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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 391

Chapter 391 

Sherri and Hackett drove over by themselves. Before getting in the car, Sherri gave Natalie a look, indicating that he would wait for her at Grand Manor. 

She understood the mouthed words, Grand Manor. 

In the car. 

Trevon helped her fasten her seat-belt and asked patiently, “Is it too tight?” 

“No, my belly is not big now. It’s small. If you don’t look carefully, you really won’t be able to tell.” 

After saying that, she thought of a question. “Hubby.” 

He stopped starting the engine and asked. “Yes, what’s wrong?” 

After a moment of silence, she said, “You’re too nervous. Really. Actually, it’s normal for there to be anemia during pregnancy. Besides, you take good care of me. There won’t be a problem. Relax.” 

It didn’t seem like she was pregnant now, but he was. 

Seeing that he was still frowning, she crooked her finger at him. He leaned over and she planted a kiss between his eyebrows. “Are you still nervous? I’m right here.” 

Finally, he smiled. Yes, she was right here, by his side. He kissed her on the lips. The reminder of a text message on the phone interrupted their romantic atmosphere. 

The message was from Rose at Fairy Fortress. [Where are you? I brought you a gift] 

Sherri replied, [We’ve just finished the examination and are heading to Grand Manor for dinner. Natalie’s Old Trevon will treat us.] 

Rose sent, [A free meal. Count me in. I’ll be right there.] 

Rose appeared in the spirit of must take advantage of someone. 

Natalie looked at the message and smiled. [Waiting for you.] 

“What’s wrong?” Trevon asked when he saw how happy her smile was. 

“Rose wants to freeload. She said she brought gifts for me and Sherri.” 

She said with a smile. 

Half an hour later. 

Grand Manor. 

By the time Trevon and Natalie arrived, Sherri and Hackett had already ordered a table full of dishes. Those were all Sherri and Natalie’s favorites. 

The family status could be shown from a table of dishes. 

Trevon gentlemanly pulled out a stool for Natalie to sit down. Then, he took a look at the dishes and was quite satisfied. It seemed that Sherri knew Natalie’s preferences very well, but he still asked patiently, “Is there anything else you want to eat? Desserts or freshly squeezed fruit juice?” 

“Mousse cake. I want to eat something sweet later. Forget about the juice! It was easy to pee after drinking too much water. Trevon instantly understood. “There is a toilet. Apple juice, orange juice, grape juice, or dragon fruit juice?” 

As long as it was something she wanted, he could personally arrange it. 

She thought for a moment. “Apple juice, I think.” 

As soon as she finished speaking, Trevon stood up. Natalie quickly grabbed his hand. “Where are you going? Don’t tell me you want to make it in the kitchen yourself. 

Sherri was in the same position as Hackett. She supported her chin with one hand and looked at the man across from her seriously. 

Ill be back soon. He was more at ease to let Natalie eat the food he made. 

When Hackett saw Trevon striding out, he quickly got up and followed. He was really curious about how Natalie had trained this zombie-faced man to be so considerate. 

“I want orange juice that is a little sour, Sherri shouted at Hackett’s back. 


Hackett raised his hand and made an Ok gesture in the air without looking back, indicating that he had received the 

After the men left, only the two best friends were left in the private room. Sherr said. “Are you happy! 

Would you believe me if I said that I was too happy? Sometimes, I feel sorry for him. He looks quite tired after work every day, but he still has to massage my feet before sleeping” 

While they were talking. Rose came in with a suitcase and interrupted them. She was panting heavily. Im so tired 1 rushed over to give you gifts as soon as I got off the plane 

Sherri looked at Rose and saw that she was in good condition. She seemed to be having a good time. “How was it? Tell me how you feel so that we can imagine it. After all, we can’t go to play” 

Rose slumped into a chair and patted her suitcase. I’m starving I slept all the way 

Natalie drank water and did not speak the entire time because Sherri winked at her just now, indicating that she should not speak or cooperate. 

