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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 427

Chapter 427

Half an hour later. Ava wore comfortable home shoes and a comfortable sportswear outh She descended the stairs in a chrerld mood

She wore a pleasant smule as she hopped down the stairs, each step causing Frank, who followed closely behind her th cera, to feel his heart tighten. He was afraid she might tundle down the stairs.

Enable to resist his convern, he spoke in a gentle tone. Slow down. Be careful”

Ava kooked around and didn’t spot the figure of Enums. She obediently responded, “Oh, where’s Mom

Frank remained cautious and quickly walked to the staircase, reaching out to hold her hard as the descended. He answered calmly. She’s in the greenhouse

He had just seen the bodyguards moving numerous orchids and various flowers he didn’t recognate into the greenhouse. Emma was probably arranging and studying them

Frank was not surprised that has mother–in–law engyed tending to flowers From Emma permalay and demeanor, it was evident that she was a patient, life–loving individual who understood and empathized with others

Frank had heard people say that those who loved gardening also had certain expectations for their attore and appearance because they loved beauty

This statement mught hold true for his mother–in–law She always dresard tastefully, radiating an elegant simplicity while maintaining the expected touch of luxury

However, this statement wouldn’t apply to Rose Rose loved flowers but not the act of gardening. Even a cactus would be safe in her hands. Yet, she had a strong sense of aesthetics and always chased after the latest fashion mids

Upon hearing that Emuna was in the grehouse. Ava habitually replied, “Okay I thought Mom was doing yoga. By the wa Frank, does your mother do yoga?”

Within a second Ava thought of her future mother–a–lam

Frank held her hand and led her toward the dining room without mehately addressing the question. Instead, he was more concerned about her appetite. “What would you like to e

Ara poured for

or a second and decided T have a cup of hot mall. It’s not too early now, and lunch is coming up woon have a nie something to fill my stomach”

The servant immediately went to prepare her request

Frank finally answered the earlier question ‘Grace doesit practer yoga. She usually practices kickboxing and inund

muertal art.”

Yoga, which cultivated elegance and a graceful figure, was definitely not something Grace would rojos

It could really make her uncomfortable.

Frank was sure of that.

Upon laaring tas, Ava fet unterly impressed the found it incredibly cool and charisma. It was

captaing that she sat

a strangle Sisterung attentively to Frank, afraid of missing any important informations she asked eagerly “Teil une movel b that our cool Do you have any videos of her working out?

Drely nut Who would dare to films video of Grace

Frank glazed at the curious Ava and answered, “No, but when we’re in Altana, you can watch her tram in person,”

to the the uk had been brought over and placed on the table Frank reached out to test the temperature, conderfuling is waste Drink up quickly

Brom the cage anem ipation in Ava’s, i was clear that she admired Grace and wanted to see her train, As for the proof father and daughter–in–law relationstap, Frank wasn’t worried at all

By the time Austrated her mak. Emina entered the room, patting her gown and giving orders to the servants to prepare

kettrodied at a leisurely pace. Her ons was grade as alw asked, Frank, what do you like to eat

‘To Be with anything

Weg, 11 gohange wy dothes Laccidentally go on dirt on this one Fou lun, make some buttered

ken salad and seefinedarbomers spaghet

The later part of us sendence was dirested at the servants

After saying that. Eines lifted her grain and headed upstairs the added besefly and as while turning

These were actually dishes His Frank enjoyed. He remembered that whenever he was with Ava sta meat he never dow

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“W then what kant of prose you want to beat tumeting segent, melancholls of hearta?

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