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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 587

Frank complied with Ava's arrangements. He stayed in Sapphire City for another week before returning to Athana to arrange the wedding.

During this week, Ava displayed a reassuring demeanor, not being overly clingy to Frank. She seemed almost as she was before her pregnancy, perhaps a bit more cautious in her actions.

Just after school ended, she entered the living room with small, measured steps, accompanied by her bodyguard. Emma was already waiting there, a hint of concern hidden deep in her eyes. She glanced at the bodyguard behind Ava.

The female bodyguard nodded respectfully, her eyes indicating that everything was fine today. "Madam, I'll be heading out now."

Emma nodded. "Thank you, Yana."

Outside, Benjamin was enjoying his peanuts snack under the sun, while Ethan and Pat were with Joseph. Benjamin stayed at home; he used to be Joseph's backup when Pat was in Athana.

He was quite the chatterbox, which Joseph found a bit annoying.

As soon as Benjamin saw Yana, he started to chat, "Yana, is school fun? Tell me about it."

Yana, with a cold face that suggested she wasn't easy to get along with, completely ignored Benjamin's words. She seemed indifferent, lazily leaning against the wall, ready to act at a moment's notice.

Seeing her indifferent expression, Benjamin found it amusing. "Why are you so tensed? It's not like we're under attack. You're here just to protect the young miss. Why do you look like you're ready to charge into enemy lines?"

His comment earned him a stern glare from Yana, her cold gaze sweeping over him. Benjamin shivered unexpectedly but couldn't resist being cheeky, "I'm just afraid you'll get bored all alone. Thought I'd keep you company, and help you adjust in advance.

"I'm telling you, don't be nervous. Seriously, don't be nervous. The young miss is really nice. Let me tell you, the young miss in Athana is also nice, and so is her husband. I haven't met him yet. They say he's not easy to get along with, worse than Mr.Roberts. They say he's a chameleon. Say something wrong, and you'll get scolded. But they say he goes to Southland. I've only heard rumors though."

Benjamin kept rambling on, sharing everything he had seen and heard with Yana.

She was incredibly fed up. After a full day of classes, she wanted some peace and quiet. She walked off in a different direction, hoping to escape Benjamin's incessant chatter. Unfortunately, the talkative Benjamin followed closely behind, still babbling away about trivial matters.

Yana, at her wit's end, swiftly grabbed his wrist, executing an impressive shoulder throw. After the throw, without bothering about whether Benjamin was hurt or not, she walked away briskly.

Left wincing in pain, Benjamin cried out, "My butt! Oh my, why resort to physical action? Why do you women love shoulder throws? Is it because they look cool or something?"

A bodyguard came over to assist Benjamin, reminding him, "Why don't you learn your lesson? Why provoke her?"

Rubbing his sore bottom, Benjamin put on a pitiful expression. "I was just trying to be kind, chatting with her since she was alone. Good intentions, you know? But she turned out to be so aggressive, like a tomboy.

"Ouch, my butt, my waist! Yana, let me tell you, if my back gets ruined, your life is over! You'll be responsible for me forever," Benjamin yelled toward the vanished Yana, nursing his injuries.

A nearby bodyguard chuckled softly, and someone chimed in, "You're thinking too much. If you don't want to get beaten up, it's better to keep quiet."

Remembering the shoulder throw, Benjamin felt an even sharper pain in his rear. He reluctantly sealed his lips, lacking enthusiasm. When someone attempted to check his injury, Benjamin shooed them away, saying, "Get lost! It's not for just anyone to see. Only my future wife can see this. Get outta here!"

Ava and Emma were just about to sit on the sofa when they heard the commotion outside. As they emerged, they spotted Benjamin grimacing and rubbing his butt.

Ava scanned the surroundings, furrowing her brow slightly. "What's wrong? Did you get into a fight?"

One of the nearby people, about to explain that Yana had thrown Benjamin, promptly shut their mouth when Benjamin shot them a cold glance. Compared to the other bodyguards, Benjamin was clearly favored by Joseph.

He lied, "Just slipped by accident. No big deal, Miss, Mrs. You both can go inside. I just had a little fall."

Emma looked somewhat skeptical, and Ava too was puzzled. Eventually, they turned and went back into the villa.

"Class is over. Shouldn't you text Frank?" Emma observed her daughter's cheerful mood, feeling assured herself, and spoke gently.

"I'm afraid he might be tired and fall asleep. I'll message him in half an hour."

As Ava finished speaking, her phone rang, undoubtedly a well-timed call from Frank, who calculated Ava's expected arrival based on the route, speed, and potential traffic.

"I'll get you some fruit from the kitchen. You can talk to Frank," Emma suggested politely, seeing her son-in-law had called.

"Okay, thanks, Mom."

As Ava answered the phone, she heard Frank's familiar voice on the other end, and a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. Glancing at the kitchen, she lowered her voice, calling softly, "Honey."

There was silence on the other end as Ava spoke, and she assumed the call had disconnected. However, she could hear breathing but no voice. "Honey, did you hear me calling you?" she whispered several times.

Frank took a deep breath before responding, "Mm... Are you home?"

"Yes, I am. Did you put a tracker on me, or did you get Yana and Benjamin's phone records? I barely stepped inside, and your call came through," Ava removed her shoes and settled on the couch, grabbing a cushion to prop herself up.

"No, I just figured it out." Frank chuckled softly on the other end, sensing the good mood in Ava's voice. He was less worried now. He had been concerned earlier about Ava feeling lonely going to school alone, but now, it seemed like he had overthought it.

"Well, have you told Rose that I'm pregnant?"

"Yup. I have," Frank replied, fearing that if he didn't inform Rose, she would chase after him to scold him later.

As Ava wondered why Rose hadn't messaged her.

Frank seemed to anticipate her thoughts and preemptively explained, "I ask her not to bother you."

Upon returning to Athana, Frank informed Rose about Ava's pregnancy but instructed her not to disturb Ava. He planned to wait a few days before inquiring again. He made sure to explain all the details to Rose about the situation.

"No wonder. Alright, I'll message her in a while. I'm not scared or nervous now; I can share the news with Sherri and the others."



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