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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 461

Chapter 461

Trevon had no qualms about being addressed respectfully.

He somehow fell that he was superior. After all, it was Frank who was in love with Ava, so addressing him as such was only natural.

Just like when Edward hooked up with Rose, there was no way around it; Frank had to be dubbed with Edward’s respect, even though Edward had a year’s seniority.

As Hackett unveiled the box, he quipped, “You didn’t go all out and get my son a pink diamond, did you? That would be too girly.”

The moment the box was cracked open, Hackett froze, his eyes locked on the chunky, oversized pasta–made golden necklace inside. The golden beads were plump and shimmered brilliantly, looking solid as a rock.

But wasn’t this the kind of bling that nouveau riche folks flaunted?

Was it even suitable for a newborn?

Hackett didn’t shut the box, and his gaze pierced Frank with skepticism. “Do you think my kid is some kind of nouveau riche? This thing is as thick as a chain link.”

Those in the know understood Frank’s generosity, but others might think he was planning to murder Hackett’s son. Trevon was itching to know what Frank had given that had left Hackett tongue–tied and wearing a constipated expression. As he approached, Trevon playfully placed his fist to his lips and quipped; “Chill out. Frank went all out on this one. When you’re wheeling and dealing in real estate, aren’t you a bit of a nouveau riche too? Frank gifting your kid a gold chain is on point. Your kid is now the crown prince, destined for the throne

Hackett thought, “I haven’t even inherited anything from my old man yet. What throne is my kid inheriting?”

Seeing this, Sherri sprang off the bed and strode over.

Rose was astounded by Sherri’s graceful moves and couldn’t help but gawk at Natalie, who hadn’t quite bounced back yet. “How did she go from being as slow as molasses to lightning fast, like a mother hen laying tomatoes, ready to take off once she’s done?”

Natalie felt these two were here to crack jokes, maybe even to kill her. All that laughter had naturally tugged at her wounds.

“Wow, Mr. Roberts, you’re really pulling out all the stops. I love how flashy this is. The pearls are huge and bold. When you and Ava have kids down the line, I’ll get you an even bigger one.

Sherri started weaving an elaborate story, talking non–stop.

Natalie knew this was the outcome, so she just shook her head and sighed. She glanced at Trevon, who was looking her way, and offered a smile.

They exchanged some invisible affection.

Frank was speechless.

Finally, he casually added, “I’m glad you like it.”

Sherri definitely did. Who wouldn’t like a thick gold chain handed out for free?

Trevon tossed in casually, “Should I give you something?”

The couple quickly intervened, answering in unison, “No need.”

Their tone was unwavering.

Natalie thought, “Trevon’s calculator has probably been used a dozen times already. One’s for double servings, and the other’s for single servings. Just thinking about it is a real bummer. It would be a lot of debts for us.”

Trevon responded, “If you don’t accept it, don’t blame me for being stingy later.”

Hackett chimed in, “Let’s skip the cliched brotherly gift exchange. We shared the same womb; there’s no need for presents back and forth. But if we must, we can get them a toy or something for the occasion, right?”

Natalie nodded, “Sounds good.”

Frank stood on the sidelines and suddenly quipped, “Hand over the gift.

Hackett laughed heartily. “There’s no rule that says you can reclain a gift once it’s given. This is your goodwill, and I take it.” Frank couldn’t be bothered to continue with Hackett.

Listening to their banter, Rose mused, “If my brother has twins in the future, Hackett will be in quite a jam. The odds are still



Chapter 161

The two little kids had dozed off Their bodies had stopped twitching. The grown–ups didn’t want to disturb Natalie Anyone. They began making their way to Sherri’s room.

Trevon didn’t follow but sat on the edge of the bed, helping Natalie recline. “Should we get them a gift?”

Natalic replied. “Do you think they’d accept it? Let’s hold off for now. We can follow Frank’s lead and gift them a gold chain on their son’s one–month anniversary.

“Sounds good. After all, Sherri’s into it.”

Sherri confidently led the way, akin to a charismatic leader, guiding everyone to her hospital room. If it weren’t for her hospital gown, others wouldn’t even know she had given birth just yesterday. Her vitality was striking, even in her sleepwear.

Even Frank, who trailed behind, couldn’t help but wonder, “Is natural childbirth really this straightforward?”

Hackett, equally puzzled by Sherri’s seemingly effortless demeanor, chimed in. “I have no idea. I’ve never experienced childbirth myself. I’ve only watched videos, and my wife didn’t make it seem this easy. Perhaps it’s because my wife is an obstetrician–gynecologist, so she has a wealth of experience.

“How about I ask my wife? Are you inquiring on behalf of Ava?”

Rose recounted the events of the delivery room from yesterday, mentioning how Sherri had been chatting and laughing throughout. After hearing the story, both men were left dumbfounded, not knowing how to interpret Sherri’s behavior.

If it weren’t for the baby lying peacefully in the crib, they might have suspected Sherri was feigning her pregnancy.

Joy and Juana sat comfortably on the couch, the crib pulled up close. Ruby stood beside it, completely captivated by her

newborn baby brother.

Rose was the first to step into Sherri’s hospital room, breaking the silence.

Upon seeing Rose enter, Juana leaped up as if pricked by a needle as if she were about to rush over. However, when she spoued Frank following Rose, she held back and regained her composure. This was her son’s uncle, after all, and she needed to stay poised.

Despite the lack of objections from the Roberts family regarding their relationship, there remained some uncertainty without official documents, and they couldn’t afford to act recklessly.

With a warm smile, Juana announced, “Oh, Frank and Dr. Roberts are here.”


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