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Twice Tempted: Between Two Alphas (Mia and Cameron) novel Chapter 93

Chapter Ninety-Three


Michail and Declan are positioned in front of me. No doubt Cameron demanded they take up this protective position.

Jace and several other wolves are beside Cam, in their wolf form. Cam’s shifted back to human and he’s talking with Cassian.

Both men are covered in blood and though healed, they look like something out of a horror movie. Shredded clothes. Blood and dirt caked on their bodies. A few minutes ago, they had flaps of hanging skin.

I’m too far away to hear what they’re saying but I’m not worried about that. Cam will fill me in since they’re waiting for Ashley…

I respect Cam so much for calling her.

As Merilee’s father, he could’ve made the call to negotiate with Cassian for his child without bothering to get Ashley’s advice or consent, but he didn’t take that agency away from her. Even with all the horrible things Ashley’s done, Cam still honored her as the mother of his child.

That said a lot about who Cam was as a person and a leader.

When Cam’s phone rings, I hold my breath.

He answers and nods.

Then he holds his hand out to Cassian.

They shake.

Chills traipse up my spine.

It’s done then.

I don’t know if I did the right thing or not. I’m not even real clear on how Cassian can save the baby.

I glance at the brunette that stands dutifully by his side. In changing, her demeanor has changed too. Shoulders are squared. Her chin is high. The softness I’d glimpsed of her in my vision…it is gone.

Maybe that’s my imagination.

Or perhaps any ‘softness’ was her humanity, melting away as she became something else. A creature that would feed and hunt and potentially kill the same humans she had once been.

Cam approaches. “Let’s go,” he says.

His men and the few women that have fought alongside him file into the woods. Declan stays behind and drags the bodies of the dead wraiths into a pile. He pours fuel on top and burns them.

It’s important to destroy all evidence while it’s still night. The dark smoke during the day would prompt too much attention from local game and wildlife wardens.

The wraiths, devoid of their connection to Cassian, are like husks of corn. They burn fast and bright, bits of orange ash drifting skyward.

If it wasn’t such a macabre scene it would actually be a pretty sight.

I shudder and take Cam’s hand.

Together, we lead our pack back into the night.

“What happens now?” I ask him.

“We’ll deliver Merilee to Cassian’s lands in the far north.”

I’m not keen on the idea of us entering vampire territory. What’s more, leaving a baby with bloodsuckers…

“Eric and Ashley will meet us there. They’ll stay with Cassian until such time as the transition is done.”

“So he’ll change her, your daughter?”

Cam nods. His features are grim.

This is a very serious decision he’s making. One that will surely have repercussions within the pack–and beyond.

Hybrids are exceptionally rare.

They’re also reviled.

Not vampire, not pure wolf or lycan, they struggle to assimilate into either species.

Are we setting up this baby for a life of exile?

Cam squeezes my hand. No. He won’t allow for that. His child will be accepted.

Merilee will be loved.

“We’ll figure it out,” I say.

Again, he nods.

His stress radiates through our mate bond and I stop walking. He turns to me, his brows drawing together. I hold his face and go up on my toes. I kiss him gently.

Family is everything.

So is love.

He dips his head to rest his forehead against mine.

No words are spoken or needed.

We are together, this is our family.

It is enough.

We begin the long trek through the woods, most of the team has shifted. They’ll run ahead, keeping under the cover of night and then shifting only once in the pre-established camp area that is the pack base in this southern territory.

The private lands are essential for maintaining safe corridors that are expressly human free. Even in these vast stretches of wilderness, there are people. Hikers, campers, hunters, naturalists.


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