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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 42

Chapter Forty-Two

It’s the same thing Dr. Glass told me and it sends shivers down my spine.

“Mia!?” It's my dad.

His boots crunch over the glass as he comes into the room.

He grabs my one foot and then the other. “What happened?”

The kids see this as a ‘get out of jail’ opportunity and they launch themselves into his arms. He drops my foot like it’s on fire and catches Aaron. Jacelyn’s climbing his neck like some kind of squirrel.

I drop back on the bed and cover my eyes again.

“Hey kids, why don’t you head back downstairs? Your Aunt Claire is looking for you and she’s pretty frantic that you took off when you were supposed to be napping.”

“Note to self, Dad,” I tell him. “The kids haven’t taken naps since they were two.”

“Good to know.”

He walks them to the door and sets both kids down in the hallway. He puts his hands around his mouth and hollers “Claire!”

Even without wolf hearing, I catch her cry of relief.

“Go on now,” he tells them.

They take off running. They caught a break here and they aren’t about to test my patience at the moment.

The crunch of glass comes again.

The bed sinks as my dad sits down beside me again. He pats my knee. “You okay?”

Define okay…

Nope. Definitely not.

“Mia?” he’s worried now.

I drag my arm away from my eyes. “Honestly, dad? No. Not really.”

He nods. Then he lifts my foot and sets it in his lap. He gently pulls out the shards of glass. “The last time I got to bandage one of your wounds, you were eleven, and you’d fallen trying to chase Cameron up a tree.” He doesn’t look at me as he says it.

I remember that.

He grunts.

“It’s a map,” he says quietly.



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