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Unbridled Love You novel Chapter 204

Rose was a little embarrassed by her straightforward question. "Did you see it? I do have something to tell you, but I don't know if I should say it or not... "

She wanted to say something but stopped on a second thought. After all, to all appearances she and Belinda were still friends, and it was not appropriate to make things so clear.

"Auntie, just say it. I treat you as my family. Now, you are the closest person to me!"

Belinda said dejectedly. The Xue family must be unable to rely on. Now only Rose could talk to her.

After getting Belinda's approval, Rose looked very happy, with a happy expression on her face. "Belinda, I know what happened to you in the Xue family. Amanda has already told me everything. These things are love affairs between you young people, and I should not interfere in them. But as an experienced person, I can't bear to see you go astray, so I decide to make it clear."

Rose frowned slightly and said in a low voice. She was a little worried about Belinda's mood and her own worries.

"Auntie, you know everything?" Belinda's face turned pale. Amanda was such a big mouth that she even didn't want to let Rose go. How could she say such an ugly thing?

"Yes, you don't want me to know?" Belinda's face darkened, and Rose immediately understood. "Don't worry. I won't say a word to the outside, nor will I have any opinion on you. I just want you to know who you like in your heart."

Rose said earnestly, "No matter who you like, it's good. But if you hesitate, you will suffer in the end."

Rose said thoughtfully, looking at Belinda gently with concern.

Belinda gritted her teeth. Who else could she count on at this time? Who did she like?

Arvin didn't care about her at all. He even thought that she and Mark had colluded with each other to set him up. Mark only wanted to avenge his mother, and he just took advantage of her. Who could she rely on?

"Which one is worth my love?" She murmured with a bitter smile on her face.

Rose looked at her in surprise. "What did you say?"

"Oh, nothing. Aunt Rose, it's not like what you think. I don't have any other thoughts. I will leave the Xue family sooner or later. I know it very well from the beginning to now."

Belinda said seriously, with a firm look on his face. "So, you don't have to worry about me. I won't choose to stay in the Xue family, let alone be entangled with whom!"

She smiled bitterly with a bit of bitterness on her face.

"What are you doing?"

Rose was stunned. Her daughter was pregnant. How could she say that she wouldn't stay in the Xue family? What the hell was going on?

"Forget it, aunt Qin. You don't have to comfort me. I've thought it over. I won't go back on my word once I've made up my mind. So you don't have to worry about me!"

Belinda comforted her with a smile, as if she didn't want her to continue the topic.

Seeing that Belinda was depressed, Rose wanted to say something but stopped on a second thought. She had to shut her mouth and began to worry about her.

"I don't know what you are thinking, but I'm really worried about you. So, no matter what happens in the future, you can tell me and I will support you."

At last, Rose had to promise Belinda.

No matter what decision she made, she was willing to help her.

"Thank you, aunt Rose. I have nothing else to do. You can leave now. I want to be alone."


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