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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 576

The next day, as usual, Frank sent Ava to the airport. Pat carried the luggage and walked onto the plane. After the two kissed goodbye, they separated.

The plane took off into the sky. Frank left after smoking a cigarette, as he always did.

A few hours later, at Turner Manor...

With Pat respectfully carrying the suitcase behind him, Ava strolled. She didn't bounce around as usual but moved steadily and carefully, leaving footprints one step at a time. Seeing movement in the yard, Emma rushed out from inside the house.

Before Ava returned, Natalie had already called Emma and explained the situation. After listening, Emma felt that her daughter was a bit willful this time, and she should tell Frank about it.

However, not knowing her daughter's thoughts, she hesitated to call Frank before understanding the situation when her daughter returned.

"Tired?" Emma gently supported her daughter and walked inside.

Observing her mother's facial expressions and gestures, Ava discerned with certainty that her sister had likely discussed the matter with their mother. The nuanced details in her mom's demeanor, perhaps a subtle shift or a particular reaction, provided Ava with cues indicating that her sister had, in all probability, already shared the information.

"Mom, do you think I did the right thing?" Ava walked to the sofa, holding Emma's wrist.

"You and Frank have been engaged for a long time. Technically, getting married first is also possible. But Frank doesn't want you to be restricted in college. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been such a long time without any accidents. This time it happened because of your actions," Emma explained.

Ava wanted to surprise Frank with a marriage certificate when she graduated, ensuring that marriage and having a child would happen simultaneously, no longer making her feel like she was lagging behind.

Emma helped her daughter sit down, held her hand, and said, "Ava, you've grown up. Technically, you have a baby now and are about to become a mother. Mom should respect your decision, but you should tell Frank about this. He has the right to know as the child's father."

Ava expressed her most significant concerns. "But what if something happens to the child? What if it's not healthy? What if I need to protect the pregnancy?" Her voice softened as she spoke, lowering her gaze and playing with her nails.

Emma squinted, sensing a hint of tension in her daughter's emotions. Not wanting to force her to decide, she gently reassured her, "Ava, there aren't as many 'what ifs' as you think. Whether the child is good or not, it's Frank's child. Frank won't dislike or reject it. Moreover, this situation never happened; let's not worry too much. Relax, okay?"

Ava thought to herself. She just wanted the surprise stable for a while and didn't want any disappointment to occur.

Seeing her daughter silent, Emma sighed inwardly. She didn't dare press the child too hard. "Mom understands your concerns. Let's not think about anything for now since you're back. We'll understand the situation after you've relaxed."

Ava raised her gaze, making eye contact with her daughter. Emma Turner said, "Rest assured, you must tell Frank about this. Mom won't do it for you. But Mom hopes you'll share it with Frank soon. He'll be very happy."

With her soft-spoken and reassuring manner, Emma skillfully communicated the information, fostering an environment where any potential psychological burdens were alleviated.

In response, Ava acknowledged the conveyed details and exhibited internal contemplation and uncertainty regarding her earlier resolution. Emma's delicate and calming approach was a catalyst for Ava's introspection, prompting her to reevaluate the decisions she had initially made.

Emma also felt that her daughter had grown up. She patted her daughter's head affectionately, giving various pieces of advice like Natalie did.

Twilight arrived, and the villa was as bright as day.

There were four people sitting on the sofa in the living room. They were Emma, Daniel, Joseph, and Christina.

Ava had already gone to bed early because of her pregnancy. She remembered her sister and mother's instructions about not staying up late, avoiding strenuous exercise, and following every precaution.

With everyone present except Emma, the other three didn't know about Ava's pregnancy. The whole family was in pajamas, and the atmosphere was somewhat serious. Christina glanced at Joseph, questioning him with her eyes, but Joseph shook his head.

Five minutes ago, the two had just hidden under the covers and received a message from Emma. It was a brief message. [Living room, we need to talk.]

Daniel spoke first, asking Emma, "Emma, what happened? Do we need to wake up Joseph and the others?"

Emma sat upright, glancing at the three people, and calmly said, "Ava is pregnant. Let me explain what we need to be careful about later."

The three people answered in unison, "Ava is pregnant."

Even Joseph, who was usually calm, was now in turmoil. He looked at Emma with complex emotions, thinking he had misunderstood.

There was a perceived sense of prudence and understanding within the character of Frank. The unexpected news of Ava's pregnancy, given that she still had a year until graduation, raised questions and uncertainties.

One might have anticipated a more cautious approach, considering the timing and the impact on their plans. The contrast between the expected moderation and the surprising revelation left confusion and curiosity.

Originally, Ava would have graduated in September this year, but she decided to pursue a double degree, leading to a delayed graduation.

Whether it was the Turner family or the Roberts family, they all supported this decision. They even advised Ava not to be anxious and to take her time. Frank could interpret it as he pleased.

Daniel was momentarily lost in thought, unable to understand how his daughter became pregnant. "Didn't Frank say that he wouldn't let Ava get pregnant during her time at school? Now she's pregnant, and Ava's entire pregnancy period is practically during her time at school."

In the midst of the heavy silence, Joseph and Christina Yamin exchanged perplexed glances, both grappling with a multitude of questions swirling in their minds. The weight of the revelation hung in the room, and the two of them remained locked in contemplative silence, searching for a way to address the unexpected situation that had unfolded before them.

The air was pregnant with unspoken queries, and Christina, in her stunned state, could only manage to briefly part her lips before closing them, struggling to find the right words to express her astonishment.

A sudden, unexpected pregnancy would be normal if it were an ordinary couple. However, for Frank and Ava, this was what puzzled them. Based on Frank's love for Ava, they found it hard to believe he would let her get pregnant now.

Seeing everyone confused, Emma explained gently, neither hurried nor anxious. "Don't misunderstand, Frank. He doesn't know that Ava is pregnant, and it's not an accident. Ava did it herself, making herself pregnant."

"What? Ava wanted to get pregnant on her own." Daniel couldn't believe his ears. His daughter's actions surprised him.

Joseph and Christina were speechless and didn't know how to react to this statement.

Emma nodded, confirming that it was indeed her daughter's doing.


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