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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 598

The moment Trevon finished speaking, the man on the bed did not respond or offer a retort.

After a few seconds of silence, Trevon turned around and brought his grandfather a bucket of water. He wiped Theo's face and hands, then proceeded to comb his hair as well. Following that, he went to the closet and retrieved the clothes Rachel had prepared in advance, dressing his grandfather.

Theo had always been headstrong, so Trevon was certain he would not appreciate others helping him with dressing. Therefore, Trevon took it upon himself to assist.

He finished helping Theo wash up and get dressed.

He then took out his phone and called Jim. As soon as Jim picked up, he instructed, "Get the funeral service personnel to come to Wilson's residence."

Silence lingered on the other end of the line. After a few seconds, Jim quickly said, "Alright, I will arrange it immediately."

Upon ending the call, Trevon returned his phone to his pocket. After quickly checking on his grandfather in bed, he made his way to his parent's room with the intention of inviting the members of the Wilson's residence to bid farewell to his grandfather.

Despite Caleb not being in Theo's room, sleep eluded him in his own bed. Upon hearing a knock on the door, he promptly threw off the blanket and rose from the bed. Observing his weary son at the door, he immediately grasped the situation. Tears welled up in his eyes and eventually streamed down his face. Clenching the door handle tightly for support, he uttered, "I understand. Go tell Natalie."

"Yeah." Having returned to his room, Trevon nudged the person on the bed. "Natalie..."

"Huh? Why did you come back? Has Daddy gone to see Grandpa?" Upon awakening, Natalie noticed the redness in Trevon's eyes. A sudden tightness gripped her heart, and an ominous feeling settled in her chest.

Her demeanor instantly shifted as she sobered up. She choked slightly before asking, "Grandpa... has he passed away?" As soon as she finished her words, tears streamed down her face, and she opened her mouth wide, struggling to find words for a long moment.

Trevon nodded. Although he did not appear very melancholic, Natalie could discern the sadness in his eyes. She was cognizant that, being a man, he refrained from expressing his current emotions through tears. "Have you reached out to the funeral service personnel? I have their phone numbers." She previously saved the number when she had arranged a funeral for her grandfather.

Upon hearing her words, Trevon once again regretted not attending her grandfather's funeral because of his pride. "I am sorry."

They understood each other without having to say much. Natalie raised her hand and wiped her tears away. "There is no need for that. Let's deal with Grandpa's funeral first. He does not like to be high-profile, so we should try our best to cater to his preference."

Following the conclusion of the call with Trevon, Jim dialed Frank, who had been residing in Athana recently as he was aware of Theo's ailing health. Jim had informed Ava about this in advance.

The phone call connected, and a groggy voice came through from the other side, suggesting that Frank had answered with his eyes shut. Jim went directly to the matter, announcing, "Theo has just passed away."


Frank snapped awake instantly. After ending the call with Jim, he swiftly jumped up from the bed and hastily put on his slippers. As he dialed the phone, he went to the wardrobe to look for clothes, silently cursing Trevon all the while. It was evident that Hackett was deep in sleep as he did not pick up his phone, allowing it to ring for a prolonged period.

With surging anger, Frank angrily tossed his phone onto the bed, causing it to bounce. He swiftly put on a black suit and called Chris, who, being sensitive to calls due to frequent surgeries, answered promptly. "Go to the Wilson's residence."

Upon hearing Frank's instructions, Chris did not offer many words. "Okay, I will be right there. You can go ahead, and I will join you shortly," Chris responded.

Frank looked at the unanswered call and furrowed his eyebrows. He then decided to call Edward, who picked up the call very quickly. However, perhaps because Edward did not want to wake Rose and the child up, he spoke very softly, "Hello."

In reality, Edward hesitated before answering the phone. He was momentarily stunned before picking up, as it was the first time Frank had called him in the middle of the night since his marriage. Therefore, this unexpected call left him feeling a bit nervous.

Frank asked, "Is Hackett with the Blackwell family or the Landor family at the moment?"

Edward replied, "He is at the Landor's residence today. What is going on? Do you have something to tell him?"

Frank said, "Wake him up and have him go to the Wilson's residence. Theo has passed away."

Tonight, Jim and Frank shared the news of Theo's passing. Having been notified, Edward was stunned for a few seconds before responding, "Okay, I will go get him."

After hanging up the phone, Edward prepared to get up. Considering Trevon's generosity toward him and Rose, he chose a black suit from the wardrobe and put it on. Rose, waking up in a haze, discovered that Edward was already dressed. Feeling confused, she asked, "Hey, darling, where exactly are you going to in the middle of the night?"

Rose rubbed her neck, squinted her eyes halfway, and propped herself up from the bed. As she glanced at her phone to check the time, she shifted its placement slightly to shield her eyes from the harsh light. It was at that moment she realized it was only three o'clock in the early hours of the morning.

Edward returned to the bed and laid her down again. "I will go to wake Hackett up."

As soon as he finished, Rose became even more puzzled. She frowned deeply and asked, "Why are you looking for Hackett so late at night? Well, shouldn't you be staying with your beautiful wife?"

Edward pulled Rose's delicate hand away from his chest and replied with seriousness, "Stop fooling around. Listen, Theo has just passed away. Since Trevon is unable to reach Hackett, I will wake him and head over to the Wilson's residence afterward."

"He... Mr. Wilson has passed away?" Rose stuttered in disbelief. For a moment, her mouth hung open, and she did not know what to say or do.


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