She thought for a moment and decided to understand the situation first Otherwise, she would say the wrong thing later 

Sherri pretended to be nonchalant and asked Rose, “You came back alone. Did you meet my brother in Artroyland’ I heard from my mother that my brother went overseas 100” 

Natalie was speechless and thought. Do you even believe your lame he 

Rose picked up a prawn and peeled it. She was really hungry. Halfway through, she looked around and realized that the men were gone. She asked pitifully. “Can I eat a prawn first? Wouldn’t it be rude? 

Natalie said, “Eat, we’re all on the same side.” 

Hearing this. Rose stuffed the prawn into her mouth and swallowed it. Her eyes looked guilty “We met a few times by coincidence. He is your brother, isn’t he? We came back together. What a coincidence” 

Edward’s refined appearance appeared in her mind again. Rose took a deep breath and changed the topic. “Why aren’t you guys eating? Aren’t you hungry?” 

Natalie naturally noticed the change in Rose’s expression, but she did not expose Rose. “We’ll wait for the juice” 

Sherri wanted to ask more, but she was stopped by Natalie’s gaze. Then. Sherri looked at her best friend in confusion. In her spare time. Natalie quickly sent a message to Sherri [Stop. The main point is how your brother feels for her] 

If Edward did not have such thoughts, then Rose would be the second Ava. However. Ava had received a response. Frank also doted on Ava. 

After reading her best friend’s message. Sherri thought that it made sense. Now that she looked at it. Rose did not seem to have any feelings for her brother. 

Then Ill wait too. I’ll hide the shrimp shell first.” 

After cleaning up the shrimp shell, Rose sat back down. “Did they go get the juice? Aren’t the waiters supposed to send it 

They were naturally talking about their man. 

Natalie said. “They’re not going to get it. They went to the kitchen to squeeze the juice.” 

“Oh my god, is this for real? I can understand why Hackett can go. What the hell is wrong with Trevon? Has he been possessed?” “This kind of man actually went the kitchen to spiceze juice and even do it himself 

Natalie couldi 

of a VIP and it’ 

help but laugh. She smiled happily If you’re envious, have a boyfriend. You can also enjoy the treatment 

very day.” 

She wavelearly sharing her happiness. 

Rose was in a daze Why did she automatically think about Edward when it came to men? Damn it, she had been too close to him these few days. He was so devilish. She shook her head and rejected this idea. “I don’t want to. Look at how free I am now. I want to be with meone who only likes me 

At the door. Hackett had just stepped in when he heard Rose’s words He continued. “Aren’t you thinking too much? You’re in hear 

Rose rolled her eyes at Hackett and did not continue his topic because she felt guilty and felt that she was on the verge of heat today and was already trying her best to calm herself down. 

Hackett held two glasses of orange juice in his hand. One was placed gently in front of Sherm, and the other was placed heavily in front of Rose “On account of the gift you brought for my wife. I made you a glass of juice. You’re welcome. 

Rose looked at the overflowing paire and sighed. People with double standards were always grouped. Birds of a feather 

flocked together. Her brother was also a double-standard man. There was indeed a reason why they could play together. 

She took a sip of the juice and her shoulders trembled because it was too sour. She narrowed her eyes like an 80-year-old lady. “Sherri, don’t you feel sour?” 

She was dumbfounded. This was so fucking sour. 

Sherri shook her head. “It’s not sour. It’s just nice.” 

Rose was speechless. So whose taste buds had a serious problem? 

Trevon glanced at Rose’s luggage and placed the fruit juice in front of Natalie. He said indifferently, “You had a good time. Why don’t you play for a few more days? Is your brother not back yet?” 

Rose rolled her eyes at him. “Am I not going to work? Your wife is going to work tomorrow. Im going to work too, okay? Seriously, you can’t tolerate anyone else except your wife now.” 


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