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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 91

Chapter Ninety-One


I take a deep breath and grab the phone from Eric’s hand.

“Cam, it’s me.”

This is the first time we’ve spoken since I came out of the coma. Well, that’s not entirely true. There was that time in New Orleans, but I was busy killing my mum then.

My stomach pitches into my throat.

Vengeance is a bit like acid. It eats away at the container that holds it as fiercely as the object you pour it on.

There’s a long, long pause.

A hundred words roll around on my tongue. Explanations, excuses. A whole long-winded replay of why I did what I did, but instead I say only the one thing that I need to: “Cam. I’m sorry.”

The silence drags longer.

I’m not so stupid to think that he will forgive me.

Hell, I don’t think what I’ve done is actually forgivable.

Cam clears his throat. “Mia interrupted our mission. We were flushing out the master vampire that aligned with your brother.”

Eric’s eyes narrow.

“His name is Cassian.”

I suck in a breath. Oh my gods. Not him.

Eric looks at me sharply.

From the moment I engaged the spell to become Cam’s mate, my only focus has been infiltrating his pack, gaining access to his finances and positioning our loyal packmates within Eric’s pack and Cameron’s for our respective takeovers.

Philipe devised the strategy. I wasn’t of the mindset back then to mastermind anything. I was too broken. My brother gave me purpose.

Revenge became all I lived for.

But I was married to Cam for close to five years.

During that time, I started to heal.

There were days… good ones. When Cam and I would swim in the lake or go for long runs. Moments when I would fall asleep beside him and forget all about the past. Waking up to his smile or befriending so many in his pack.

I force those memories away.

I don’t deserve them.

And once Merilee was born–my chest aches.

Feeling her grow inside me. Holding her tiny hand and staring into her eyes. My daughter is my world, and if I think about how much my hatred has harmed her, how much my life choices have impacted her innocent life, I’ll curl into a ball and die.

I’d accepted dying. In many ways, it would’ve been better if I had.

Merilee…changes things.

I swallow past the lump of regret in my throat.

“What does Cassian want?” I ask.

“Land. Apparently he was previously promised a portion of my northern territory.”

I shift uncomfortably. I’m not sure what Philipe would’ve promised this vampire. I still hate that my brother sought to employ them in the first place.

Where we are from, in the far North… the vampires are savage. It’s one of the reasons so many humans in Alaska go missing. Sure, a lot of it is the elements, but this is also a region of the world that for half the year is in continual darkness. Newly turned vamps love the Arctic.

My pack has hunted such vampires for centuries.

“Are these the same wraiths that attacked my pack?” Eric asks.

“They are,” Cam says.


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