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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84 

After completing their orders, the two of them remained inside the room, exchanging laughter and banter while eagerly awaiting the arrival of Edward 

A few minutes later, they heard some commotion at the door. 

Natalie nudged Sherri beside her, urging her to get up and suggesting going out for a meal first. 

Now feeling a hint of unease, Sherri found her smile freezing on her face. “Natalie, I suddenly feel a bit lightheaded. Please tell Edward that I’m not feeling well” 

Natalie raised an eyebrow, her thoughts racing. “She’s going to pull off this act?” 

But realizing Sherri’s genuine fear, Natalie decided to play along and not expose her ruse. 

She powered down the computer. set it aside, and made her way out of the room. As she caught sight of the man’s shoulders, still glistening with water droplets, “Has it been raining outside? 

Edward’s voice, as soothing as ever, filled the room. “Yeah, it’s pouring out there. Thankfully, I parked the car in the basement, so it didn’t get wet.” 

Natalie swiftly entered the bathroom, retrieved a dry towel, and offered it to Edward. “Here, give yourself a quick wipe. Your clothes seem to have gotten a little damp.” 

Edward accepted the towel with a smile, using it to pat dry his shoulders. He then turned around and inquired, “Is my back 


She took the towel from his hands and gently dried his back without hesitation. “All taken care of” 

Edward seemed momentarily puzzled but quickly regained his composure. He asked. “And what about Sherri?” 

Knowing that she couldn’t deceive Edward, known for his kindness and honesty. “Um, well, Sherri isn’t feeling well.” 

Upon hearing her answer, Edward immediately grasped the situation. He called out to the guest room, lus voice firm and resolute. “Sherri, you have one minute to come out or face the consequences” 

Sherri swiftly recovered from her illness and dashed out of the room, calling out in a low voice, “Edward,” with her head bowed to convey her acknowledgment of wrongdoing, much like a repentant child. 

Natalie stepped in to defuse the impending explosion, attempting to alleviate the tension. “Why don’t we grab a bite and have a detailed conversation afterward?” 

Edward shot Sherri a stern glance. “We’ll discuss this later.” 

Behind Edward, Sherri gestured to Natalie, silently conveying that she would be saved later. Natalie couldn’t help but think that she might also face a lecture. After all, crossing a muddy river was no easy feat. She shrugged her shoulders, accepting the situation. 

Unbeknownst to Edward, the two girls engaged in a silent mime performance behind him. 

Natalie put great effort into her evening cooking, showcasing her culinary prowess. 

A subtle haze of tension dissipated as Edward laid eyes on the table laden with an array of mouthwatering dishes. Grilled salmon fillet, grilled steak, roasted turkey, buttered lobster, garden salad with ranch dressing, creamy potato soup. The extensive menu offered ample portions to satiate their hunger. 

Sherri secretly observed Edward’s expression, noting a slight easing of his demeanor. It brought her a small sense of relief. reaffirming the power of Natalie’s culinary prowess in defusing tense situations. 

Natalie warmly beckoned Edward. ‘Please help yourself to more.” 

Edward shook his head, a soft smile playing on his lips. “You girls are using sugary ammunition on me, aren’t you? Is that man who impregnated Sherri, not a decent person?” 

Sherri fell into a stunned silence. 

Natalie was left speechless. 

Sherri tried to diminish her presence, bowing her head and slowly picking at her food, counting each morsel she brought to her mouth. As long as Edward remained silent, the meal would lose its savory appeal. 

Natalie felt the weight of responsibility pressing on her. She couldn’t let Sherri take all the blame or make decisions on her behalf. She found herself caught in a dilemma. 

Determined, she decided to address the issue directly and shoulder the responsibility herself. “Edward, I need to come clean about something. I’m the one who should be held accountable for what happened to Sherri” 

Sherri wanted to speak up in her defense, but a meaningful look from Natalie silenced her. 

Assuming that Natalie was defending Sherri, Edward refrained from speaking up. 


