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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 53

Chapter Fifty-Three


She looks like me.

That’s my first thought.

Same eyes. Same shape of the nose and chin.

She doesn’t even look much older.

Wolves are long-lived, but even with our regenerative abilities, she looks, I don’t know, ageless or something.

I have the odd thought that if Morgan’s coven wanted my genes, they really should’ve started with this woman.

Cam has his hand on my back, supporting me, and as too many emotions bubble up, I’m eternally grateful he came to be here with me.

“Theo. Crius. Azreal. Rhea.” She addresses the ‘Other’ beings. She doesn’t acknowledge the wolves. Aside from a nod in their general direction.

She wears a fitted white dress. It sets off her tanned skin and is paired with heels that look expensive. Her hair is swept up and the hat that sits at a jaunty angle on her head looks both stylish and practical for this New Orleans heat.

She removes the hat as she draws even with the table.

Cam’s hand tenses between my shoulderblades. Is he getting the same vibe as me?

She doesn’t fidget or convey any sense of nervousness or even excitement.

This is my mother who hasn’t seen me in close to twenty-five years. Maybe she could smile or show some warmth or move in for a hug or something.


I stand up slowly. “Adriana, I believe?”

She nods.

The music continues to play.

I can feel the heavy stares of the Ravens and wolves, Cam and the Others.

What now?

I can’t say that I’m happy to see her. I didn’t even know she existed until a day ago. I thought she’d died when I was a child. So any warm, motherly attachments are unknown to me.

Is there resentment?–oh yes.

Not so much that I’m bubbling with anger or wanting to lash out. It’s just a low, pervasive bit of negativity.

This woman deserted me.

She chose her gift over her child–children.

Which begs the question–is it just me and Ashley? Or do I have other siblings out in the world that I also have yet to meet?

She sits at the table and begins preparing herself a plate of food. She glances at Theo. “Pour the Louis Roederer. I believe we stored that vintage twenty years ago for this day.”

Theo’s eyes flash white.

In under a minute a servant brings the bottle, a giant magnum and several other servants bring a table with enough flutes for everyone.

“You’re dismissed,” he tells them. “Clear the mansion.”

Nala growls.

I glance at Corinne. She’s avoiding looking at me. She definitely isn’t looking at my mother. That smell is back. The one I detected when we first drove into this city.


I don’t get the impression that this Seer is telling anyone nice, feel-good predictions of long lives and prosperity.

Theo keeps his hand on Corinne even as she slides into the chair next to him.


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