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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 655

The chirping of insects, the calls of birds, the lush greenery of trees, artificially planted orchids, roses, marigolds... all competed for attention, blooming and vying in their beauty.

At a glance, it felt as if one had wandered into a beautiful garden. But upon closer inspection, one could see cold, black tombstones standing in rows, solemn and stark.

And those attractive blooming flowers only added a different atmosphere to the icy, dignified, and heavy graveyard.

Today was the day the Blackwell family visited their family's graves.

The Blackwell couple didn't dress in flamboyant colors, sticking to the proper black and white hues.

Hackett wore a black t-shirt and gray pants, while Sherri wore a white shirt and black casual trousers. They squatted in front of the tombstone, joining Hackett's mother in offering something to the deceased.

Nathan stood to the side and briefly glanced at Jasper, who shared a similar aura as Trevon. Jasper remained silent. He stood respectfully to the side, yet his gaze was unwaveringly fixed on the tombstone, reflecting sincere emotions.

Standing at 5.9 feet, Jasper's height made him particularly conspicuous, especially with his strikingly handsome face. No one could resist the urge to take a second look at him. His refined demeanor made it pleasing to stare, as even in simple attire, his innate dignity couldn't be concealed.

Jasper sensed the intense scrutiny but didn't turn. He kept his gaze fixed on the tombstone, standing composed and calm.

From Nathan's perspective, Jasper was a head and a half taller than Ruby and half a head taller than Liam. In this gathering, Jasper was the tallest, surpassing his son by a few inches. Nathan could not help but ask, "Jasper, any particular reason your dad couldn't make it this year?"

Trevon felt in debt to Henry, and he'd come every year without fail. However, this year's absence was due to someone voluntarily offering to take his place.

But the Blackwell family was unaware of it, so it was natural for them to inquire. It wasn't meant as an obligation for Trevon to come and visit the grave.

Jasper remained outwardly unaffected and replied casually, "Oh, Olivia's back."

Everyone knew that Trevon doted on his daughter. It was no exaggeration to say that almost everyone in Athana knew about this. Therefore, when Jasper mentioned those words, everyone present believed him without a doubt.

A gentle breeze swept by, causing the white skirt of Ruby to flutter and unintentionally tangle with Jasper's black sweatpants. Spring attire isn't particularly thick, and she could feel her legs brushing against the fabric of his pants.

However, Jasper didn't move as if nothing had happened. Instead, Ruby felt a pang of embarrassment and tugged at her skirt, placing her hands on it to prevent it from fluttering.

Upon hearing Jasper's reason, Joy and Nathan simply smiled without saying much.

Sherri was thoroughly convinced. She remained squatting on the ground. She lifted her gaze, which could easily trace the outline of her future son-in-law's angular jawline. His strikingly handsome features were undeniably pleasing to the eye.

Sherri's thoughts drifted a bit as she imagined the potential for beauty if Ruby and Jasper were to have children in the future, thinking that their genes and looks would be off the charts. She coughed lightly, pulling herself back to reality. "Ahem, ahem, your dad's indulgence toward Sophia and Olivia is undeniable. Especially when Sophia was younger, she was so mischievous, but Trevon never scolded her once. His indulgence knows no bounds."

Nathan chimed in, saying, "They say daughters are a father's precious treasure. Looks like there's truth to that saying."

Sherri continued, "Jasper, my straightforwardness might come across as strong. Hope you don't mind. I'm just someone who speaks my mind."

Jasper stood tall, a rare smile gracing his lips as he politely replied, "You speak the truth, and I don't mind."

His smiling demeanor made Sherri find him even more handsome, inwardly commenting on his striking appearance while maintaining a calm exterior. She praised, "Oh, Jasper, your words are always delightful to hear, more pleasing than your dad's."

Standing beside Jasper in a white short-sleeved shirt, Liam reached out to put his arm around Jasper's shoulder. Due to the height difference, it seemed a bit strained, almost like a stretching exercise. After a few seconds, Liam let go and leaned in, playfully bumping into Jasper. "Jasper, seems like your reputation's better than your father's."

Jasper didn't respond to this comment. Ruby glanced at her carefree brother and reminded him to stand properly.

Everyone else wore long sleeves except for Liam, who wore short sleeves. When the breeze passed by, Liam was the only one who instinctively shivered a bit.

Hackett was equally convinced but with a differing opinion. He glanced at Jasper, who was a bit taller than him and started to tease, "Your dad's pulling a fast one here. No, scratch that. He's burning the bridge after crossing it. Back when he needed my grandpa, he dragged me out of bed on Christmas to come to the grave. Now, his daughter's back, and he decided not to show up. Seriously, his character's questionable."

Jasper remained composed, refusing to engage in conversation no matter what Hackett said. He felt responsible today since his dad couldn't come, but he couldn't voice it.

Ruby glanced at her father, signaling him to mind his words. Sensing his daughter's message, Hackett toned down his teasing.

Abandoning the teasing, Hackett squatted next to Sherri, playfully taunting Trevon. "Grandpa, you've blessed Trevon so much. You've been his support for years. Every year, he needs your presence multiple times. You've been helping him for so many years, all for nothing."

Trevon's pursuit of his wife using Henry's story had become a familiar anecdote within the Blackwell family. Hackett had recounted it numerous times, making it a well-known tale. Following the pattern of learning from the past, everyone in the Blackwell family, from the couple to Ruby and Liam, could recite it effortlessly. It was almost as smooth as reciting poetry.

Even the household staff of the Blackwell family knew precisely how Trevon had initially approached Henry for help.

Joy tapped Hackett on the shoulder and gave her son a reproachful look, a warning laden with authority. "You're an elder. How can you act like this? Jasper, he's just joking. Don't listen to his nonsense. He's used to teasing your dad without any restraints on his words. When there are children around, he should be mindful of his image as an elder."

Joy finished speaking and then shot another glare at Hackett.


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