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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 622

In the Yamin family, Angie had just woken up. She woke up too early in the morning and overslept when she went back to sleep. It was quite tiring for her to keep going on like this.

The temperature was too low, so she didn't go out today.

It would probably snow in a few days. The weather was getting colder.

Suddenly, she received a message on her phone. Angie stopped eating her snacks and picked up her phone to check. Christina got married. Stella and Charlie went to work at the company and Chris went to the hospital. There was only Angie left in the huge house.

She was quite lonely every day. It was a world of difference compared to the lively atmosphere of the Roberts family. No wonder William was so boastful.

Angie nodded and smiled as she swiped her phone to take a look. She replied, [I understand. I guarantee that the supervision is in place.]

The next day, it was 5 a.m. as usual.

Angie set the alarm again. She woke up early and stood by her son's bed. Today, she changed the way of waking him up. It was too strenuous yesterday.

Angie turned on her phone, cranked up the volume, and played music. Instantly, the wake-up ringtone echoed in Chris's room. The next second, the deeply asleep Chris jolted awake and quickly started searching for his clothes.

As soon as Chris held the clothes in his hand, he noticed his mother smiling at him by the bed. He threw the clothes back onto the bed and rubbed his hair in frustration. "Mom, please let me go. Can you go back to sleep?"

Chris clasped his hands together and begged.

At this moment, Chris even wanted to die.

During the military training at university, Chris had psychological trauma because of this wake-up ringtone. The instructor of their class always rang the wake-up ringtone unexpectedly at night. It was repeated over and over again. Even now, he still remembered it vividly.

Angie had to urge Chris to get married soon. "Do you think I like running to your room and waking you up on such a cold day? If you could just wake up on your own, I wouldn't bother coming to your room. Look at how desolate it is in there."

Chris really wanted to tell his mother that he was very annoyed, but he was afraid of being rebuked, so he thought about it and decided not to.

"Can I change it to winter swimming? Can I go to the swimming pool to exercise? Or can I go to Trevon's gym for a run?" The temperature outside today was even lower than yesterday.

Chris shivered at the thought.

Angie thought about yesterday's temperature and today's temperature, and her heart suddenly softened. But since the plan had already started, how could she stop before it succeeded? "Just endure it for another half month."

Chris wondered, 'Are you really my biological mom? The temperature starts rising after half a month!'

Given that today's temperature was even lower than yesterday's, 10 minutes later, Chris directly put on thermal underwear. He even added a gray striped sweater and a black down jacket. Feeling not warm enough before heading out, he threw on a scarf as well.

The temperature outside was still so heartless. Wherever there was a gap, the wind would come in. Chris's teeth were chattering non-stop. In order to prevent himself from freezing to death, Chris decided to run.

As he ran, the cold wind blew into his nostrils, making him suspect that his nose was frozen. He took out a blue medical pocket from his pocket and put it on. He felt a little better.

He ran slowly.

About five minutes later, a young lady ran past him. It was the same young lady from yesterday. Chris stared at her back and was very curious. How much did she love her ex-boyfriend to vent on such a cold day?

What Chris did not know was that she did not like to run in the winter. Instead, she had the habit of running outdoors every day, unless it was raining heavily.

Chris lacked exercise and quickly pulled away from the woman. However, he had no intention of chasing after her at all. He continued to run like a snail. His body warmed up as he ran, and he increased his speed slightly.

The cold wind rustled the branches, and a few new tender branches seemed to be about to break. When the cold wind blew past his ears, it was like a sharp knife cutting through.

The woman jogged. Her breathing was steady, and she controlled the rhythm, making her run more effortlessly. She still wore a white Bluetooth earphone in her ears, and perhaps due to the low temperature today, she had wrapped a scarf around her neck. She pursed her lips, listening to the sound coming from her earphones.

After a while, she answered without stopping, "Yes, I'll go to the office later."

The person on the other end of the phone laughed. "If Christina didn't call you personally, you probably wouldn't go."

Leia agreed with this point. Indeed, she was just afraid of trouble. She was afraid that everyone would stare at her because of a checkup. "I'm very healthy. The couple is just worrying for nothing."

"Because you are alone in Athana. That's why they are worried."

"What's there to worry about? I'm already an adult. Besides, I was born and raised in Athana." But the entire family of her moved to Sapphire City.

It was because her parents were worried about her and doted on her, so they wanted to move to Sapphire City to take care of her.

Suddenly, the topic changed. "By the way, I saw another runner more dedicated than me this morning."

The person on the other end of the phone was interested. "Huh? What do you mean? Have you found a new companion? Are you abandoning me?"

"What are you thinking about? When I just ran, I found a man who came out to exercise after catching a cold. He's probably also an outdoor morning jog enthusiast."

The woman thought of the blue mask she had seen just now and said firmly.


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