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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 464

Chapter 464

After they had finished giving the gifts, Edward ewiftly took Rone wway, fearing that his other’s enthusiasm might overwhelm her.

He was concerned about overwhelming his girlfriend, so he med the excuse of going to watch a movie in the afternoon to avid interaction

Upon hearing that her son was taking his future fangée to a trivic, Juana was delighted. She encouraged them to leave quickly, iraisting, that there was no need to return to the hospital and that they should take their time.

As soon as they had left the hospital, Rose, having just sat in the car, wid, “Your mum has such a lovely personality. Does your dad love her very thuch

Edward lowered his head as he fastened his seatbelt and earnestly explained the family dynamics, “My dad is usually a man of few words. At home, it’s my mom who makes the decisions. She has the final say on everything related to the family. As for the company, my mom doesn’t get involved; that’s where try dad has the authority

She rested one hand on the car window and replied, “Well, that sounds like a clear division of labor. One manages the home, and the other manages the company. It seems like a good arrangement.

He glanced at her with a smile and said, ‘In the future, you can also manage me like that”

Upon hearing this, her face turned instantly crimson, and the covered her cheek with one hand, saying, “Drive already.”

Seeing her blush, he could not help but smile. They settled into a comfortable silence, and he concentrated on starting the


“In the figure, you can also manage me like that, kept replaying in her mind. The more she dwelled on it, the redder her cheeks grew. She turned her head to gaze out of the window at the retreating scenery, attempting to divert her thoughts, and an unintended smile crept onto her lips.

They fell into silence, and the car became so quiet that they could hear each other’s heartbeats. Meanwhile, Edward’s gaze would occasionally drift toward her, who was seated in the passenger seat.

About forty minutes later, the car stopped at Arhana Mall

Inside, there was a large movie theater.

“Isn’t this the mall we visited this afternoon? Why are we here again? Are you planning to shop again?” she asked in puzzlement

He unbuckled his seatbelt, saying, “Didn’t we say we were going to watch a movie?”

She thought he had just made an excuse to avoid his mother.

She had not anticipated that he was serious about it.

While she was lost in thought, he had already leaned in to help her unbuckle her seatbelt. “What do you want to watch?” Her response was swift. Since they were here, they might as well watch a movie. Besides, she was excited because she had not watched a movie with him yet. “Let’s go take a look. Do you want popcorn or a drink?”

As the elevator ascended, they arrived on the cinema’s floor. She was already at the counter, making her movie selection over the phone.

Meanwhile, he ordered popcorn for her. When he noticed that milkshakes and other drinks were also available, he asked, “Rose, would you like a milkshake or a drink?”

He had no idea about her past trauma with milkshakes.

Hearing milkshake, she had a reflexive association with Frank’s milkshake, and she figured that the trauma from that experience would probably never go away.

Without hesitation, she chose a drink “A drink. Orange juice, please.”

He recalled that Sherri had a fondness for milkshakes, and typically, girls tended to enjoy them, so he found it a bit surprising that Rose was not a fan. Nevertheless, he did not delve into it and simply told the server, ‘One orange juice, please

In no time, Edward had popcorn in one hand and a drink in the other as he quietly waited for Rose to choose a movie. Edward, should we watch a romance, a sci–fi, or a horror movie?

Rose lowered her head, scrolling through the movie options available on her phone while showing clear indecision. Standing, shoulder to shoulder with her, he glanced at the screen and suggested, “How about a romance?

Considering that she might not be a fan of sci–fi, and horror films could lead to nightmares, he thought a romance movie

was a safer choice.

Chapter 464

“Alright then. Since we’re on the same page, let’s go with a romance tnovie.

“Great. Pick this one. h’s starting soon, he suggested

“Oh, there’s still five minutes before it starts. Let’s go and check our tickets in advance,’ she replied, affectionately hooking her arm around his..

They located their seats in the third row, matching the seat numbers on their tickets. He placed the drinks in the cup holder and held onto the popcorn. Should we start eating now or wail?”

Let’s wait. The movie hasn’t started yet. It’s better to enjoy the popcorn while watching it.”

Meanwhile, he wondered why exactly would it be better to enjoy the popcorn while watching the movie.

The movie began.

The popcorn rested in his arms. When she wanted some, she would reach out to grab it, occasionally grabbing something unintended as her gaze locked ahead.


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