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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 495

Chapter 495

One firework followed another, blooming rhythmically. In the might sky, the blooming of fireworks was only a momentary beauty, and that momentary beauty was deeply imprinted in their bears

Immediately after, a few words made by fireworks appeared in the air. Rose Forever Happy-]

A simple blessing, a happy record in the air, fleeting.

The fireworks show was still going on. The gorgeous and colorful freworks kept taking turns to set off as if competing with each other.

“This one looks good. This one looks good too. Frank, did you buy this?” Rose was overjoyed. She pointed at a certain fireworks in the sky with one hand.

Frank had already lit all the fireworks. He clapped his hands and lit a cigarette. He stood far away and did not approach Rose. “Edward bought it.”

Then Edward has a good taste. Go ahead and smoke. I’m fine, you just stand there with Frank and smoke.”

This was said to Edward. Edward was quite addicted to smoking. so it was a little difficult for him to quit it at once. As long as he did not smoke in the room, it was fine. After all, it was not good for the child.

Looking at Rose’s belly, Edward decided to refuse. “I’m not smoking anymore.”

Grace was wearing winter pajamas. It was already past 12 o’clock. “It’s late. It’s quite cold. Rose, go home early with Edward.”

This was Rose’s first year back from overseas, but she could not celebrate Christmas in the Roberts family. William was


relictant, but there was nothing he could do. He should accept the fact that Rose was already married. He took out some gifts from his pocket and handed them over. “Rose, give you. These are gifis prepared by us. Take them.”

There were a total of four gifts. She thought in her heart that one was from William, another was from Grace, one was for her, and one was for Edward.

One less.

Rose handed the gifts to Edward. Edward held her hand and said gently, “You hold them.”

Then, Rose waved the gifts in her hand. Her meaning was obvious. She reached out to Frank, who was smoking alone in the distance and made a gesture to ask for a gift. She opened one hand and raised her palm. “Frank, Merry Christmas. Give me a gift.”

Seeing this, Frank smiled and took a deep puff of his cigarette. “It’s in the drawer in my room. Go get it yourself.”

“Oh, I can’t walk anymore. Frank, help me carry it.” Rose pretended to be very tired and said to Frank.

Frank was too embarrassed to look at Rose’s exaggerated acting. He stubbed out his cigarette and threw it at his feet. He stepped on it and walked straight into the living room. He went upstairs. Edward could feel that Frank actually doted on Rose very much. Rose also knew that Frank doted on her very much. That was why Rose did this.

After a while, Frank handed two gifts to Rose. “Take them. It’s you and Edward’s first year here, so I have to show some respect.”

The gifts were custom–made. There were cute paintings on it. The two gifts were different. The handwriting was the kind that did not recognize and was extremely cool. Rose liked it so much


Turning Of The Tide

that she could not bear to put it down.

Frank knew her too well.

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“Rose, It’s almost time to leave. Don’t forget that you’re pregnant now. At least take some responsibility for the baby in your belly,” Frank said.

As he spoke, a playful flying kiss flew towards Frank. Rose said, “Got it. Thank you, Frank. I love you.”

Frank pretended not to see it. He glanced at Rose in disdain and waved his hand to signal Edward to take her away quickly. It was already very late and she was still pregnant. She should be careful.

The three of them did not leave after Edward and Rose’s car started. Instead, the three of them stood in the courtyard at the same time. Their gazes were fixed on the back of the car that was getting further and further away. All of them had complicated expressions on their faces.

Frank was the first to leave. He carried a chair back to the living room and said to Grace and William, who were still standing in the courtyard, “Sleep early. Rose and Edward will celebrate Christmas in the Roberts family next year.”

Grace sighed and turned around to enter the living room. Frank had never lied. If he could say that, it must have been discussed between Rose and Edward. Next year, there would not be two people, but three.

William’s mood also improved. The sadness in his heart gradually dissipated. He took a chair and said, “Rose really said. that, right? Edward is a sensible child.”

Grace defended Edward. “He is quite sensible to begin with. You were the one who kept being picky about him.”

As for Grace and William’s arguing, Frank was not participating because there was only one result. He still had to go upstairs to

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On the ober she of the cars bou was wearing red pajamas She placed her phone in a place he did air in four of the screen then picked up her phone and asked, Frank does it look

ther being together for so long this was the fix time Frank had seen a red dress on this young girl orally she fited a light–colored dress, but her skin was fair and she looked good in anything, “It looks good Did your mother buy it for you?

“How do you know? My Mom bought them for me and other family members. She bought them all for us. She said that there are a lot of good things this year and they need it to mantin them.

Frank, should I ask Mom to buy you cute pajamas too?” Frank hurriedly refused and waved his hand. It was hard for him to imagine himself in cute pajamas. He probably wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. “No need. Baby Ava. I have more pajamas. A few days ago. Grace bought a few more for me and Rose. I’ll buy it next time.”

The weather was cold, so it was warmer to wear pajamas. At this moment, Frank was also wearing dark blue pajamas, looking mature and steady.

Speaking of Rose, Ava stopped talking about buying cute

pajamas for Frank. “Alright, did Rose go to the Landor family to

Turning Of The Tide

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celebrate Christmas? Isn’t it just you, Grace, and William left in that villa?”

There were still four people in the Turner family. There were only three people left in the Roberts family. Such a big house. was a little deserted. Ava silently counted the number of people in her heart.


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