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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 70

Chapter Seventy

“Don’t.” I whisper the word.

My situation with these two Alphas is complicated, but I know one thing… I don’t want to betray either one of them.

He leans in until his lips are hovering over mine. “You see, right there…the loyalty… even when it’s to another male, it still makes me fucking hard.”

My scalp tingles when he releases me. My breath shudders out and I’m unbalanced.

Eric rolls his neck and shoulders to loosen the tension. “I’ll be outside, on the deck.”

He’s hard and the giant evidence of that is tenting his jeans.

“On second thought, I’m going to hit one of those other rooms on this ship.” His intent is clear… to get himself off.

Even that makes me hot.

He tilts his head. “Do the same.”


“Pleasure yourself. I can’t have you, but that doesn't mean you shouldn’t feel good.” He invades my space again and tilts my chin up. His eyes are so dark, I could get lost. “Think of me.”

“N-no. That would be cheating.”

“You’re mated to two Alphas, Mia.”

“Do you think it’s permanent? You said it yourself, you’re both Alphas, ‘sharing’ isn’t really something sustainable, not in the long run, I don’t think.”

His lips purse again as if he’s considering this and all its implications. Then he’s walking toward the door. “Better make it count then now, while you have a pass.”

He pauses and winks over his shoulder.

When he’s gone, I stand there feeling all kinds of confused.

On the one hand, what Eric said is exactly true. A mating bond is a gift of the Goddess. She has bestowed on me two mates. Maybe I am not meant to choose. On the other hand… Cam is my heart. Our bond goes beyond the physical. He is the other half of me.

Stop overthinking it, Mia.

It’s Eric. He is in my head.

You can tell him afterward. He’ll understand. Honestly, I’d be surprised if he didn’t fantasize about the exact same thing already.

My nipples tighten.

Join with him now, if you need to. He groans and I can imagine what he’s doing. But let me hear you. Let me know you’re touching yourself.

I was supposed to do what, exactly, join my mind to Cam’s and… ask permission!?!

Oh for fuck’s sake. He growls.

I move to the bed and sit down. I’m so off kilter.

A moment later, I hear Cameron.

Mia, it’s me.

Oh my god, I feel guilty. I haven’t done anything wrong, but I can’t shake the feeling.

Eric called.

I’m going to be sick.

Touch your nipples, he commands me.


This is about your pleasure. I am your mate, and if you have a fantasy, I will fulfill it.

I flush with embarrassment.

Touch yourself! He commands me.

There is a pulse of power from the adjacent room.

I can hear Eric’s breathing through the wall. I can hear the steady strokes of his hand along his cock.

Imagine me with you, Cam says. Stop thinking and feel, Mia.

I peel my shirt off and undo my bra.

The balcony sliding door is open and the cool air blowing in makes my breasts tighten almost painfully.

Take off your pants. It’s Eric this time. Lose the panties.

My hands shake, but I do it.

Touch yourself, he says. The way I would.

Tug your nipples, this command comes from Cameron.

They are both in my head.

“Let us hear you,” Eric demands.

I groan aloud at the exquisite pleasure.

Eric growls and even though the wall divides us, it’s like he and Cameron are right here with me.


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