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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 8


An unpleasant odor lingered in the entire villa, and Trevon’s beautiful brows remained furrowed 

Be headed straight to the master bedroom. He was pleasantly surprised that Natalie had voluntarily stayed in the guest 


After taking a shower, Trevon left the Adare Manor. The smell was too unbearable for him to fall asleep, so he drove back to his villa in the middle of the night

Natalie had no idea of Trevon’s leaving. She slept soundly while hugging a photo of her and her grandfather 

Time went by. All things that were difficult to let go of would eventually fade away

Natalie woke up early the next day and rode her motorcycle to work. She bought a sandwich and coffee from a roadside 


Today, she dressed casually in wideleg jeans, a sweater, and a beige coat, looking like a freshfaced college student. In short.. she looked pure and innocent

Are you not taking a few more days off? Can your body handle it?Sherri had been gossiping at the front desk early in the morning

Mrs. Wilson, are you okay?the nurse at the front desk asked with concern

Natalie shrugged. It’s okay. I’m back to full health. I’m not that fragile.” 

Sherri knew Natalie didn’t like talking about her emotions. Okay, hurry up and eat your breakfast. Time to work soon. Remember to share any gossip next time!” 

The two gossipy receptionists made an OKgesture and happily got to work 

Natalie munched on her sandwich with one hand and held her coffee with the other. She quipped. You wake up early just to share gossip. You’re wasting your talent by not becoming an entertainment journalist” 

As there was more than half an hour before the start of work. Sherri followed Natalie into the office. Isn’t this teaching them that sharing joy is better than enjoying it alone?” 

Natalie rolled her eyes. They chatted for 20 minutes before Sherri went back to her department

Natalie opened her computer and started receiving patients, treating every patient in high spirits

It was almost 10 o’clock when she was done with consultation for about 10 patients. Out of a sudden, the door of her clinic was kicked open forcefully. Natalie was startled by it as she was fully focused on her patient then

Natalie calmed down quickly when she had a good look at the person who came in. She initially thought the intruder wanted to cause a scene for medical reasons and so she asked indifferently, Are you here to see a doctor?” 

Harry Foster was so angry that he couldn’t even catch his breath. That damn girl was cursing at me!he thought

His face turned purple with anger. The carefree and calm look on Natalie’s face made him madder

In the morning. he went to a law firm to talk to a lawyer about Barron’s estate instead of going to the company. He gave the lawyer Barron’s death certificate, cremation certificate, and proof of their fatherson relationship. But when he went to the inheritance office, he discovered that all of Barron’s property had been given to his daughter, whom he didn’t like 

This was unacceptable to Harry Foster. Just the 20 percent shares of the Foster Group were a ticking time bomb. With such a quantity, one could enter the board of directors. How could he accept it

Unfortunately, his father despised him. Since his exwife’s death. Barron Foster had forbidden him from entering the Foster’s residence, making it impossible for him to persuade Barron to write a will. He could only wait for Barron’s death to 

inherit legally. However, his foolish father did not leave him anything and transferred everything to Natalie’s name instead

What infuriated him further was that the lawyer told him that Barron had written and notarized his will more than 10 years ago. The signing of documents yesterday was just a formality

In this way, there was no automatic inheritance for him. He had to make Natalie voluntarily give it up

He had already been to the Foster’s residence in the morning. The servants said Natalie had moved out, and they didn’t know where she had moved to

Harry felt frustrated and depressed all morning since he could not locate her there

As such, he could only come to the hospital to find Natalie

Did you seize all of Grandpa’s property? Take the afternoon off and come with me to transfer it back.He spoke as a matter of fact, without any sense of shame.. 

Oh? Transfer it to whom, to Grandpa?” 

Youyou’re asking a question that you know the answer to. Do you think Grandpa’s inheritance would be passed down to you? It’s going to be under my name.” 

Mr. Foster, are you dreaming, or have you gone to the wrong place? Take a look. This is a surgical department, not a psychiatric department.” 

Hey, rebellious girl. I’m your dad. Seriously, what’s with the attitude? You have to show some manners. Listen up, be smart, and return everything you’ve taken. Otherwise, I’ll find a way to get them back, and you’ll end up losing your job too.” 

You are the least qualified to talk about my manners. It seems like you had never educated me for a day of my father like daughter. Did you not even finish elementary school

life. Like 

Not only are you lacking in logical thinking, but your understanding of the law is also weak. I suggest that you allocate some time from your womanizing ways to improve your intelligence. While you’re at it, do find a company lawyer to educate yourself so that you would not embarrass yourself in public, Natalie mocked mercilessly

Harry was so angry that he picked up the pen holder on the desk and threw it toward Natalie. Although Natalie moved quickly to avoid it, Harry immediately slapped her unexpectedly. As he was about to slap her again, Natalie stopped him.. 

Due to her carelessness earlier, she was caught off guard and received a hard slap from her scumbag dad. She swayed in dizziness

There was no second time

Natalie had a firm grip on Harry’s wrist, making him hurt so badly that he was sweating profusely

At this moment, Sherri rushed in and stood before Natalie as she said, Mr. Foster, what are you doing? I will call security if you are going to continue to cause trouble. It wouldn’t look good on you if they had to carry you out.” 

Perhaps because of the commotion, many patients and nurses had gathered at the door. Harry left in a rage, seeing that the situation was turning unfavorable for him


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