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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 525

Chapter 525

Frank motioned to Chris, signaling him to step outside for a conversation. When Chris caught Frank’s gaze, he promptly rose from his seat. Such formal occasions were not to his liking.

The crux of the matter was that it was nearly impossible for him to get a word in. The primary objective was to make up the numbers.

During Sherri’s wedding, Stella and Ava had the honor of being bridesmaids together. They made a great pair, both talkative and cheerful, effortlessly striking up a conversation with just a few words.

Seeing her brother had departed, Stella wanted to quietly exit, but she needed a pretext. She put her hopes on Ava. “Mom, I’ll take Ava upstairs to play. You all continue your chat.”

Angie wasn’t mainly focused on her youngest daughter; she wanted to be undisturbed. She dismissed her with a casual wave. “Sure, go on, enjoy yourselves.”

With the green light from her mother, Stella waved to Ava and gestured for her to join her upstairs for some fun. Ava turned to Emma beside her and said, “Mom, I’m going to play with Stella.”

Emma smiled and replied gently, “Go ahead, just don’t cause any trouble.”

“Got it.”

Angie observed the interaction between the mother and daughter and couldn’t help but sigh inwardly. She was genuinely impressed by their refined and genteel demeanor. In contrast, Angie couldn’t help but feel she belonged on the list of male companions.

However, it was probably challenging for her to get upset with such a woman. She wasn’t concerned about the prospect of Christina marrying into her future mother-in-law’s family because her future mother-in-law was exceptionally gentle.

As the children left, leaving only the elders, Grace asked directly, “Did Christina say Joseph is a professor?”

Angie nodded. “Yes, Christina mentioned that. She said he’s a professor. Is that not true?”

They were all puzzled about how this misunderstanding had arisen. Perhaps only the people involved knew. Daniel smiled and explained, “Mr. and Mrs. Yamin, Joseph works for the company’s CEO. We have our own company in Sapphire City, and he currently manages it. He probably doesn’t have the time to be a professor at a university. There must be a misunderstanding.”

Charlie was speechless upon hearing this. The difference between a professor and a CEO was substantial.

Angie, too, was taken aback. She wondered why Christina insisted that her boyfriend was a professor when he wasn’t. Angie began to consider various possibilities, including the idea that her daughter might be concealing the existence of another boyfriend.

But that didn’t seem likely. Christina wasn’t the type to be fickle. There must be a misunderstanding they weren’t aware of.

Angie was worried about the latter and asked again, “Are you sure he’s not a professor?”

Emma and Daniel nodded in unison. Their expressions were very certain. Joseph had impressive educational qualifications, but he was not a professor. He had never aspired to be a teacher since he was young.

Daniel was surprised to see the Yamin family’s and his wife’s reaction. He added politely, “Clearly, there is a misunderstanding about his profession as a professor. The two children should clarify this themselves when they return. We can wait a little longer. Mr. Yamin, Mrs. Yamin, if you have any thoughts about this marriage or any requests, please feel free to ask. We will do our best to accommodate them. Before coming here, Joseph mentioned many times not to be stingy, fearing that I might mistreat Christina. It’s clear that Joseph cares deeply for her.”

Angie regained her composure and smiled. “As long as the two children love each other, that’s all that matters. We don’t need anything else.”

Angie was delighted to hear that the Turner family had come to propose marriage because Joseph genuinely liked her daughter and wanted to get married soon.

William was also in high spirits. He patted his thigh and sat up straight. He told Charlie, “Mr. Yamin, let me tell you, my in-laws are straightforward people. We shouldn’t be shy either. We must be straightforward when it comes to engagement.”

When he said this, Charlie stared at him in disbelief. His daughter was abroad, and the other party’s parents had come to propose marriage. “Mr. Turner, Mrs. Turner, we have no objections to this marriage. As my wife mentioned, as long as the two children love each other, that’s all that matters. The Roberts family should understand Christina’s personality. She has been headstrong since she was young, and it’s challenging for us to change her mind. So, we need to discuss the engagement gift with the children.”

Charlie knew his daughter well. She didn’t care for marriage, its benefits, or comparisons. That was why he hesitated to decide on the engagement gift.

The Turner family understood the situation and decided to support their son. “That’s fine, but we’re here today and should assist Joseph. The children were informed in a hurry, so we prepared this gift list at the last minute. Please take a look. It’s a

gesture of goodwill with 88 items. You can review it, and if anything doesn’t feel right, feel free to make changes.”

“Let’s not focus too much on the material aspect. These are just tokens of our sincerity and show that we value Christina.” William added, “Take it. Joseph doesn’t want to mistreat Christina. We will be family in the future, and we’re willing to accept it. Take this list for now. The marriage is decided, and there’s nothing we can do to change it. Christina is already with Joseph in Sapphire City. Maybe she’ll bring you a grandchild when she returns. What do you say, Mr. Yamin? You might want to thank me now. Just remember to reward me for this.”

Grace patted William, who was grinning. He turned, and said, “It’s all for the children’s sake. Let’s accept Mr. Yamin’s arrangements for now. You can show this to Christina later. Today, our main focus is to settle this matter. We can discuss the engagement gift later.”

With the help of the Roberts family, Charlie had no choice but to agree. They would show the gift list to their daughter later. Fortunately, it was only a list, not the actual engagement gift with 88 items. Otherwise, he wouldn’t know what to do.

“Alright, we’ll keep it for now.” They had to accept it, as their daughter was already overseas.

Plus, Angie liked Joseph and had been pushing for this. As expected, her wish had been fulfilled.


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