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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 403

Chapter 403 

The next day. Frank dropped his younger sister off at the hospital before heading to the port as usual. His driving skills surpassed those of Tom, which allowed Rose to laze in bed for a few extra minutes. 

She woke up with the alarm clock. 

She brushed her teeth and got dressed within the designated time. She continued to be the Queen of Punctuality and always hit her mark every day. 

After becoming pregnant. Natalie’s surgical cases decreased significantly. Naturally, she understood the reason. Not only had her caseload reduced, but even Sherri also had fewer cases. 

After lunch, the three of them were hiding in their office, eating salads. Natalie was carefully mixing the veggie with the sauce. At one point, Trevon asked her what she was doing. She replied with a message, informing him that she was replenishing her veggie intake. 

Music was playing in the office. 

Of course, Rose was the one playing the music. Her reason was that she wanted to expose the baby to good music in advance. 

Rose’s playlist consisted of quite pleasant songs, and everyone was happy to listen. 

Just as everyone was enjoying their salad, a knock on the door interrupted the serene atmosphere. A doctor entered, looking somewhat familiar, but after thinking for a while, they still couldn’t remember who he was. 

Then, Natalie recognized him. It was their department’s golden boy. His parents were professors, and he was a graduate 

student. “Hi, Dr. Archer.” 

Calvin Archer wore black glasses, and one could tell from the thick lenses that he had a pretty high level of 

short-sightedness. He was around 5.9 feet tall, not particularly tall or thin, and had a rather handsome appearance. He was holding a bouquet. 

He replied, “Dr. Foster, you’re here too?” 

Natalie nodded politely in response, acknowledging him. She then observed Calvin’s next move. Ever since he entered the room, his gaze had been fixated on Rose. It seemed he had a purpose in mind. 

Natalie noticed his shyness and glanced at the flowers in his hands. “Do you need some space for these?” 

Rose caught a whiff of something different and narrowed her eyes at Natalie. She shook her head slightly and then turned her attention to Calvin. “Are you looking for me?” 

This was her consultation room. He must be here for her. 

Calvin took a few steps forward, extending the bouquet towards Rose. He said earnestly, “Dr. Roberts, I’ve been observing you for a long time. I notice you’re always in a hurry, but you’re also very adorable. I want to pursue you 

Rose was stunned. After eating salad for a while, she suddenly found herself being confessed to. And it was because of her punctuality obsession? 

Natalie also went speechless. 

On the other hand, Sherri was nearly rolling her eyes in astonishment. Her eyes widened, shifting between Calvin and Rose. She had a look of curiosity as if she were spectating something entertaining. Now that her brother had someone he liked, she naturally wished for Rose to find her own happiness too. 

This way, Rose could have her own romantic moments. 

It took Rose a moment to react. She had indeed just been confessed to. Politely, she stood up and cleared her throat. “Ahem, Dr. Archer, first of all, thank you for being able to see my flaws and automatically convert them into strengths. But right now, I really don’t want to be in a romantic relationship. I’m sorry. 

Rose used to reject people quite often back when she was in Sapphire City. However, her rejections were always polite. Calvin seemed to have expected this response. “It’s okay. Not everything succeeds on the first try. I’ll continue to make an effort. Please accept these flowers, and I’ll keep pursuing you.” 

He handed the bouquet to Rose, who was still in a daze. Then, he turned and walked away, as if he were a delivery person and the man who confessed wasn’t him. 

Sherri watched the stunned Rose and reminded her while continuing to enjoy her salad. “You’re lost in thought. He’s gone now. What are you thinking? He’s quite okay.” 

Natalie didn’t need to ask. She had known the outcome from the beginning because Rose liked Edward. Her husband had even fought with Frank because of this. Natalie quietly enjoyed the salad and said, ‘Keep eating. 

She was addressing Rose. 


Rose sighed and placed the bouquet in the consultation room’s corner. She didn’t want it to be too noticeable and affect her afternoon patients. “This is all because I’m too good-looking. I didn’t intend to draw attention, but since even my flaws can be noticed and admired, there’s nothing I can do” 

Natalie chuckled. Thankfully, she hadn’t just taken a bite of her salad. Otherwise, she might have choked. “If you were to tell the hospital staff that you’re the daughter of the famous Roberts family from Athana, Dr. Archer might have come to apologize to you.” 

