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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 540

Chapter 540

Before going to work the next day, Natalie went to Lena’s room. She had been thinking about what Trevon had told her last night.

Trevon went to work early. Natalie had more freedom to work, so she only drove to work after helping the children at home wash up.

The door to Lena’s room was not closed. It was half open, but the polite Natalie knocked on the already open door. “Lena, can I come in?”

Lena, who was sitting on the bed, happened to be applying ointment. The cold wind in winter was more bone-chilling. It was especially difficult for Elderly people with rheumatism and knee arthritis to endure. They basically had to eat medicine and apply ointment nonstop.

“Natalie, come in. Why aren’t you going to work yet?” After applying the last bit of ointment, Lena lowered her pants.

Natalie sat on the edge of the bed and glanced at the trash can. There was no shell of painkillers, so she asked with concern, “Lena, have you been feeling unwell recently?”


Lena lowered her head and minded her own business as she tidied up the ointment. Her tone was very relaxed, and there was nothing unusual about it as she said, “Kiddo, I’ve been wandering around you every day. What’s there to feel unwell about? I take my blood pressure twice every day, and all I have is these two old legs hurting sometimes, nothing else. All old people have rheumatism, so don’t worry. Go to work.”

Natalie was skeptical, so she still planned to persuade Lena to go to the hospital for a checkup another day. “Really?”

“Really.” Lena’s eyes were firm.

“Alright, use the massager my brother gave you. If you have nothing to do, massage more. It can relieve the pain in your legs.”

“Got it. Hurry up and go to work. Don’t worry about me. There are so many people at home. I don’t have to do any work at all. I’m so free every day that I can only wander around.”

“Then I’m going to work. If you’re not feeling well, you have to tell me. You can’t hide it from me, okay?” Natalie stood up and said worriedly.

Lena agreed readily. She watched her filial goddaughter go downstairs and looked at her back. His eyes began to shine. She was finally relieved.

When Natalie arrived downstairs, she said, “Grandpa, I’m going to work.”

Theo stood up with his walking stick. “Girl, I’ll get the driver to send you there.”

“There’s no need. Grandpa, I plan to take my bike there. I miss riding it, hehe.” The weather was not that cold today, and the warm sun was already shining on the ground.

Theo nodded and did not object. He only instructed, “Then be careful. Ride slower.”

“Got it.” Natalie took the helmet and went straight to the garage to ride the motorcycle that her grandfather had given her. She opened the protective cover, and the bright, reflective body of the motorcycle was conspicuous in the dark garage.

She remembered the scene when her grandfather gave her the bike, but she was no longer sad. She smiled as she stepped onto the bike. Starting the engine, she felt the wind’s caress again. It was at a constant speed, not fast at all. She no longer needed freedom or excitement. She only needed to remember her grandfather’s good deeds and preserve this beautiful love he had left for her.

About half an hour later, the bike stopped in the station’s parking lot. She took off her helmet, shook her head, hung the helmet on the bike, and tidied her hair. When her colleagues who came to work at the same time saw her, they all ran over to ask.

“Natalie, you know how to drive a motorcycle? It’s amazing. I like it too, but I can only like it and don’t know how to drive it.” A colleague/approached and touched the bike enviously. Her tone was filled with regret.

“If you like it, why don’t you learn it?” Natalie asked with a smile. She picked up the helmet and held it in one hand.

“I don’t have the guts. I’m timid, but I’m envious of these cool things,” The girl said embarrassedly.

Natalie could not advise her on such matters, so she could only smile and say, “Then safety comes first. The cars are quite good too. They can shelter us from the wind and rain.”

After work.

Natalie rode home. During this time, Trevon asked her if she wanted him to pick her up. She told him that she drove there herself and did not need him to pick her up.

When she got home, Natalie immediately went to see the children. She kissed Jasper downstairs and said, “Grandpa, Mom, I’ll go see the child.”

Rachel said calmly, “Alright. She’s still asleep. If she wakes up, change her diapers.”

“Okay, Jasper. Mommy will go and see your sister. You can play downstairs for a while.”

Jasper said concisely, “Okay.”

Theo glanced at Natalie’s back as she went upstairs. He felt that he still had to remind his great-grandson about his lack of words. He could not let Jasper grow up to be like his grandson, speaking like every word was squeezed out between his teeth. “Little Jasper.”

Jasper was repairing the plane that Ruby accidentally broke as he said, “Yeah.”

Theo stroked Jasper’s hair dotingly and said, “Jasper, can we say a few more words next time? For example, when Mommy spoke to you just now, you could say okay, sure. Can you say these two words?”

Jasper did not quite understand why he had to talk more. He looked at Theo’s loving face in confusion. Theo said, “Haha, you don’t understand, right? I will explain it to you. If you talk to Daddy to tell him that you’re very happy today, and you say to Daddy, ‘Daddy, Daddy, I’m especially happy today. Can I share it with you? Then, you say a lot of things. By the time you finish. Your father says, ‘Okay’. Jasper, would you like this answer?”

Jasper thought about it and shook his head. However, when he thought about it again, he realized that this sounded exactly like what his father would do. His father rarely said many words, and his mother never said anything to him.

Theo could see the doubt in his great-grandson’s eyes. “Are you trying to say that Dad is the same?”

Jasper nodded.


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