Natalie continued, “On January 2nd. I went to the Foster family to retrieve my late mother’s belongings. Sherri insisted on accompanying me, fearing for my safety. However, we were unknowingly subjected to a malicious act. The culprit tampered with the entire table, drugging all the guests, including older people and children. We let our guard down, and as a result, we lost consciousness. During that time, I failed to protect Sherri. It’s entirely my fault.” 

She chose not to disclose to Edward that Mia was behind this incident. After all, the matter had been resolved, and they eagerly anticipated the outcome the following day. 

Edward had yet to anticipate this explanation. He assumed Sherri had brought a child from some reckless affair. If that were the case, he would also share the responsibility for not caring for them properly. Upon his return, he had been preoccupied. with company matters, neglecting to offer sufficient care and attention to the two girls, ultimately leading to the current situation. 

Now that Sherri was affected, and Natalie… The realization struck him, causing a moment of hesitation before he mustered the courage to ask. 

“So… were you affected too? Are you alright?” 

Each passing moment seemed to stretch as he tightly gripped his fork, holding his breath in anticipation. 

Natalie struggled to find the right words, pausing briefly to collect her thoughts. She had always regarded Edward as an older brother figure, imbued with a sense of reverence. She wanted to carefully choose her words before responding. 

Sherri couldn’t contain her urgency as she hastily interjected, “Yes, Natalie is pregnant too. We’re both expecting.” 

A thunderous roar reverberated through Edward’s mind, leaving him stunned and motionless. It felt as if his soul had been wrenched from his body. His gaze remained fixed on the girl before him, desperately seeking confirmation in her expression. 

He moistened his parched lips and felt a constriction in his throat. “Is what… Sherri saying, truly happening?” 

Now it was Natalie’s turn to resemble a child caught in a transgression. She lowered her head, her fork idly twirling in her hand, and gave a solemn nod. 

As the weight of the revelation settled upon Edward, a suffocating sensation enveloped his chest. Though he was not an avid smoker, he stood up to gather his thoughts and maintain a facade of composure. “I need some fresh air. I’ll step out onto the balcony. You two continue eating.” 

Edward pushed the balcony door open, seeking solace and a moment to gather his emotions in solitude. 

Left alone in the dining room, the two girls exchanged perplexed glances, unsure how to proceed. They shared a common understanding. Edward’s apparent anger stemmed from both of them being pregnant. Their minds were consumed with the belief that he was struggling to accept this unexpected news without delving into other possibilities. 

Feeling a sense of unease, they found it difficult to continue eating without Edward’s presence. Instead, they chose to wait for 


Sherri turned her gaze toward Edward, who was engrossed in his cigarette on the balcony. Then, she leaned toward Natalie and asked, “Do you think Edward will confront us later?” 

Natalie shook her head, witnessing Edward in such a distracted state for the first time. It was genuinely uncertain what actions he might take next. All they could do was wait for his return and gauge his reaction. Hence, she shook her head, indicating her lack of certainty. 

Sherri slumped back in her chair, deflated like a balloon losing air. “What do we do now? If Edward refuses to help, it will be quite a predicament. I truly wish that Mia would also face the consequences, but not at the hands of Trevon. Let her taste the helplessness we’re experiencing That vindictive woman.“ 

Natalie concurred wholeheartedly. That woman had no moral boundaries, showing no mercy to the young or the elderly. At this point, she was too overwhelmed to care about anyone else. Natalie knew she wasn’t perfect, struggling to navigate her life’s complexities. 

Life was a jumble of complications. 

After a brief pause, 

Edward regained his composure, returning to his usual refined and composed demeanor. He calmly sat as if nothing had transpired and casually inquired, “What are your intentions moving forward?” 

He casually speared a piece of food with his fork while posing a fair question. 

However, his discontent was palpable as he ate, indicating a lack of pleasure in the dining experience. 

Both girls perked up instantly upon being addressed. Natalie took the initiative, asserting, “I’ve decided to keep.” 

Edward’s hand slowed its movement as he delicately picked up a piece of food, his throat tightening as he swallowed. There was a hint of emptiness in his eyes, “Have you considered telling that man?” 


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