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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 672

Early the next morning.

When Ava was still in bed, she had reminded Frank repeatedly that even if he knew that Cyril's performance in school was terrible, he could not do anything out of line in public. He had to give the child at least some respect. If he could not take it anymore, he had to endure it until he returned home. She would not stop him.

Frank guaranteed to take Cyril from second to last to the top of the class last night. Ava had always believed in Frank's ability to do things. Naturally, she also believed that Frank would not lie to her.

After all, Frank had never lied to her. He always did what he promised.

At Athana High School.

A Mercedes-Benz car and a Porsche car met at the school gate due to fate. The windows of the two cars rolled down at the same time and greeted each other. The automatic gate of the school gate had already opened.

The two parents in the driver's seat were wearing masks and sunglasses. They looked like they didn't want to be recognized. They nodded at each other and drove into the school gate one after another.

It could be said that they had a tacit understanding.

The two guards at the door shook their heads helplessly and said affirmatively, "It's obvious that they're the parents of mischievous children."

Another guard said, "Their score is probably in the bottom of the list. Otherwise, why would their parents come to the parent-teacher conference like this?"

The guard nodded in agreement.

In the parking space, two cars were parked across from each other. There was a BMW in the middle. The two people who got out of the car only took off their sunglasses but not their masks.

Frank slammed the door and said to Edward, who had just closed the door, "Didn't Harper ask Rose to come?"

Edward didn't answer Frank's question. Wasn't this an obvious question? Why was he asking nonsense? "Didn't Cyril find someone else to come?"

The two of them smiled at the same time and walked towards the classroom designated by the teacher.

The largest multimedia classroom in the school was already filled with many parents. Frank and Edward tacitly raised their legs and walked up the steps to the last row side by side, trying their best to reduce their presence.

Ten minutes later, the prelude to the parent-teacher conference began. The teacher in charge of the parent-teacher conference invited the principal of Athana High School to speak on stage. The audience applauded warmly.

It lasted for a few minutes before it quietened down.

There were manuscripts on the podium table, and the principal's official words came through the black microphone. "First of all, I would like to thank all the parents for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend our Athana High School's annual parent-teacher conference..."

Frank and Edward didn't listen to the rest of the sentence. One of them leaned lazily against the back of the chair, while the other sat upright without taking off their mask.

Half an hour later.

The principal began to highlight the excellence of Athana High School's results by citing the highest and lowest college entrance examination results in previous years, "Students in our Athana High School has never scored lower than 1000 points in the years since it was established."

Frank looked at the passionate principal on the podium who excitedly conveyed the teaching principles. He cited SAT scores from previous years. His lips under the mask moved. "The principal said that the total score of the college entrance examination has never been lower than 1000 points. Harper broke the record. You have to pay attention to it. You have to live up to your straight A student status."

Edward replied gently, "Cyril was 1001."

The simple answer was a reminder. Frank could naturally hear it. He smiled, which meant that they were about the same. "Harper and Cyril are like pot meet kettle. Even if you add the two together, they won't be as good as our Nona."

Edward said, "Cyril is like you, Nona is like Ava."

This time, Edward did not call her sister-in-law. Frank was not angry, nor did he ask him to call her that.

The smile under Frank's mask gradually widened. He did not feel depressed because of his son's results. Instead, he was in a particularly good mood. "A top student is indeed a top student. You're quite insightful."

The words meant praise, but there was no praise in his tone. Instead, there was ridicule.

For an entire hour and a half, the people on the podium had already taken turns changing several batches, from the principal and vice-principal, to the dean of students, and then to vice dean of students.

After the parent-teacher conference ended, all the parents stood up and walked towards the door. Frank and Edward sat calmly in the last row, planning to wait for everyone to leave before going out.

15 minutes later.

Frank stood up and tidied his clothes. He adjusted his mask with one hand and looked like he was accepting reality. "Let's go and get criticized."

Edward also fiddled with his mask. "You're both good and bad. At least Nona will make you proud."

Edward never thought that he would one day become famous because of his son, to the point of wearing a mask at a parent-teacher meeting. No matter what, he was once a top student in Athana High School. He did not expect his son to be a bad student in Athana High School and even set a record for Athana High School in the exam.

Speaking of his daughter, Frank was proud. The smile under the mask did not disappear. He walked towards the door. Edward sighed and followed behind. He did not know how the teacher would complain later.

After leaving the multimedia classroom, Frank and Edward parted ways. Cyril's classroom was on Building 1, and Harper's classroom was on Building 3.

Frank and Edward were enduring the parent-teacher conferences. The children at home were also extremely anxious and restless.

At the Roberts' Villa.

Cyril leaned against the door at an 80-degree angle. His eyes kept glancing outside, and he cursed in his heart. Why did the parent-teacher meeting have to be held on Saturday?


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