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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 688

When Ruby returned home, she saw the lights in the living room were still on. She touched the hickey under the Band-Aid Jasper left on her neck guiltily and lowered her head to open the door.

When Hackett and Sherri saw their daughter return, they got to their feet and walked toward the door. The sharp-eyed Hackett saw the Band-Aid on his daughter's neck. "Baby, what's wrong with your neck? Let me see it."

As he spoke, he reached out to tear it open to take a look. Ruby hurriedly covered it with her hand to prevent her father from touching it. She pressed her bag with one hand and said, "Dad, it's fine. I accidentally got pricked by a needle. I'll be fine in a few days."

Sherri noticed that her daughter's clothes had changed. When Ruby went out in the morning, she wore a long, white, narrow-waisted shirt that revealed her shoulders. This time, it was a black high-waisted dress and high heels. However, she did not say anything.

Hackett did not say anything either. After all, his daughter often wore different sets of clothes when she went out in the morning and returned at night. He thought his daughter was doing that for beauty's sake.

In addition, Hackett did not hear of any dangerous people from Ruby's assistant and bodyguards. This was the reason why Hackett was relieved and did not suspect anything.

After explaining to her parents, Ruby told them she was tired and went to her room to shower.

Sherri felt that her daughter's recent behaviors were a little strange. Ruby changed her clothes twice a day but did not date anyone. Why would Ruby do that? Sherri could not figure it out, no matter how hard she thought. Therefore, she decided to ask another person for help to think about it.

She sent her question to her best friend. [Sweetie, are you asleep? Or are you having a happy nightlife?]

Without waiting for Natalie's reply, Sherri immediately sent another message. [No way, did you guys start your nightlife so early?]

Immediately, Natalie replied. However, the first thing she replied to was not words but a photo of her working in the study. The corner of the photo even showed Trevon's wrist. It could be seen that it was taken casually without any thought. It was probably taken with her eyes closed after turning on the camera.

Natalie texted, [Honey, I'm not as horny as you are. I'm working hard.]

Sherri said, [Thank goodness. I thought I was disturbing your happy sex life. I can never compensate if your dear Trevon asks me to.]

Natalie did not bother to talk about the erotic topic with her. She had performed surgery with a few seniors today and was reviewing it. She asked, [Tell me, what's the matter?]

Sherri told her, [You know me too well. Let me tell you, Ruby has been acting strangely recently. How should I put it? It's a little like being in a relationship. She likes to dress up. She changes her clothes twice a day. She wears one set of clothes to the studio in the morning and changes into another set when she comes home at night. There's even a Band-Aid around her neck tonight! Do you think it's...]

After reading the message, Natalie choked on the water and coughed violently before she talked to Trevon, "Jasper was too careless."

Trevon stopped typing on the keyboard and stood up. He took a tissue to help her wipe her mouth and patted her shoulder. "What's going on? I'm not intending to snatch the water from you. You don't have to gulp it so quickly."

Natalie did not answer. She cleared her throat and handed the phone to Trevon for him to see. "Look at it yourself."

Trevon took his wife's phone and read it. After reading Sherri's message, his smile gradually widened. He was proud. "Our son has grown up."

"If this goes on, Hackett and Sherri will be discovered sooner or later."

If discovered, Sherri might come to the Wilson's residence that night to discuss the marriage between Jasper and Ruby. Hackett might beat Jasper up and then ban Jasper from seeing Ruby.

Trevon returned the phone to his wife and asked her to reply to the message. He said casually, "Do you think Hackett hasn't asked around? The assistant in the studio is Hackett's spy, and so are the bodyguards from before."

Then, Trevon sat on the chair and analyzed, "Based on the current situation, your son should have bribed the assistant of Ruby's studio."

"Don't talk. Let me think about how to reply to Sherri. I have to think before I speak to Sherri now." Natalie was afraid if she said anything wrong, it would cause trouble for her son.

Trevon smiled faintly and said, "You don't need to feel guilty. They're in love with each other. It's not like your son has already done something inappropriate to her."

"Don't say things like that, will you? Women are always at a disadvantage when it comes to dating. Shut up and stop talking. Let me think."

Natalie stared at the message. She bit the tip of her pen and pondered. Trevon stood up, suddenly bent down, and quickly pecked the corner of her lips. "I'm going to the toilet. Take your time with the message."

Natalie was speechless.

Outside the door, Trevon bumped into Jasper, who had just returned from outside. Trevon sized his son up from head to toe and said, "Be careful when dating. Don't let her always change her clothes."

Jasper was started for a moment before returning to normal.

"I see."

Trevon smiled when he saw that his son was composed. "The bodyguards are all your Uncle Frank's men, but they'll seem useless if they don't report anything. More or less, ask the bodyguards to bring some information to Ruby's family."

"Alright. I'm going to take a shower."

Looking at his son's back as he entered, Trevon kindly took out his phone and called Frank. "Are you asleep?"

On the other end, Frank was impatient and said in an unfriendly tone, "What do you want? I'm busy."

At that moment, Frank watched Cyril do the homework in his Cyril's room. He used to be watching television dramas with his Baby Ava in his bed at this time. Now, he could not go back to his room until 11 pm.


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