Rose sighed again, feeling helpless. She started speaking more seriously, “I wanted to keep a low profile. I got this job based on my own qualifications, not just because I’m a Roberts Otherwise, even if I tried my best, people would say I’m using my family’s name.” 

Being constantly judged through a biased lens was uncomfortable. She just wanted to be a normal girl. 

Natalie understood, which was why she hadn’t allowed Trevon to come to the hospital or even send meals. “You’re right. I suppose Dr. Archer will continue his pursuit. If you have someone you like, you should tell him directly to avoid unnecessary complications” 

Sherri immediately caught onto something. “Wait, you have someone you like? Who is it?” 

“Come on, what are you thinking? Natalie was just casually saying that. It’s a good excuse to turn down someone.” Rose became flustered and waved her hand. She glanced away, not intending to reveal her feelings for Edward. 

“Hah, you got me all excited for nothing. I thought you had someone you liked, just like my brother.” There was a hint of disappointment in Sherri’s tone, but it didn’t stop her from continuing to eat. 

Natalie glanced at the thoughtful expression Rose was trying to hide. She asked Sherri, “Did you ask your brother about the person he likes?” 

Sherri seemed helpless about this. She had no way of getting the information. If she at least knew who her future sister-in-law was, she could assist in making her brother more noticeable. But now, not even knowing the woman’s last name how could she help or make any impact? 

Sherri replied. “I did ask, but my brother is introverted, as you know. If he doesn’t want to talk about something, no matter how much you probe, you won’t get an answer. He’s good at concealing things.” 

Natalie agreed with that. After all these years of knowing Edward, he really did have such a personality. If he didn’t want to share something, no matter how much they dug, they wouldn’t find an answer because he was skilled at hiding his emotions. 

While Natalie was talking to Sherri, Rose ate her salad with a focused expression, but her ears perked up to listen. Her heart was in turmoil, wanting to hear that woman’s name but not wanting to. It was a contradictory feeling. 

Perhaps this was how women were. When the person they liked started liking someone else, they wanted to know who that. person was, whether they were inferior or superior to themselves. 

Natalie raised her gaze to look at Rose and sighed, unsure of what to say. Sometimes, she really wanted to tell Rose that Edward liked her. However, taking a step back, she realized that this wasn’t something she could do on Edward’s behalf. After all, Edward hadn’t spoken up yet. Although she was sure about it, unexpected things could happen before they said anything. 

In the evening, Sherri returned to the Landor family home for dinner. She usually spent two days a week having meals with her family. She said it was to ensure everyone got a fair share of her presence. 

At the dinner table, Sherri was eating when the conversation shifted to Rose. This was partly because she was happy for Rose. “Something romantic happened at our hospital today… 

Juana was feeding little Ruby with care. She replied nonchalantly. “A wedding?” 

Sherri replied, “Mom, what are you thinking? You watch too many TV dramas. How can a wedding happen at a hospital? It’s about a doctor who confessed to another doctor.” 

Edward was carefully removing fish bones from the fish he was serving to Ruby. Due to his slight short-sightedness, he was getting quite close, but he was attentive and didn’t engage in the conversation. 

Hackett scooped a bowl of creamy potato soup for Sherri and asked politely. “Who confessed to whom? Was it a planned -confession or a love-at-first-sight kind of thing?” 

Planned confession or love at first sight? 

Sherri pondered for a moment, recalling the words of Calvin. She swiftly made a conclusion, saying, “I think it’s a bit of both because the doctor mentioned that he really likes Rose and sees her every day…” 

Edward abruptly lifted his head, his gaze coldly fixed on Sherri as he interrupted her words. “Who are you talking about?” 

Caught off guard by his sudden glare, Sherri was startled and entered a bewildered state. The entire family paused, looking at Edward’s strange behavior at the same time. 

Hackett stepped in to answer for his wife, ‘Rose just received a confession” 


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