice was gentle, soft, and sweet. 

The waitress recommended several delicious seafood platters to Ava, explaining that they were all freshly caught today. After making the suggestions, she left the room discreetly. 

Frank was somewhat impressed. If this situation happened in Athana, many women would approach him and strike up a conversation, whether he was alone or with a companion. Given the chance, many women were afraid of missing out and would try to seize the opportunity to talk to him. The waitress’s reaction just now was rather refreshing to him. 

The dishes arrived shortly after. Frank picked up the gloves from the side of the table and began skillfully peeling the shellfish. He reminded Ava, saying. “Pour some sauce. 

The table was filled with seafood they rarely indulged in. Frank was genuinely concerned that Ava would have stomach issues. 

Midway through the meal, Ava’s phone rang. It was a call from Joseph. She thought her brother was waiting for her to go home and felt embarrassed. She had indulged a bit today, as she did not know when Frank would head back. She wanted to spend a bit more time. 

Just an extra minute or second would be fine. 

Setting down her fork, she answered the phone, Joseph. I’m having a late-night snack at the beach. I’ll be back after 1 finish” 

Before Joseph could say anything, Ava quickly explained. 

On Joseph’s end, he didn’t blame her. Instead, he thoughtfully made an arrangement. He said. “I have a room at Sapphire Hotel. You can stay there tonight. No need to travel all the way back home. You’re going out again tomorrow, right?” 


“Really? I don’t need to come back?” 

Ava couldn’t contain her happiness, her voice filled with delight. Joseph could sense his sister’s happiness on the other end. of the phone. Indeed, he couldn’t control his little sister. 

Joseph sighed and said helplessly. “Well, stay safe and return to the hotel early. 

After hanging up the phone, Ava was still overjoyed. She picked up her fork and said to Frank, who was peeling shells across from her, “Frank, my brother said I can stay at the hotel tonight and don’t need to go home.” 

Frank was surprised but naturally happy as well. He hadn’t expected her family to trust him so much. He believed Joseph knew he would spend the night with Ava at the hotel. 

He smiled faintly and said, ‘Got it. Hurry and eat. It won’t taste good if it gets cold” 

“You eat too. I can peel the shells myself.” 

“TI finish peeling this one. Then I’ll eat 

“Oh, I’m so happy. Ava’s emotions were evident on her face. Whether she was happy or not, it was easy to tell with just one glance. 

In reality, Joseph’s phone call was orchestrated by Emma and Daniel. They thought that Ava and Frank’s relationship wasn’t easy. It was troublesome for Frank to send Ava back at night and pick her up the next day. With Frank’s sensible behavior, they felt reassured, 

The hotel was the Turner family’s property. After discussing it, the couple decided to have Joseph make that call. Frank might leave the day after tomorrow, and since it was already so late at night, they didn’t want to trouble the young couple any further. 

After finishing the late-night snack, it was already early morning. Frank drove back to Sapphire Hotel. 

Holding hands with Ava, they walked her to the room arranged by Joseph. When they reached the door, they were reluctant to part like a usual couple deeply in love. Although Frank wanted to stay with Ava, he had self-restraint. The Turner family had already been considerate by not making Ava return home. It wouldn’t be appropriate to sleep in the same room with her. 

He raised his hand and gently touched her head, saying. “Go on. Come find me tomorrow morning. It’s already late into 

the night.” 

“Okay” Ava tiptoed and pecked Frank on the lips. Just as she was about to pull away. Frank cupped the back of her head and kissed her deeply. 

After the kiss, he said, “That’s my response to your kiss, Baby Ava. Now, go inside. 

Ava blushed and entered the room. Frank lingered at the door for several minutes before finally turning and heading to 

his own room. 

In a room at Turner Manor, Joseph watched the hallway surveillance footage and curled his lips into a smile before exiting the video feed. 

On a beach in Artroyland, the atmosphere was lively. Everyone was a night owl. It had a starkly different night from the nightlife in Athana. 

A massive speaker was set up on the beach, with someone holding a microphone and singing. People around were dancing energetically. Their dance was full of vigor, allowing them to release the stress of the day. 

In the past, whenever Rose felt troubled or upset, she would retreat to her room or dance in the dance studio until she was exhausted. She would only stop dancing after releasing all the negative emotions in her body. 

However, at this moment, she was sitting on the sandy beach, her legs folded, enjoying herself without any worries. The only thing causing her dilemma was whether or not to participate in the dance. 

Edward had returned to his room and should have fallen asleep by this time, given that it was already early morning. Being a refined young man, he probably wouldn’t enjoy these forms of entertainment and would prefer to rest. 

Just as Rose was lost in thought, a young man with attractive eyes and a handsome appearance walked up gallantly extended his hand and spoke fluent Arillion, “Miss, you are beautiful. Do you speak Arillion?” 

Rose replied in Arillion, “Of course” 

to her. He 

Foreigners tend to be more outgoing and direct, openly expressing their thoughts and feelings without hiding their introverted tendencies. This young man was no exception. 

He blinked his attractive eyes and smiled at Rose. “May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?” 

Rose stood up. The foreign young man was polite and gentlemanly. Out of politeness and to maintain her manner, she 

said. “But it’s the free dance session now and not partner dance.” 

The foreign young man nodded in understanding. He walked over to a woman and said something to her. She crouched down and changed the song, excitedly announcing to everyone. “Next up, we have a new dance challenge!” 

The atmosphere and enthusiasm of the crowd indicated that everyone enjoyed this setting and activity. It was clear that they were accustomed to such events. 

With the mood set, Rose felt it would be impolite to decline. Moreover, it was just a dance and harmless. 


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