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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 39

Chapter Thirty-Nine

My hands shake as I unclasp my bra. I fumble with the straps and I know my face is bright red when I finally shove my panties down. I step out of them and stand there.

Cam’s eyes are gold. Eric’s eyes are gold.

“Lift your hair please,” Dr. Glass says.

She walks around me, examining me from all angles.

This isn’t a purely clinical analysis… at least not for Cam and Eric. Their scents carry to me, both men wanting me, and I can’t help that my body responds to it–which of course, they can scent too.

And so can the doctors.

Dr. Lee covers his mouth, no doubt to mask his amusement.

Dr. Glass reveals nothing. Her skin is smooth and lineless. As she steps closer to me, I expect her scent to be astringent, or maybe I’m just projecting that for how cold she is, but she actually smells like wildflowers and summertime.

The Alphas stare at me.

Cam’s breathing is heavy. Eric opens and closes his hands, his muscles rippling along his forearms.

Their gazes rake over me, as intimate as a caress. My breasts grow heavy. My thighs weaken. My nipples tighten as they watch.

I’m naked. And on display.

My every reaction is a visible feast for their senses.

And though vulnerable, there is something powerful about this too.

They want to touch me.

So when the doctor does, it makes me jump.

“This,” she taps my back. “What is this?”

The faint ring of that white fur circle shows as a brown blotch in my human form. Not this again. “It’s nothing, just some mark that appeared a few years ago,” I tell her.

Like the thicker ass and thighs, and my once straight hair that now has some curl to it.

“Shift,” she commands me. “Now.”

I look at Cameron. He shrugs.

Eric shoves his hands in his pockets. “Probably a good idea,” he says. Like me shifting will help him keep his hands off me.

I call to Nala.

She’s happy to comply. My back arches and bows as my true form emerges. It doesn’t take long.

I sit back on my haunches, like a good little wolf. The thought annoys me.

Nala stretches and preens.

She likes the attention.

Nala processes everything with different sensory capabilities. The scents are so much richer, layers of pheromones and desire, adrenaline and rage.

The coffee and bits of fruit that spilled on Eric when Cam tumbled him over the table.

The detergent on Cam’s clothes which is the same from our childhood.

Clean sweat and desire.

Dr. Glass probes my shoulder, studying that patch of light fur. She glances sharply at Eric. “Did you know about this?”

The implication is clear. He should’ve seen it.

Cameron growls.

I growl too.

Eric took care of me. He defended me and helped care for me when my wounds wouldn’t heal.

“She’s moon-marked,” Dr. Glass says.

The three men in the room share a look, but it doesn’t seem like any one of them knows what that means. I’ve never heard that expression before.

She crosses to the drawers and cabinets at the corner of the room, pulling them open and rifling through until she finds a syringe.

Then she goes to Ashley’s bedside, slaps the luna’s arm a few times and inserts the needle. It’s not the nicest blood draw I’ve ever seen, and for certain, this doctor’s bedside manner could use improving.

When I see the full vial of dark red blood, she turns back to me.

Nala snarls. Neither I nor my wolf, like where this is going.

“You’re a Seer. The traits are passed in the matriarchal lines, manifesting after childbirth.”

What now?

“Her mother is dead,” Cam says.

“What does that matter?” she replies. “The gift is from the Goddess and passed down in the genes.”

I scoot back when she approaches me with the needle. I bare my teeth.

Finally the doctor shows a hint of emotion. Her eyes light up and her mouth curves on one side. “It’s just a little pinprick. You’ve had worse from these two brutes, I’m sure,” she teases.

From too clinical to too personal, in warp speed.

My wolf head swings from side to side. No. I snarl again lest she think I’m consenting to this.

I’m not.

I growl louder, as if to say, get that fucking thing away from me.

“What will happen to her?” Cam asks. He’s not okay with this. I know he wants to intercede, but he hasn’t yet… which also angers me.

“She is linked to you. And you to Ashley. Ashley’s blood will complete the bridge…and Mia will see.”

“No,” Cam says.

“See what, exactly?” Eric glances between my wolf and the doctor.


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