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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 399

Chapter 399 

In Lithern boxing gym, the two people on stage were wearing casual clothes. They had taken off their jackets. The man who had been noble and upright was also wearing sportswear and was fully prepared. 

Although it was boxing, both parties were not wearing gloves or anything to protect themselves. It was more like they were here to fight. 

In the beginning, one of them attacked and the other did not dodge. He took a full punch. 

Seeing that he did not dodge, the corners of Frank’s mouth twitched. He licked his lips with the tip of his tongue. “Guilty,” Frank said in an angry tone. 

Trevon acted as if he did not hear anything and did not answer Frank’s question. He touched one side of his face with one hand and grimaced in pain. “Fuck! That was a tough one.” 

Then, he continued. He did not feel that he had done anything wrong at all. He just wanted to accompany Frank to vent his anger. As a friend of Frank, he naturally knew how important Rose was to Frank. 

“Let’s talk about it after we’re done fighting. It’s been a long time since we fought last time. Come on, I know you want to.” Trevon’s tone was as if he was thinking for Frank’s good. 

Trevon’s look made Frank even angrier. Without saying a word, he punched Trevon in the face. This guy cared a lot about his face. He would like to know how Trevon, after being hit, explained to Natalie when he got home. 

Trevon’s face was already covered in bruises. Before he came, he had already expected this outcome and knew he would be injured. Of course, he had planned to let Frank punch him. He had already thought about how to explain to Natalie before 

he came. 

Trevon and Frank had their schemes during the fight, and neither of them lost to the other. If one had to lose, it might be Frank who had lost today. He was venting, and Trevon’s every move seemed to be accompanying him. 

It was an invisible tacit understanding. 

When Frank’s fist was close to Trevon’s face, he quickly moved half an inch to the side and perfectly dodged it. Then, Trevon counterattacked and kicked Frank’s leg. Frank crossed his hands and blocked his foot. Because the force was too great, Frank took a few steps back. 

Trevon curled his lips and teased him without blushing or panting. I have reason to suspect that you’re jealous of my looks.” 

It was because Frank’s every punch was aimed at his face. 

Hearing this, Frank sneered. After fighting a few rounds, Frank’s anger dissipated a little. “No one can be as overconfident as you. Narcissism is a disease. You need a doctor.” 

Then, Frank swept his leg at Trevon when Trevon was caught off guard. He jumped up very quickly. Frank swept his leg consecutively, and Trevon counterattacked. Every time he kicked Frank, a breeze blew past his body. 

With one hand on the ground, he turned around and stood up. The two of them quickly fought again, neither giving in to the other. This was a spar between men. Fighting against Hackett was not a spar but a one-sided winning. 

After hundreds of rounds, the two of them were drenched in sweat. Their T-shirts were wet, and their originally white shirts had turned transparent. Beads of sweat began to surge and drip down their well-defined facial features. 

Frank’s anger gradually dissipated along with the sweat on the ground, and he felt much refreshed. 

Both parties leaned against the rope fence. The two of them were exhausted and were breathing heavily. It had been two hours. Coupled with the fact that Frank was fighting with anger, it was inevitable that he would be more tired than Trevon. 

Compared to Frank, Trevon was much more smug. He still had the energy to tease Frank. He curled his lips and panted. “If you’re like this, Auntie Ava will despise your stamina. You have to practice more. 

Frank was not angry at all. He had been punched in the corner of his mouth. It was bleeding and hurt. He turned to look at the man beside him with a faint smile. “Why don’t you tell me how you and your wife stretch the time in detail?” 

Even Trevon did not expect Frank to be so shameless. Frank was even more shameless than him. “What a freeloader. This is the experience I’ve gained time after time. And you want to copy and paste it.” 

“If it’s good, I might do so. 

Frank added an even more shameless sentence. 

Trevon was not willing to share it. He just wanted to tease Frank and show off. This was a unique joy between him and Natalie. How could he share it with others? 


Every time they fell in love, they would take it slow. It took him a long time to come up with this design. It was not allowed to be copied and stolen. “You’re suitable to slowly explore and continue on the difficult road to find the method that suits you the most. 

“You’re tyro now. I’m already playing like a League of Legends. My methods are not suitable for you. 

Trevon continued to show off 

Frank laughed. Because the corner of his mouth curled up, there was a faint smell of blood. It should be that the crack in the wound had widened. He frowned in pain. “You’re quite professional. Did you learn it by yourself? Or have you watched literature and dramas overnight?” 


you think I need to watch dramas?” Men were self-taught when it came to this field. 

“Are you still angry? Actually, things aren’t necessarily as bad as you think.” 

Trevon suddenly took a 360-degree turn in the topic. They were suddenly talking about Rose. 

Frank pursed his lips and remained silent for a while. Then, he exhaled and calmed down. “When did you find out?” 

Trevon did not answer. He just took out the photos he had taken previously and handed the phone to Frank. “In Artroyland. I went to sign the contract and coincidentally met this scene. Can you see anything?” 

Frank looked at the phone Trevon handed over coldly. How could he not see it? He was also in a relationship now. He was too familiar with Edward’s move. Just like the last time they went to the beach for supper, he would subconsciously protect Ava when there were many people. 

Although Edward’s action seemed unintentional, Frank could tell he was protecting Rose. After watching it, he pinched his eyebrows. 

Frank exhaled heavily. After a while, he said helplessly, “Rose told me today that she liked Edward. Can’t you fucking tell me directly? Why were you spouting that nonsense?” 

“Don’t you fucking understand my message? Can’t you see that Edward wants to get close to Rose? This might not be at coincidence. It’s a coincidence created by Edward. This has nothing to do with me. At most, I did not share it with you. when I knew it.” 

Frank narrowed his eyes and glared at him. Trevon smiled slyly. “I was indeed a little selfish. I wanted Edward to find someone he liked quickly and stop coveting my wife, but I didn’t push Rose away. I didn’t set them up. Speaking of which, other than fancying my wife, he’s suitable to be a boyfriend. He’s refined. And though he’s less handsome than us, he’s not bad at being attentive. 

“It’s not surprising that Rose likes him.” 

After that. Trevon added. 

Rose only told him she liked Edward. But now, Trevon seemed to have already known it. “How did you know that Rose liked Edward?” 

Thinking of Natalie, Trevon was very proud. “My wife is smart and observant.” 

“You two are a perfect match.” 

Frank sighed helplessly. Since things had already come to this, he had to find a way to resolve it. If Edward liked someone else, he could not let Rose feel wronged. 

However, only Edward knew if there was anyone else he liked. Frank couldn’t rip out Edward’s heart to see if there was a name engraved on his heart. 

“Rose is 26. It’s rare for her to fall in love with a boy. If Edward does like Rose, it might be a good thing. It’s useless for us to interfere too much in relationships. We can imprison her but not her heart. I should go. My wife is still waiting for me to go back and give her a massage. 

Frank was very speechless. Trevon didn’t have to tell him that part. 

After Trevon left, Frank stood up and walked out of Lithern Club. When he reached the door, the manager, who was waiting outside, looked at the injured Frank and said with a trembling voice, “Mr. Roberts, do you want someone to treat your wound?” 

“No need. Watch the place. I won’t be coming over for the time being. If anything happens, I’ll come to you. His calm words were filled with a deterrent tone. 

When Trevon returned to Phoenix Manor, it was already late at night, but Natalie was still awake. She was waiting for him. to come back. 

A few hours ago, Trevon received a call from Frank. When he picked up the call, Trevon was silent for a moment. She noticed this microexpression and had a bad premonition. 


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