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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 

Five nunutes later, as Sherri was heading towards the entrance, she coincidentally bumped into Kyle, who was about to enter the room 

“Miss Landor, Kyle greeted politely 

Sherri was well-acquainted with Kyle, Edward’s assistant. He was frequently seen at various events, and Edward often brought him home In recent years, Kyle had also been accompanying Edward on overseas trips. 

“Kyle, long time no see. You’ve grown taller, Sherri welcomed. 

Kyle responded with a serious tone, “Miss Landor, I have already undergone puberty, so there won’t be any further growth” 

“Ah, is that so? I thought men would have a second growth spurt like women. But I forgot that men can’t experience the miracle of childbirth Sherri laughed. 

Kyle remained silent, unable to come up with a response to Sherri’s remark. 

Sherri entered the room, her laughter still lingering, and pushed open the door. “Edward, I’ve ordered a lot of food for you to enjoy. Huh! Why are you sitting next to Natalie now?” she exclaimed. 

Edward gestured to Kyle and said, “Kyle, have a seat.” 

As Kyle approached his seat, he glanced at the pizza, his gaze filled with mixed emotions. He thought, “Is Mr. Landor postponing the meeting to join these ladies and indulge in their leftovers? He seems to be thoroughly enjoying himself!” 

Noticing Kyle’s fixed gaze on the pizza, Natalie became aware of his discomfort. Without uttering a word, she swiftly stood up and exited the room. 

Edward stopped eating and quickly grasped the situation, and a subtle smile formed on his lips, hinting at his understanding. 

Observing his boss’s redirected gaze toward the doorway, Kyle seemed to have comprehended the situation and gleaned some understanding from it. 

Shortly after, Natalie entered the room accompanied by two servers. One of the servers carried a steaming fresh pot base while the other swiftly replaced the old one on the table 

Edward observed the situation but did not intervene, understanding Natalie’s intention, 

The door remained open as two servers needed to move in and out to replace the pot of soup base. Sherri and Kyle instinctively moved to the corner, creating more space for their movement. 

However, unbeknownst to them, Mia and her close friend happened to be passing by and caught a glimpse of the scene through the partially open door. In that brief moment, they managed to capture a photo. 

With a mischievous grin, Mia could not resist the temptation. She swiftly edited the photo, adding provocative captions that insinuated a scandalous relationship before sending the manipulated image to the same group of journalists as before. Afterward, she casually returned her phone to her bag, satisfied with her devious act. 

Curiosity piqued, Mia’s friend could not help but ask, “Who is that woman? Why is she dining with Mr. Landor? Do you think she’s his girlfriend?” 

Mia calmly replied, “I’m not sure. Maybe she is. I sent a photo to check” 

Of course, Mia had sent the photo to Trevon. It was known within industry circles that Trevon and Mia had a history together. 

However, due to the influence of the Wilson family, people were hesitant to discuss it openly. Nonetheless, some believed Mia was the central figure in this situation and were eager to gain her favor. 

Mia’s friend smiled warmly and affectionately held her hand, expressing admiration, “Mia, your relationship with Mr. Wilson is remarkable. Unlike us, who can only dream of meeting him in person, I envy your bond. You both are incredibly talented and make a beautiful couple.” 

Mia blushed, her cheeks turning a shade of pink, and she gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Oh, it’s not like that. He’s incredibly busy with work, but he treats me well. If you’re interested in meeting him, I can certainly ask him about his availability and introduce you.” 

The two girls’ faces lit up with excitement and gratitude, and Mia’s friend expressed, “Oh, Mia, you’re so kind! If manages to collaborate with the Wilson Group in the future, I will always remember and appreciate your help. 

my family 

Then, the group entered the private room with excitement and anticipation. 

Mia received a message on her phone from the reporter. It said, “Miss Mia, I can’t take on this assignment. After that trending topic incident last time, my boss scolded me, and I got my salary deducted for a month. I can’t cover entertainment news anymore. I’m stuck doing odd jobs in the office. Please find someone else for this.” 

Upon reading the message, Mia could not help but feel a deep disdain towards the reporter, considering their inability to 


handle the assignment utterly useless. 

Without wasting a moment, Mia swiftly forwarded the photo directly to Trevon. 

She did not believe that someone as prominent as Trevon would allow himself to be overshadowed by such a cheating scandal 

After sending the message, she felt a sense of relief coursing through her body. 

Unaware of being photographed, Natalie conversed pleasantly with Edward, discussing her plans to study abroad. Edward attentively advised her on various matters to consider when going abroad. 

Sherri could not help but interject, ‘Edward, you’re quite the chatterbox. Natalie might be feeling overwhelmed with all your advice She still has over a month before she goes abroad” 

Natalie quickly clarified, “No, Edward, I appreciate your advice, and I’m taking it all in. I’ll contact you if I have any further questions or concerns.” 

Without diverting his attention from Natalie, Edward continued, “Hmmm, the training center for your study abroad program is actually located in Sapphire City, which is in Azureland. It’s a country renowned for its advanced medical facilities. You’ll undoubtedly benefit greatly from studying there.” 

Sitting across from them. Kyle finally grasped the situation. He pondered to himself, “So, the reason Mr. Landor had me conduct an extensive investigation on potential talent a few days ago was for Miss Foster. He emphasized the need for thoroughness as if he wanted to know every detail about her training and background” 

He had pulled two consecutive all-nighters, tirelessly digging for every bit of information on the owner of the training school. However, despite his efforts, he could only gather surface-level details and nothing more substantial. 

Laughter and joy resonated throughout the private room, with Sherri’s infections laughter ringing the loudest. 

Two hours later, Edward rose from his seat and assisted Natalie in putting on her coat. “Make sure to layer up before stepping outside The temperature difference between indoors and outdoors can be luge, he advised. 

“Thank you,” Natalie replied 

Sherri could not help but blurt out. “Edward, you’re such a thoughtful person. It would be great if you and Natalie were together” 

The atmosphere in the private room suddenly became tense as everyone felt the weight of unspoken truths hanging in the air Some things are better left unsaid, even though everyone silently acknowledged them. 

It was undeniable that in ordinary circumstances, such comments might not have caused much concern. However, with an outsider present, there was a potential risk of things becoming awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved. Natalie, sensing the awkward atmosphere, playfully scolded her friend in an attempt to lighten the mood. “What are you thinking Edward is like a brother to me You’re jeopardizing your position as my best friend, you know!” 

Sherri playfully retorted. Hmph, if you dare, you should ask my mom to be your godmother!” 

Sherri’s mother is not someone that just anyone can handle. It takes a certain level of skill to deal with her. One must have a thick skin and a stable mindset, otherwise, one would be constantly overwhelmed. 

Natalie found Mrs Landor to be friendly and welcoming, although her persistent nagging can be overwhelming “Auntie is quite nice, but I don’t necessarily have to address her as godmother,” Natalie retorted. 

Upon hearing this, Sherri laughed. “Haha, you see, you’re afraid to do it.” 

“Sherri. that’s enough,” Edward sternly warned. 

Afraid of getting into trouble, Sherri quickly pulled Natalie and rushed out of the private room. “Edward, I’ll take Natalie home. Goodbye!” 

Then, they swiftly disappeared from sight. 

Edward’s eyes, dark and intense, remained fixed on the receding figures of the two individuals. He remained silent, motionless, lost in his thoughts for a moment. 

“Do you like her? Kyle asked bluntly. 

Edward did not hide his emotions and replied, “She is still young. Let’s not scare her or bring it up in front of her.” 

Kyle reminded him, “Don’t let the opportunity slip away.” 


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