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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 636

A few of them opted for the largest snow house, the largest within the snowy mountain. It was capable of accommodating all of them.

It seems like everyone took their seats in order to bring together Leia and Chris. Natalie, Trevon, Frank, and Ava had already settled with the three children on one side.

Meanwhile, Christina, Joseph, George, Stella, and Quinn had orderly taken their seats. The last two spots were for Chris and Leia, and everyone appeared to have taken their seats without issue, following the sequence.

Quinn pulled Leia to sit beside her, saying, "Sit next to me so I can look after you."

Leia sat down next to Quinn. Inside the room, there was a stove burning, the matchsticks crackling. The fiery red glow from inside the stove could be seen through the crevices, and the room was warm. After closing the wooden door, the heating circulated inside the room.

Everyone took off their coats and hung them on the coat rack at the side. Several men, following the gentlemanly code, automatically received their wives' coats when they took them off.

Chris did not think too much about it and took the coats from his sister and Leia. Leia was a little embarrassed but still thanked him. She said shyly, "Thank you."

Chris only replied, "It's nothing."

Everyone was speechless by Chris's reaction.

Quinn smiled and declined Chris's gesture, saying, "I'll do it myself. I'm older and need to move around more. Inside this snow house, I might be the oldest one."

Stella sweetly said, "Quinn, with your figure and appearance, if you said you were 25, people would believe it."

Women always loved being complimented on looking young, and Quinn was no different. Stella's words made her happy. Quinn replied, "Your sweet talk is like honey. I like it! I thought you were going to say 18."

Stella replied cheekily, "Well, 18 wouldn't work. That's too fake. I prefer to be realistic."

Quinn said, "Leia, you've taught her well. She learned the art of sweet talk well from you."

Leia smiled but didn't say anything. Chris wanted to expose Quinn but stopped himself after looking at Leia next to him. He decided not to say it.

Soon, several plates of pizzas and food were served. They emitted billowing steam, and a few people used forks to pick food for their wives. Quinn watched this scene with a faint smile. She remembered that she had once been treated the same way, but it had been a long time.

Chris also wanted to help, but his decorum didn't allow it, so he politely asked, "Do you need any help?"

Before Leia could reply, Quinn interjected, "Sure. You can help us open the drinks for us. Otherwise, all the guys are moving around, and you just sitting idle doesn't look right."

Leia was accustomed to Quinn's way of speaking, but she worried that its directness might make Chris uncomfortable. She subtly signaled Quinn to tone it down a bit, and Quinn responded with a smile and a shrug, indicating she understood.

The meal progressed harmoniously, with the children behaving well. Once the children had eaten their fill, they went outside to check the snowmen they had built.

Olivia and George were busy shaping the snow, smoothing out uneven parts of the snowmen. Meanwhile, Sophia stood with her hands behind her back, shaking her head in dissatisfaction at their current creation.

Jasper wore an expressionless face as he watched Sophia. He tucked his hands into his pockets, delivering a cold threat. "Don't you dare take off your clothes again. You know what will happen to you."

Sophia withdrew her hand from the zipper she'd started to open and pouted, saying, "Got it."

Inside the snow house, Joseph asked the other adults, "Afterward, do you all want to go off-roading, skiing, or ice skating?"

"In the snow, we're limited to snow-related activities. I reckon the snow in Sapphire City will last a while." With that, Joseph helped Christina pick up some food and placed it in the empty bowl in front of her.

Ava, inclined toward the cool activities, sought the opinion of others. "Well, what do you want to do?"

In unison, the women replied, "Off-roading."

The men were stunned after hearing their response. They all thought that these women were quite tough.

Chris did not find it strange that Natalie, Ava, and Quinn chose off-roading. It could be seen that Quinn was relatively bold. However, Chris was surprised when Leia also chose off-roading.

After lunch, they arrived at a mountainous area. They saw a dazzling array of off-road vehicles parked in an open space. There were all kinds of colors.

Natalie smiled as she watched while Trevon looked down and asked, "Which color do you like?"

Natalie replied, "The black one."

Trevon nodded. "Okay, I'll go with that."

Trevon headed toward an area, presumably to communicate with the staff there. He requested a black car and three children's off-road vehicles suitable for flat terrain. Pat, Ethan, and Benjamin watched over the children. Trevon told them, "Guys, come here and choose your vehicle."

Jasper chose a black one and told Trevon, "I'll take George with me."

Joseph squatted down and asked his son, "Want to drive with Jasper?"

George stood eagerly by the vehicle, attempting to climb in. Joseph lifted George with one hand, securing the seatbelt. These were children's cars and were very safe.

Every year, many children would come here to have fun with their parents.

Olivia and Sophia already had off-road vehicles in their houses, so they were very familiar with the vehicle's structure. Especially Sophia, who skillfully started the car and drove it on the flat ground.

The three vehicles circled around on the flat terrain, with Pat, Ethan, and Benjamin accompanying each vehicle.

Pat and Ethan had neutral expressions, while Benjamin was more active.

Frank and Ava chose a red and black off-road car, with Frank driving and Ava sitting beside him.

Quinn, Christina, and Joseph didn't join in. They all stood on the sidelines with cups of coffee. Quinn claimed to feel a bit drowsy as she had gotten used to taking naps these past few days and was afraid of dozing off while driving.

Finally, Leia and Chris each took a car. Seeing this, the three onlookers shook their heads in resignation. Quinn teased Christina, "Christina, there's a reason your brother is still single. He's too passive. At this rate, when will he take our little Leia home? Your mother might have to wait forever for your brother to get married."

Joseph held Christina by the waist and smiled slyly. He asked Quinn, "Could you help him?"

Quinn glanced at the group driving off in the distance and joked to Joseph, saying, "How can I help him? I can't exactly confess on behalf of your brother-in-law, can I?"


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