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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 478

Chapter 478

This floor was reserved as the dining area of the presidential suite among all the floors of restaurants in the hotel.

A man sat at one of the dining tables. He did not look happy, but the girl beside him smiled brightly. She was in a good mood.

With a smile, she ate the breakfast the man had prepared happily. They had planned to travel around Sapphire City but suddenly changed their schedule and came to Haililand overnight.

They came on a private plane, so Ava was very excited. As for why they woke up so early, it was already dawn when they arrived at the hotel last night, and they did not sleep for long. She was too tired. So, she hugged Frank and took a nap before landing.

When Ava received Rose’s message yesterday, she was so shocked that her jaw dropped. She had no choice but to tell Frank about such a big matter. So, she could only show the message to Frank.

In the end, Frank’s face darkened after reading the message. His expression was indescribable. He was silent for a long time. This was the first time Ava had seen such an expression on Frank’s usually gentle face.

After a moment of silence, Frank finally asked Ava if she wanted to go to Haililand.

Ava was very smart. She could guess that Frank wanted to speak to Rose in person. She agreed to go without thinking twice. However, Frank told Ava not to tell Rose about their trip to Haililand.

To Ava, that was more like a spot check. She wondered how Rose would react when she saw her brother in the hotel.

Time passed minute by minute. By the time the two of them finished their breakfast, Rose and Edward were still nowhere to be seen. Ava’s mind was filled with what Rose and Edward might have been doing last night. Last night could be considered Rose’s wedding night. Perhaps she was a little tired and was catching up on sleep.

“Frank, why don’t we go back to our room first? Rose might still be sleeping. I’m a little sleepy. I woke up too early in the morning. Take a nap with me.”

Ava’s thoughts were written on her face. Frank saw through her intention but did not expose it.

In the end, he got up and accompanied her back to her room. Back in her room, Ava lay down under the blanket. She patted the side of the bed and asked seductively, “Frank, aren’t you coming up to have a nap with me?”

Her voice was soft.

Frank had no intention of sleeping now. Rose’s sudden decision made Frank feel complicated. He did not know if this girl had thought it through or if it was a hot-headed decision. He really wanted to ask. He walked closer to the edge of the bed and rejected gently, taking care of Ava’s mood. “Baby Ava, sleep first. I’ll be back soon.”

After saying that, he touched Ava’s forehead, afraid the little girl would be unhappy.

“Alright, I’ll take a nap then.” Ava would not force Frank to do anything. She was just afraid that Frank would be impulsive.

While feeling complicated, Frank still stepped forward and sat by the bed. He touched Ava’s face dotingly and said, “Go to sleep. I’ll go out for a while. I’ll be back in half an hour.”

Ava playfully pinched Frank’s facc. Then, she reached out and pulled him toward her. She kissed his cheek and comforted him. “Alright, bye. Don’t be mad.”,

“Okay.” Frank agreed to Ava’s request not to be mad at them.

Looking at Frank leaving, Ava seemed to understand why Frank was unhappy. He must have been reluctant to part with his sister. Rose had already been legally married to Edward, so she might move in with Edward when they returned to Athana.

With that, the Roberts family would be less merrier. For the siblings who had been living under the same roof day and night, Frank could not bear to part with her. It was just that Frank did not speak much and did not show all his emotions on his face, but Aya could still tell.

After dating Frank for so long, she would be too heartless not to notice his emotions even when he was suppressing them.

After Frank left the room, he didn’t go anywhere else. He just stood in the corridor and leaned against the middle of the two suites. He lazily leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette. He held it between his lips and took a deep puff. He puffed and bit the cigarette butt with his teeth. He took out his phone and sent a message to Edward. [Come out.]

In the room, Edward, who was already awake, was staring at Rose. When he heard the phone under his pillow vibrate, he slowly pulled his arm out from under Rose’s neck and turned around slightly to check his phone.

After seeing Frank’s messages, Edward got out of bed without hesitation and covered Rose with a blanket. He took a set of casual clothes from his suitcase and put them on. He went to the bathroom to wash up, put on his glasses and quietly walked out of the room.

Frank had already smoked two cigarettes. He lazily glanced at Edward, who came out.

Edward was not surprised to see Frank. When he saw the message on his phone, he was indeed stunned. He did not expect


Chapter 478

Frank to get to them so soon.

“Rose isn’t awake yet. Let’s find a place to sit and chat,” suggested Edward. Even if they wanted to solve the problem, they couldn’t just smoke in the corridor. It wouldn’t be nice if Rose came out and bumped into them.

Frank threw the extinguished cigarette butt into the dustbin, tidied his clothes, and walked behind Edward casually. After a few steps, the two of them walked side by side as they headed downstairs.

They said nothing as they walked.

When they arrived at the lobby, Frank suddenly said, “Let’s talk here. It’s not something shameful. We don’t have to find a discreet place like when the secret agents meet.”

Edward wanted to go to the floor where the cafe was located. Before Frank came, he had guessed that this person would come over, but Frank was a little faster than he had expected. Just as he and his wife had their first night, his wife’s brother



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