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UNBREAKABLE BOND novel Chapter 11


He was supposed to be furious at Chris but what Shane was feeling at that particular moment, was very far from anger and it worried him immensely. Being that close to his childhood sweetheart was bringing up emotions and feelings that Shane didn’t know he still had. Unfortunately, and against Shane’s will, those feelings seemed to rather increase by the minute. He couldn’t help but watch Chris whenever Chris was looking away from him.

Shane had watched the way Chris walked, sipped his drink, tilted his head sometimes, ran his fingers through his close-cropped hair…every little movement reminded Shane of the Chris he’d known and loved. What scared Shane most was the sudden stab of desire that flashed through him and left him aching when he saw Chris lick his lips at a point. Maybe it was the alcohol or even the rains but the feelings running inside Shane were all jumbled up…in a sweet and disturbing way.

Shane didn’t plan on making a fool of himself twice in a row. First, by breaking down in Chris’ arms, and secondly by possibly throwing himself at Chris. Hell no…that wouldn’t do at all. Shane knew what he had to do. He had to ask Chris to leave. After all, the rains had diminished to showers so…

Chris didn’t open the new bottle of cognac that Shane had brought to the table. He’d rather chosen to watch Shane as he spoke on the phone. When Shane stuck his hands into his pocket after the call and simply stood quietly by the window, Chris knew the man was miles away. It could be that Shane was thinking about the call he’d just had, Chris thought. But he knew in his gut that the call wasn’t the reason the man was lost in thought.

After watching Shane for a while, Chris got to his feet and started to walk to where Shane stood. He really couldn’t stand the silence anymore. Yes, he’d told himself he wasn’t going to pressure Shane into talking to him but this was an opportunity that might not present itself again. When Chris got to Shane, he stood behind him but made sure he wasn’t touching him.

“Shane?” Chris croaked and winced at his scratchy voice. Shane neither responded nor turned around to face him. Chris cleared his throat and tried again. “Shane, can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me for what I did?” Chris whispered.

Shane had tensed up when he felt Chris’ presence behind him. At Chris’ whispered words a shiver went through Shane, sizzling along his spine so pleasurably his eyes fluttered shut. He couldn’t bring himself to talk. It definitely must be the alcohol, Shane thought desperately. Or was it the presence of Chris behind him…his whispered words…

“Please Shane, talk to me.” Chris pleaded softly. “There’s no excuse for what I did I know. But can you please forgive me? I need your forgiveness please.”

Shane felt Chris’ breath on the back of his ear and almost moaned. ‘Oh shit.’ Shane groaned silently. His pants were becoming painfully constricted…scarily tight. He was getting aroused…and fast. Shane couldn’t believe what was happening to him. He scolded himself inwardly for his lack of control. The guy hadn’t even touched him for goodness sake. And as far as Shane was concerned, he wasn’t a sexual person. Who would be if their very first sexual experience went the way his had? To be on cloud nine one minute and in severe pain, the next.

Chapter 11:  Chris Donovan vs. Shane Lewis~ There's no love like the first… Dilemma! 1

Chapter 11:  Chris Donovan vs. Shane Lewis~ There's no love like the first… Dilemma! 2


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