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Undeniable Attraction novel Chapter 49

Jess POV

I sat at the club two months ago drowning my sorrow and pain. It was one of those days when mum had chastised me over something I couldn't do right, she was always comparing me to Kel. The perfect son, he could do no wrong in her eyes while I was the imperfect one, the one she always had something against. Nothing I did could please her.

All her love was rendered to Kel and Tess. I loved my twin but Kel, that was another story. I don't think I've ever liked him. Yes he tries to play the father figure but that is overbearing. He's never going to be a father to me, he's never going to give me that fatherly love I so craved for. There was a time we were really cool, the time in high school when he was dating Shayan. He was more open and sensitive to the feelings of others, more empathetic. He was always there for me when I needed him, attended my games, played the fatherly role well. But once he and Shayan were done he returned to his cold self, shutting everyone out.

My mom took it upon herself to mend him and that sometimes meant not having enough time for us. We all didn't take not growing up without a father well especially Tess, she didn't do relationships until recently. Kel on the other hand was a man whore, he had different girls for different occasions. All that changed when he met Shayan. I guess I haven't found someone to love me, to fix the broken part of me. I envy Kel in so many ways, he's more good looking than I am, everyone seems to like him, he's more intelligent than I could ever be, he has a wife that loves him, my mum adores him, he has the company. Everyone just wants to associate with Kel and me? I'm the unknown brother lurking in the background, covered by Kel's shadow.

I gulped down the rest of my drink and looked around. I needed to get laid, maybe it would help. People were scattered around dancing, making out or drinking. I scanned the room for something that would catch my eyes, instead, I met Carlos. He was Kel's best friend, they've been friends for as long as I can remember. He strode over to where I sat in his usual arrogant swag.

"Hey Jessie, it's good to see you." We did some sort of handshake and he sat down on a stool beside me asking the bartender for a drink.

"You don't look so good, what's up?" He asked scanning me through his glass.

"The usual, just in a sour mood," I said shrugging it off.

"Oh, it happens. You might want to lay it off." He winked the last part scanning the room for girls as I've been doing earlier.

"What do you think of that blonde over there?" He gestured to a blonde in a tight red dress with a tomato red lipstick. She looked good but she didn't appeal to me.

"I don't know. What about you, what do you think of that redhead at the corner there?" I motioned to where two friends were dancing, they caught our gaze smiled and we returned it.

"They're good but I've got a particular dark-haired girl on my mind since forever." He said dreamily and sighed.

"Oh, who's that?" I asked winking.

"Shayan. Goodness, I love that girl, she's so perfect. Beautiful face, fully rounded breasts, nice ass, soft skin... What more could a guy want?" He chuckled.

I laughed too, there was no way he could have her. She's Kel's already. Lucky bastard.

"You'd just have to keep on dreaming then. You know she'd never be yours." I said laughing at his obsession with her, I know he has liked her since highschool.

"Oh, don't be so sure." There was an arrogant smirk on his face and a wicked look.

"I'm sure Carlos, you can't have her, Kel wouldn't allow it."

"Kel? That idiot can't stop me. I'd have her, she'd be mine and I'd steal her right under his nose." The way he said it like he was already picturing it, there was a wicked smile as if it had happened already. He was crazy about her, real crazy.

"That's not possible." I said but he just laughed.

"You'd see, I heard their witch of a daughter would be having a birthday party in two months, that'd be a good time to attack."

I laughed when he referred to Evie as their witch of a daughter. The little girl was an angel. "What did she do to you?" I asked laughing.

"The bitch put a lot of pepper in my food the last time I visited." He looked mad just remembering it.

I laughed so hard." She must not have liked you then."

"Whatever, I have no interest in her only Shayan. I can just imagine what it feels like to be in her arms, to touch that lascivious body."

"Dude, you're really obsessed about her." I seriously said and he laughed it off.

"It's not obsession, it's love. I love her and Kel took her away from me. I'd just be taking what should have rightfully been mine all along." There was anger in his eyes as he spoke about Kel, like he was going to rip his head off with his bare hands.

I heard from Tess that their friendship is waning and they had a fight over Shayan. He must really be into her.

"So how do you plan on getting Shayan? " I jokingly asked.

"I'm going to kidnap her." He answered without hesitation, his tone serious and it made me wonder if I was safe talking with him.

"How would you do that? Have you seen the security at his place?" I was bewildered that he was seriously considering it.

"I have some people there, I'd need an ally, what do you think? Would you help me?"

"I don't know man, I don't want to be in any problem." I answered but internally I was considering it. We can ask for shares and the company as ransom. Maybe if I get to control the company people will love me, maybe I'd be mom's Golden boy.

"Your eyes says otherwise." He pointed with a dark smile.

"Why don't I tell you what's in it for you? Besides you don't have to do much. All you have to do is drive us out of the house after I have her, that's all." And that's how he planted the evil thoughts in me and spent his time watering it.

And now I'm here, today's Evie's birthday and I was pretty nervous. Everything was going on fine. Kel doubled the security so it was hard for Carlos to move around.

"Hey." Kel said coming over to where I stood. "How have you been?"

"I've been good." I answered plainly, so now he's deciding to ask. I mentally scoffed.

