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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 430

Chapter 430

At the Turner Manor.

Inside the blanket, the person had gained many spots and marks. Due to lying down, the pure white, soft, silky pajarnas revealed faint traces around the collarbone.

The man’s upper body was bare, his head half–leaning against the headboard. The girl rested against his smooth chest. On lus tanned chest was a painting of intersecting lines, thin and thick, forming a complex pattern.

The girl extended her arm in front of the man, looking at her palm and then her nails. Finally, she glanced at the man’s chest with a hint of concern. “Frank, should I trim my nails?”

Frank licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, his lips slightly dry He reached over and took a look at the girl’s hand. Her nails were very pretty, pale green in color, with sparkling diamonds embedded along the edges. They were transparent and reflected the light from the bedside lamp Frank gently touched the smooth nail surface and said with a pleased expression, “No need, it doesn’t hurt

“Doesn’t it hurt? Seems like I scratched it pretty deep” As Ava spoke, she half–bent her body and reached out to touch the scars on Frank’s body, saying. This one’s scabbed over a bit.”

Frank was a bit thirsty and needed some water. He was also planning to put on his clothes. Ava kept touching has wounds and tattoos, making him feel somewhat uneasy. He changed the subject. ‘Hmm, are you thirsty, Baby Ava

Ava replied. “I’d like some juice, orange juice”

Frank propped her head gently on the pillow and went to put on his pajamas. Tll get it for you now Anything else you want

to eat?”

“Nothing else.”


Watching Frank’s departing figure, Ava smiled Actually, Frank didn’t intend to have sex with her tonight, but she had initiated it. Ava knew that Frank’s time in Sapphire City was limited, so she wanted to fulll whatever he deured, melding herself

Downstairs, Frank put on his pajamas and slippers, unexpectedly finding Emma in the kitchen. This made him a bit embarrassed

He felt inexplicably guilty. Maybe it was because of what he had done to Ava earlier. Facing her mother like this made him uneasy. However, he still politely greeted her. “Emma”

Emuna was in the kitchen making swift grain essence soup Seeing Frank in his pajamas coming over, she responded with smile, “Hungry?

Frank stood politely outside the kitchen, not entering “Baby Ava’s a bit thirsty and wants orange juice. I came down be help


At this moment, Emma was dressed in a jaunine–patterned silk pajama, her hair tied up elegantly at the back of her head She responded gracefully, and no other meaning could be inferred from her words “Bring the swift grain up for her Dent drink too much orange juice at night, as the sourness isn’t good for her stomach If she’s thirsty, have her drunk water And this one is for you”

Frank’s lips curved slightly as he smiled and replied, “Sure, Emma. “

He had a feeling that Enuma had specially prepared this for them, but he didn’t expose it. He carried the two bowls of swit grain on a tray and brought them upstairs

Ava was already signing up Seeing Frank enter with something other than orange juice, she couldn’t see it clearly from where she sat get the bed Curious, she asked, “Frank, what’s that?”

Frank placed the swift grain on the table beside them and walked to the edge of the bed. “En made some wat grays

Have some Need a hand?

No need. You were quite gende tonight I can get up by myself”

Prank fell silent. Did this mean he was too gentle in bed? He felt somewhat maulted by the uniuersonal words of Ava Completely unaware that her words had touched a nerve with Frank, Ava walked barefoot to the Latile and a domes floor with nimble movements. Watching this scene, Frank was convinced that she was right. He had need been too gale unbed tonight

r’s swift grain esence soup. Why did Mom think of making this? Whenever my threat was well she always and the saying is good for the throat”

Given that Emma made the soup late at naght, it inevitably left Ava pasted. Her words confused Franky ale

led before simly replying, Serson’s changing, and Fana is worried about you that

Chapter 430

Ava didn’t delve into the deeper meaning of the response. She just realized it was almost summer, and it was indeed time for a season change.

“Yeah, it’s almost summer. Frank, do you like Sapphire City?”

Frank had the swift grain made by Emma, feeling content. While continuing to cat, he responded, “I like it.” Because Ava was in the city.

“I also like Athana and many other people, but I like you the most.”

Frank almost choked on his food due to this sudden confession. He cleared his throat and swallowed. “Finish eating and go brush your teeth.”

In the evening, Ava was relentless in discussing this topic. With a cute smile on her face, she continued. “Oh, alright. Do you like me?”

Frank wasn’t accustomed to constantly expressing his feelings verbally, but knowing the girl wanted to hear, he was willing to say, ‘I like you.”

Ava happily smiled like a child and replied, “Hahaha, noted.”

Frank shook his head helplessly, reaching over to pinch her cheek. “Hurry up and eat.”


After finishing the meal, Frank handed Ava a tissue to wipe her mouth. His phone received a text message from Hackett. (Enjoying the time with your babe too much and not coming back, huh?]

Seeing this message, Frank’s expression turned cold again. He replied, [Are you fucking falling in love with me or something? Can’t survive a day without messaging me?]

Hackett replied, [That is mainly because I miss you.]


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