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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 72

Chapter Seventy-Two

“I haven’t been here in a long time,” I tell Eric.

I point to the iconic Space Needle in the distance and the bevy of shops and restaurants along the waterfront.

“Someday we’ll get to enjoy this city,” he promises.

It’s hard to imagine a time when things won’t be so… insane. I’ve been in survival mode for a long time and it’s almost impossible to conceive of a time when I can do normal things like stroll along the pier or order ice cream.

It’s hard to imagine a future with both Cameron and Eric in it.

He kisses my hand. “We’ll figure it out.”

I want to believe that, but I’m not so certain.

“It’s just up ahead,” he tells me, looking at his phone.

He guides us toward Olympic Sculpture Park. There are huge stone faces and a red-painted steel structure that has tourists crowded around it and snapping pictures on their phones. We naturally angle ourselves away from the cameras and keep moving.

Ahead on a concrete bench, I see–

“Alex!” I let go of Eric’s hand and run ahead.

“Damn it, Mia!”

He’s seated beside a younger guy, maybe mid-twenties and the wolf scent of him hits me and stops me in my tracks.

“Mia!” Alex yells. Then he’s racing toward me and I’m swept up into my former boss’s arms for a tight hug.

Alex isn’t affectionate.

Even when he visited me in the hospital, post-delivery, he didn’t hold the babies or do more than awkwardly pat my hand.

He draws back and holds both of my hands now. “Are you all right!? I filed a missing person’s report. You haven’t called. You haven’t come home or to work! Where are the kids?”

I glance around him to Philipe. His blue eyes are mean and amused.

I don’t know what he plans by bringing Alex here.

But I doubt it’s good.


I force my attention back to Alex. “I’m okay. I had some unexpected family issues come up.”

He frowns as he sees Eric approaching. “What is MacPhearson doing here?”

“I know her father,” Eric says easily. He extends a hand for Alex to shake.

Alex does, but he’s looking between us and obviously confused. “You never called. We were all terrified something horrible happened.”

I nod. I feel awful. Alex has been nothing but wonderful to me and I didn’t even give him the courtesy of letting him know I was okay.

“I didn’t mean to ghost you, Alex. I was sick, and I had to go back to my old home…”

He frowns. His expression disbelieving.

Some of the best doctors in the world are in California.

“When you disappeared, I didn’t know what to do. Agent McNally told me he was following up on the case…”

Ah, so that’s how Philipe got close to my boss—by pretending to be an agent on my case. I address him. “As you can see, Agent McNally. I’m alive and fine.”

“So it seems,” he says. “For now.”

Alex frowns. “What about the twins? Where are they?”

“Jacelyn and Aaron are with my dad.” I don’t want to share much more, not with Philipe bemusedly watching and listening to everything. “You know I didn’t leave on good terms. We’re working on reconciling.”

He is quiet for a few seconds. “Are you all right?”

I nod. “I am.” I glance at the Alpha beside me. He has his hand on the small of my back in a gesture that is possessive.

Both Alex and Philipe notice.

I hate the disappointment I see in Alex’s eyes. He was my boss and he is a friend. I think there may have been a time when he wanted something more.

He’s processing all of his feelings as I watch.

Sorrow that I left and never called.

Confusion that I’m with a former client of Quest Diagnostics.

Joy that I’m alive and safe.

Disappointment as he recognizes that any chance we may have had is long gone.


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