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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 628

The morning was like a hazy sketch. The faint light outlined the neighborhood. The mist was dotted, which was illusory and ethereal.

The temperature outside today was one degree higher than yesterday, but one could not feel anything from it.

After putting on his clothes, Chris felt the weather outside was not bad. It was boring for him to run alone. He planned to bring his sister along. After running, his sister could also go back to sleep. It would not affect her.

He made arrangements in his heart and did as he thought.

He went straight to his sister's room and patted her head. "Stella, get up and go to the bathroom. Hurry up."

"You're so annoying. Get lost. I'm sleeping."

Chris was speechless.

Upholding the principle that siblings should share blessings and difficulties, Chris did not let Stella off. "Learn from Mom and play music by the bed."

Angie had already gotten up. She saw her son dressed neatly through the crack in the door and quickly crawled back into bed.

After playing music for 10 minutes, it was a little... gory.

Five minutes later...

"Chris, are you crazy? If you want to run, just run. Why did you have to drag me along?" Stella was wearing cute pajamas. She stood on the bed with her hands on her hips.

Chris grabbed the wrist of one of her hands that was on her waist and wanted to pull his sister down. He had just been hit on the head a few times. She was so rebelling. He had to teach her a lesson. "Come here. You'd better be more self-aware."

Stella remembered not to hit someone in the face. "I didn't hit your face. I just scratched your neck. What's wrong with that?"

The weekend that she had been looking forward to was disturbed by her brother. She was full of anger from waking up and was furious.

Chris said, "It's difficult for someone like you to get married."

Stella won. She flipped her hair and shook off her brother's hand. "Hmph, the same goes for you. I have no intention of getting married at all. If you don't want to get married, try it."

The siblings stabbed each other's hearts and pierced their lungs with words.

Chris choked. Indeed, he couldn't. His sister could choose not to get married, but he couldn't. His mother would say he had let all his ancestors down.

Stella grumbled, "You woke me up and even tried to beat me up. Apologize to me."

"Hey, who's the one hitting the other? Look at my neck." Chris pointed at his neck.

It was a burning pain. Chris didn't have eyes on the back of his head, so he didn't know how long the wound was. However, based on the pain, he could guess that it was bleeding.

He gave in to his sister, so she scratched him a few times.

Following her brother's words, Stella took a step forward. She tilted her head and reached out to pull open her brother's clothes to take a look. The back of his ear had indeed been scratched. It should have been accidentally scratched when he was struggling just now.

She replied guiltily, "Who asked you to disturb my sleep? It's not like you don't know I have to sleep in on weekends. Let me help you apply some medicine and paste an adhesive bandage on the wound."

"Alright, I'm too lazy to talk to you." After saying that, Chris left his sister's room while covering his neck in defeat. His expression was not very good. Stella stood behind and wanted to comfort her brother.

She was a little regretful that she had hit him too hard. She pouted and jumped off the bed.

She quickly put on her pajamas and left the house as fast as she could without washing her face. Because she came out hurriedly, she forgot to wear a scarf and sneezed from the cold.

As she chased after her elder brother, who had already started jogging, she tied her hair up casually. There were still a few strands of hair that she had yet to tie up. Seeing this, Chris wanted to reach out to help, but he restrained himself from helping because he was angry.

He jogged forward by himself. When he was angry, he did not feel cold at all. Stella ran backward beside Chris. The cold wind penetrated her smooth neck. She wore a thin set of pajamas inside and thick pajamas outside. She was wearing sneakers.

Her dress was quite novel.

It was not the first time that Stella and Chris had fought. They had fought since they were young.

Stella retreated. She jogged toward her brother and apologized. "Hey, I apologize for your injury. Don't look so stern. I didn't scratch you on purpose."

As she spoke, she tugged at her brother's wrist. The truth was Chris was not angry. He deliberately pulled a long face and stopped in his tracks. He took off the scarf from his neck and wrapped it around his sister's neck. Stella tilted her head and leaned closer. She looked at her brother with a smile and a fawning expression.

The woman following behind kept watching the interaction between the two of them. From the back, she could see that a couple was showing affection to each other. The man was afraid that the woman would be cold, so he put a scarf on the woman. The woman was lowering her head and smiling foolishly because her shoulders were trembling.

With her sharp eyes, she saw the scratch on the back of the man's ear. She had never been in a relationship, but she was an adult and knew what caused it.

She cursed in her heart, 'That's really...' Shaking her head, she smiled faintly and ran past him.

There was a slight gust of wind when the woman ran past him. Chris happened to help his sister tie her scarf. He looked up at the woman. She was not wearing a mask. Her facial features were exquisite, and she had rosy cheeks. There seemed to be a trace of gentleness under her professionalism. Even her hands waving in front of her were so attractive.

Seeing that her brother was no longer angry, Stella decided to go back to sleep. She waved her hand in front of him. "What are you thinking about? Chris, I'll go back now."

As soon as she moved her leg, Chris pulled her forward without saying a word. "Why are you still going back when you're already out? Join me for a run."

Stella's footsteps were heavy and her legs could not move. She begged, "Can I not go?"


"Come on, Chris. Just let me go back. I'll start work tomorrow. I only have today." Stella was pulled forward by her brother.

Chris turned a deaf ear to his sister's words. Although she was noisy, he wouldn't feel bored. He did not say this out loud, afraid they would fight again.

"Stella." A female voice came from behind them.


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