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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 

The Director’s Office 

Sherri cautiously pushed open the door, wearing a slight smirk on her face. “Hey there, boss. Busy as always?” 

The Director looked surprised upon seeing her, as she rarely visited the office. It was clear that Sherri’s presence meant something important. 

The saying goes, “No one visits the temple without a reason.” 

The Director wasted no time and got straight to the point. “Alright, drop the fake smile. What’s the matter? Did you come across a challenging case that you can’t handle?” 

Sherri, never one to hold back, retorted, ‘Come on, you’re the one who trained me. Have I ever failed to handle a patient? You know I always give my utmost attention to each one,” 

The Director paid no heed to her flattery “Cur to the chase. Why are you here?” 

“Well, there is something It’s just it’s…” 

Sherri’s words were abruptly interrupted by the Director’s impatience. “Enough with the beating around the bush. Spit it out instead of teasing me one word at a time, like toothpaste 

Sherri straightened her posture and said, “I want to put myself forward for an opportunity to study abroad. I don’t need any special perks or financial assistance. I am willing to cover the expenses myself. All I ask for is a chance to expand my knowledge and skills.” 

After silence, the Director rose with a hint of confusion and placed a hand on Sherri’s forehead, checking for a temperature. “You’re not running a fever. What’s gotten into you today? What’s this sudden request all about?” 

Sherri playfully jostled the Director’s arm. “Boss, can you help me apply for the program? I genuinely have a thirst for learning and improving. Money and benefits mean nothing to me. I want to broaden my horizons, Is there any possibility?” 

The Director observed the sincerity in Sherri’s expression. Although she was usually cheerful and lighthearted, her dedication and professionalism regarding her work were not denied. 

Continuing the conversation, the Director inquired, “Isn’t this because of Mrs. Wilson from the surgery department that you want to go!” 

During a recent meeting, several Directors discussed the allocation of slots for the overseas program. She was well aware of the strong bond between Sherri and Natalie. 

This sudden desire to go abroad seemed out of the ordinary, leading the Director to consider this a possible reason. 

“No, it’s not because of Mrs. Wilson. Our friendship remains steadfast, even across great distances. I genuinely want to elevate my skills and broaden my knowledge. 

The statement held about two-thirds of the truth. Without the unexpected arrival of her child, Sherri had never seriously considered going abroad with Natalie. 

However, given the current circumstances in her home country, Sherri knew that if her family found out, Juana would undoubtedly pressure the child’s father and ultimately force her to undergo an abortion. 

For safety, it seemed wiser to complete the pregnancy before returning 

The Director appeared somewhat conflicted. “Unfortunately, the list has already been finalized and submitted. I could have advocated for you if you had approached me earlier. But it wouldn’t be fair to remove someone without a legitimate reason, especially when they are equally deserving. You were a bit late in expressing your interest, and they had already decided. What can I say?” 

The Director spoke honestly, as the list had been confirmed and submitted before lunchtime. It was a done deal. Sherri felt a pang of disappointment and let out a sigh. “Can’t they make an exception and add one more spot?” 

The Director responded, “What do you think? The available slots are limited each year, and it’s not an easy feat to secure one. Our hospital already has the highest number of slots allocated. Instead of dwelling on it, focus on your work and aim for next year. I’ll make sure to reserve a spot for you.” 

Sherri walked out of the office in a daze, swaying as she went to Natalie’s office. She half-leaned on a chair with a downcast expression, tilting her head back. 

Upon seeing her like this, Natalie immediately guessed the outcome. “They didn’t agree, did they?” 

Sherri nodded silently, her voice subdued. 

Natalie rested her chin on her hand, thinking hard. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she brainstormed ideas. “Maybe you could talk to Edward again and see if there’s any way to squeeze in an extra slot.” 

Sherri sat up straight, clasping her chin with both hands and propping them on the desk. Her gaze was vacant, lost in deep 


thought. “It’s so frustrating. Is there any way to secure an additional slot without relying on Edward?” 

Natalie urged her to focus on work and offered comforting reassurance. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Let’s keep pondering it while we carry on with our duties.” 

As the end of the workday approached, Sherri’s mood sank to a shallow point, and her complexion took on a slightly unnerving appearance. 

Natalie felt a surge of concern as she asked, “Sherri, is something bothering you? You seem uneasy.” 

Initially, she planned to visit the Wilson’s residence later that evening, hoping to brainstorm and find a solution. With no reliable help available, she reluctantly considered seeking assistance from Mr. Wilson himself, hoping to repay the favor 

later on 

Sherri responded sullenly. “I told Edward that I’m pregnant.” 

Natalie quickly assessed the surroundings and suggested. “Come on. Let’s get in the car. Lately, she hadn’t been driving much as Sherri didn’t enjoy riding on a motorcycle, fearing it would mess up her hair. So, it made sense for Natalie to take the wheel, providing her with convenient transportation to and from work. 

As they settled into the car. Natalie couldn’t help but question, “But I thought you didn’t plan on telling Edward. What changed your mind?” 

Resting her arm on the car window, Sherri contemplated with a gloomy expression. “I thought about it this afternoon. It’s impossible to keep it a secret from Juana, and Edward is wise enough to see through any lies. If I were to go abroad and he came to visit me, I couldn’t keep avoiding him forever. Plus, my growing belly would eventually give it away. And considering the current circumstances, where going abroad is not an option, it would be even harder to conceal it for long. So. Im considering asking him to help me secure an additional slot, prioritizing the immediate issue.” 

Natalie was filled with a sense of helplessness, berating herself for her lack of usefulness in the situation. She couldn’t bear the thought of being unable to contribute and support Sherri. 

Sherri turned her gaze toward Natalie, her voice filled with concern and caution, “Are you planning to approach Trevon or Theo if I don’t ask Edward for help? Please, don’t do that. I don’t want you to get caught up in their affairs because of me.” 

Caught off guard. Natalie couldn’t hide her true thoughts any longer and responded firmly. “I understand. I won’t do it. I’m not that desperate.” 

Lately, she felt an overwhelming sense of vulnerability, perhaps intensified by her pregnancy. 

She couldn’t continue like this. While she and Sherri tirelessly dealt with their problems, the real culprits enjoyed their carefree lives without consequences. It wasn’t fair. 

Natalie meticulously reviewed her plans, considering every angle and exploring all possibilities. 


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