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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 626

At that moment.

Leia bought three big bags from the supermarket, including a bag of ingredients, a bag of snacks and quick-frozen food, and one bag of fruits and drinks.

As soon as she opened the trunk, someone came from behind, followed by a male voice. "Miss March, let me do it."

Leia turned around and thanked him. "Thank you."

Joseph was very meticulous. After sending Leia to Athana, he had to be responsible for her safety. He also had to reassure her parents in Sapphire City, so he arranged a bodyguard.

The bodyguard followed the rules and said respectfully, "Miss March, I'll carry it for you to the living room, and I'll come out."

Leia nodded. "Alright, sorry to trouble you."

She could have carried it herself, but it would take a little effort. She could hang a bag on her bent arm and hold a bag in each hand.

The door of the villa opened, and Leia's hands were empty. The bags were all carried by the bodyguard. She opened the door and let the bodyguard enter first. The door was open, and the bodyguard left after he put down the things. He did not even stay in the living room for a minute.

When the bodyguard left, Leia thanked him again and closed the door.

She put away the things she had bought and took everything for the kitchen. She bought a lot of ingredients and would cook herself when she had time.

By the time everything was settled, it was already 40 minutes later. It was still early for lunch. She went upstairs in her slippers and began sitting on the carpet to watch today's news. She turned on a light music.

At 1 p.m., Stella slept left and right on her bed. She only opened her eyes when she could not sleep anymore. She turned on her phone and scrolled through Twitter for a while. She only got up when there was nothing left to gossip about.

She stretched lazily. "It's comfortable. I like this kind of weekend when I wake up naturally."

She sent a message to Ava. [Darling, did you take a nap? Can I come and look for you now?]

The reply came very quickly. Since Stella said she was going to the Roberts family, Ava did not sleep. [No, you can come over.]

Both of them sent voice messages.

[Okay, I'm getting up.]

"It's a good day. A good day..." The voice drifted out of the bathroom. After a while, there was the sound of brushing teeth. The lyrics were unclear.

It was a beautiful day.

After washing up and putting on makeup, Stella stood before the wardrobe and felt troubled. It was not a good thing to have too many clothes.

'What should I wear? The temperature has risen by two degrees compared to yesterday. However, it is still quite cold. It is better to wear a down jacket,' Stella thought.

After struggling with the clothes, she started struggling with the colors. 'What color should I choose? Purple, green, or white...'

Stella stood in front of the closet. She looked at it for a while, put her hands on her hips, and finally chose a short milky-yellow down jacket, white wide-legged pants, and a white wool hat. After packing up, she carried her gray bag and went out.

Angie, who was watching dramas in the living room, saw her daughter was dressed so well and thought she was playing with her friends. "Go shopping? You already have enough clothes."

Stella habitually took the omelet from the maid's hand. This was her habit. On weekends, she slept until the afternoon. "I'll go to the Roberts family."

She took a bite of omelet and continued, "Mom, don't watch dramas when you have nothing to do. Drive out and chat with those madams."

Angie glanced at her. "To hear them ask if my son and daughter are dating? I don't plan to be interviewed."

Stella was defeated. "Alright, it's my fault."

Seeing that her daughter had admitted her mistake, Angie did not harp on it. The focus now was on her son. She would take them down one by one. "Are you going to Ava's place to play?"

"Well, I was on a business trip with Ms. March a few days ago. I bought a small gift for the two children. I'll send it over now." With that, Stella walked out. Halfway there, she was stopped by Angie. "Why didn't you play with Ms. March?"

Stella took another bite of the omelet. Without swallowing it, she opened her mouth and tugged at the chain on the bag in front of her chest with one hand. Then, she waved her hand and said, "Then you're overthinking. Ms. March only has a colleague relationship with others in the company. She has never been especially close to anyone. Perhaps it's easier to manage. It's hard to manage if she's too close to her subordinates. Some time ago, our HR did a fake attendance for a subordinate who was relatively close to her. Then she was fined a month's bonus by Ms. March."

As a leader, it was not easy to manage a company well. If you got too close to a person, that person would be targeted. It would be fine if the colleague close to you kept stagnating, but other people would gossip non-stop if that person suddenly got promoted. Even if they relied on their ability to get where they were, it might not be the case in other people's eyes.

Stella was a little afraid of Leia because she was always serious. Leia was afraid of being scolded. After thinking for a while, she said, "She's been in the company for so long. Everyone in the company doesn't know where she lives. And never lets us know. Think about it. What will happen if I ask her to play? Mom, if you want me to return to the front desk to work, I'll make an appointment tomorrow. I might even go back."

Angie coughed guiltily. "I see. Perhaps this person is slow to warm up and is more professional. That's good. Once she's with a boy, she'll do her job and won't play tricks. How good that is!"

After hearing her mother's words, Stella had already put on her shoes. "Mom, no matter who Ms. March's boyfriend is, don't worry. It definitely won't be your son. Christina said that Ms. March likes to let nature take its course. She doesn't like blind dates or pimps. What's the word? Wait for me to think about it..."

Stella raised her head and desperately searched for words in her mind.


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