"I'm sorry. I know I haven't really been around much since I married Shayan. I've just been trying to settle things with her and now that all is good I'm hoping to make it up to you."he gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze, a wide smile on his face. Why couldn't I be happy? As if he could ever make it up to me

"Oh, it's all good." I casually shrugged it off. It didn't matter now anyways.

"Evie's really excited and lucky to have you all. Thanks for taking out of your time to be here." He was smiling, his smile was eating me up.

Oh, little did he know that I couldn't miss it for the world.

We talked about some other things before he left. The party was in full swing now, I was mingling with everyone until I got a text from Carlos. He hasn't been able to get Shayan alone since almost everyone wanted to talk to her. I didn't know what to tell her to lead her upstairs so I told Evie I wanted to see her photo album, she in turn asked Shayan to get it. I was leading her straight to the lion's den and she didn't even know it. She left and soon enough Carlos texted me that he needed help with carrying her out so I helped with that, although Kel had tried delaying me by begging me to stay. There was some blindspots that the CCTV couldn't capture so I stayed on that lane, we nearly got caught while putting her in my car but we managed to do so unnoticed.

Carlos and Shayan were in the booth of the car so they were undetectable or so I thought. There was a bodyguard that wasn't on our side and wanted to be rigorous with his search but the one on our side convinced him by pulling the brother card and I was acting like my girlfriend was in dire need of me otherwise she'd end up dying.

The speed at which I drove was maddening, immediately we were safely out of their side I parked at a corner where Carlos and Shayan came to the backseat and from there we didn't stop again till we were at the warehouse. I couldn't believe we did it and it was successful. I didn't stay long after we had tied her up. I just reminded him of the ransom to demand. I went back home to get some rest before I headed back there the next morning and to my outmost surprise Kel and an officer were there. From the look on the officer's face he was suspicious of me, he asked me some questions which I pulled off well moving the blame to my mom. I could see how confused and angry Kel was, hitting his head on the wall and shouting. In an hour or so he has gone from a calm and collected happy man to a crumbling sad man. Oh how quick did the mighty fall!

It seems like I wasn't getting enough rest this night as we made it back to his place. Once there the officer took my mum in for questioning. It made me happy seeing Kel like this, the last time I saw him like this was the night he came home drunk the day he ended things with Shayan. Now was even worse, I know he was really trying to keep it all at bay, not show too much emotions, not express it but he was failing. The dude was wrecked, he looked as if he'd go mad if he didn't find her in the next hour or two,it nearly made me laugh.

I excused myself out of the room and went outside to a very discreet place to call Carlos to demand for the ransom. Kel was vulnerable, he could do anything for the one he loves.

I came back a few minutes later and surely Carlos had called demanding the ransom as I had demanded. Kel looked like he would give in just to get it over with but my mom wasn't hearing it and Shayan's parents. They really couldn't say much, I know they've never really been a fan of Kel so they were probably blaming him for it in their heads. I was texting Carlos and he wanted me to come over, he was thinking of flying out of the country with her. I didn't really care what he did with her as long as I was getting my own end of the bargain and that didn't look like it was happening so I went over there to give him a piece of my mind. I saw the look of confusion on Tess's face as I mentioned Mel was sick, she could have figured that I was lying but so be it. They were bound to find out anyway.


I had been planning this moment since the day Kel came into my house and beat the crap out of me. This was my revenge, I'd take the one person he loves who I also happen to cherish. Shayan was mine from the start, Kel just stole her that's why I did everything to break them up and make them hate each other which I succeeded in until recently.

Back in highschool, I had a crush on Shayan. I did everything to get her, make her mine but she never agreed which made it more exciting for me. Kel was always making fun of me for it, that I was a love sick puppy and she wouldn't answer me so I should find someone better. I thought she wouldn't answer him either because she was Miss prim and proper and didn't want anything to do with guys especially the likes of us who were famous for sleeping around. So we made a bet and he told me he could get her in less than three months and we placed a bet on our cars. What I wasn't expecting was for Kel to be whipped or Shayan to be moved but it happened.

I was mad the day I realized they were in love and made it my mission to destroy their relationship which I succeeded at. Now they're back together and it annoys the hell out of me. What did she ever see in him anyways? I had got her flowers, sent her letters, did everything I could for her to like me but no, she falls in love with the douchebag. But look who has her now.

I smiled victoriously staring down at my conquest, I did it. She was back in my arms. I had tied her up to prevent her from trying to escape when she wakes. I watched as she slept, there was a slight frown on her face and I kissed it away, she was mine after all. I couldn't wait to have her in my bed and do whatever I wanted with her.

I stroked her hair away from her face, she looked beautiful, her soft pink lips inviting me in. I kissed her lips making sure I devoured her. She was mumbling something and slowly she woke up. She was startled as she saw me, trying to break away from my grip as I held on to her face.

"Let me go Carlos." She tried hitting my face away but all to no avail.

I chuckled staring at how cute she looked trying to scare me off. "Shhh baby, calm down." I tried kissing her lips but she kept on turning her head. I held her head in place and forced a kiss on her lips which she immediately bit and out of annoyance I gave her a slap on her face.

She wasn't too shocked that I did but she looked scared.

"Let me go." She screamed.

"No one's going to save you, not today not ever. You belong to me now, it's high time you got that in your head." I shouted angrily.

Chapter 49 1

Chapter 49 2


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