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Under a Starless Sky novel Chapter 78

Arne and company were in the dining area when Shen and TL arrived. Arne hugged him.

“Forgive my long absence,” Arne said.

“You’re a grown ass man; there is nothing to forgive,” Shen said.

Arne laughed. “You have a way with words. I will not mince mine, or bait you. We are in need…”

“I will meet all of your needs,” Shen said.

“Just like that,” one of the party interrupted. “No negotiating? No bargaining?” Shen remembered him as Ilker. Ilker was only partially placated by the fact Shen recalled his name.

Valence was there, as well. He took a kindly gesture to his friend, and spoke next. “Our people are hungry, Shen. But we are weary of people who have everything.”

“He will accept a wife in trade,” TL said. “His heart is fond of Jerica. That would make him kin, part of the community, and only right that he contribute.”

They all looked to TL. Even Shen looked to TL. His look was severe.

“Seriously?” Jerica and Shen both said. The individual reflections in their voices meant they were following different tracks.

“You’re right,” TL said, as if agreeing with both. “One wife isn’t enough. The people might be concerned if we aligned only with Jerica’s family. Two more wives should be chosen. With caveats. They have to be of age of consent. They have to actually consent, voluntarily. They…”

“Loxy!” Shen snapped. “Enough. I am not marrying…”

“We accept,” Jerica said. She met Arne’s surprised look with: “For our people, of course.”

“You will marry my granddaughter,” Ilker said.

“I am not…”

“She is handsome,” Torny agreed. “That would appease the Sea clan.”

A person he hadn’t met stood up; she was dressed differently, a hard leather outfit- a retro yet futuristic look reminiscent of cowboy pilots, but her staff was familiar, made from Sleeper Tree. She had the skin tone American Indian and her hair was coal black, free flowing and long. “He will have a dragon born wife, or we will go to war.”

“I am not…”

“Let us work these things out, dear,” TL said. “Shen will join your clans through marriage. For now, let us start supplies going through. Jerica will remain here while the rest of you deliberate. I expect you to have this matter resolved, quickly, or Jerica will be the first with an heir to this estate.”

Orton passed Jerica on the way to the gate, saying “I told you he wasn’t gay.”


“The trick to fighting with this style, maybe any kind of style, is not being emotional,” Shen was explaining to Arne. They held stick swords and there were opponents, waiting for them. “I am not picking on you. It is something I have yet to master. I get angry, I stop thinking. I get hurt, I stop thinking. It’s why I prefer magic or tech to close combat. You, Sir, get excited. The tell is you start relying on strength, not technique.” Shen tapped the floor with his stick. “Again, use your peripheral vision. Eyes on the destination point.”

They fought. Scoring hits on their opponents caused them harm, slowing them, or killing them- each to their own injury. In reality, no one was hurt; at the end of the match, they were reset. If Arne or Shen were hit, their suits restricted their movements. It was a blending of dance, Tai Chi, Wu Wei, and Jeet Kun Do. They made it across the hall. Arne was pleased and turned to Shen who was still frozen in the final pose, waiting for the next attack. Arne didn’t see that the floor had already been reset. Arne was tackled. Shen fought his way back to other side of the floor. He made their opponents go away. He waited for Arne.

“Just because you won, doesn’t mean you won,” Shen said. He made his sword go away. Ghost entered, peered respectfully from the corner. Shen motioned to them and they came out to the floor in ballroom style dresses and began dance to music that wasn’t audible to most people.

Arne and Shen could hear it. Arne was staring.


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