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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 506

Chapter 506

It happened so suddenly. Ava and Frank had sex last night. Ava’s period came after a shower. However, the young lady forgot to bring her necessities.

Frank sat on the ground and searched every corner of her luggage, but he could not find what the young lady needed.

After Rose got pregnant, she stopped using those things and threw away the remaining ones. Grace had them, but they weren’t of the brand that Ava used.

Moreover, the young lady was very particular on this matter. She only used one brand of sanitary pads. Moreover, there were requirements for the length and material. It could not be netted. It had to be soft and super thin.

Frank asked gently, “Baby Ava, does your stomach hurt?”

Ava shook her head. Her stomach did not hurt, but she did not dare to lie on the bed. “Frank, do you know how to buy it? Why don’t you let Joseph buy it for me? Joseph has bought it for me many times.”

She was a little worried that Frank would not know what sanitary pads to buy. After all, Frank had never bought them before. This time, she was too excited and forgot to pack them into her suitcase.

Frank was also afraid of buying the wrong brand. The young lady only used one brand and two styles. One for the day and one for the night. It was a waste if he bought too many of them. “Yes. I’ll get Joseph to accompany me this time. I’ll remember next time. Wait at home. I’ll go out to buy now. Call me if you’re feeling unwell.”

Ava’s menstrual period was very regular. Other than having a lot of menstrual cramps, there was nothing wrong with her. “Go.” If they didn’t go now, she would probably make more of a mess.

After giving instructions to her, Frank put on a black down jacket and a gray scarf that Grace had bought. He strode out and came to Joseph’s door. He knocked.

In less than half a minute, Joseph opened the door in his pajamas. Before Joseph could ask, Frank said, “Joseph, go to the supermarket with me. Baby Ava forgot to bring her pads. I don’t know which brand it is.”

As soon as he said this, Joseph understood.

Without hesitation, he turned around and entered the room again. He took off his pajamas as quickly as possible and changed into his outside clothes. In a few minutes, he was fully dressed.

Frank watched Joseph change clothes the entire time. His figure was well-proportioned, and one could feel the firmness of his muscles through his clothes.

“Let’s go.” Joseph ignored Frank sizing him out forthrightly. “You drive.” He was not very familiar with Athana’s roads.

Because Ava was in a hurry to use it, Frank sped up a little and soon stopped the car in the parking lot of the supermarket.

Before getting out of the car, Joseph habitually took out a mask from his pocket and put it on. Frank turned around. “Are you afraid of being eyed by girls?”

Joseph said, “I’m doing this for you. You look better when my face is hidden”

Frank smiled and stopped joking


At the supermarket, Joseph was not embarrassed by the fact that a big man was buying sanitary products for a girl.

He politely walked up to the staff who was arranging the goods. “Hello. May I ask where the sanitary pads are?”

The staff was stunned for a moment. It was the first time a man had asked her this question. There were boys who came to buy sanitary products for girls in the supermarket every day. However, many of them were embarrassed and secretly went. to look for it.

This man was not embarrassed at all. It was rare for her to see someone behave like this.

The supermarket staff politely brought the two of them to the area. Before they left, she even glanced at the handsome Frank. Frank pretended not to see it and ignored her.

Joseph said, “Thank you. Sorry for troubling you.”

“You’re welcome. Do you need me to show them to you?” The staff was afraid that the two men would not understand, so she wanted to help them out.

“There’s no need.” There was a sense of distance in his politeness. It was not appropriate for the staff to continue with introductions, so she could only leave.

The two men were seriously choosing sanitary pads in the ladies section. At this moment, Joseph was like a salesperson selling his products. He patiently explained to Frank the brand that Ava needed and also asked Frank to avoid buying the wrong brand in the future. Frank also had to pay attention to the style and the difference in small fonts.

Some girls who had come to buy sanitary pads were extremely envious. A few of them wanted to get closer. Joseph was wearing a mask, while Frank was not wearing a hat or mask, and his handsome face was exposed to everyone.

Any girl who was interested in good looks would be attracted.

Before the girls approached, Frank said indifferently, “I’m buying it for my wife.”

A girl had just taken a step forward heard this and retracted her foot. She thought that there would be no follow-up. Unexpectedly, Frank’s next sentence gave them hope. “You can consider the one beside me.”

Joseph lowered his head to take a pack of sanitary pads and threw it into the shopping basket. He smiled and said in a low voice, “I’m buying it for my girlfriend. Sorry.”

The girl thought, “They’re messing around with them. Forget it. Let’s go.”

After buying the items, Frank remembered Joseph’s instructions and the details of the selection. He curled his lips and said playfully, “You have a girlfriend? A tomboy?”

Joseph didn’t answer yes or no. He only said, “It’s a good excuse.”

Frank followed behind him and smiled. He took Joseph’s shopping basket from him and was about to pay when he met someone familiar in the queue. Angie, who was in the next line, saw Frank and greèted him warmly. “Frank.”

In the distance, Joseph, who was at the other end of the cashier, looked towards the source of the voice. When he saw who it .was, he pulled up his mask and lowered his head. He took out his phone to send a message.

Frank greeted, “Hello, Angie. I’m here to buy something for my fiancée.”

Angie tiptoed and was disappointed and envious when she saw the sanitary pads on the counter. This boy from the Roberts family was really not bad. He could come out in the middle of the night to buy these things for his fiancee. In the end, he and Christina were not fated. “In terms of doting on your wife, you’re the same as your father.”


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