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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112: You Are the Best Antidote

"Jane, don't move!" Patrick took a few deep breaths, suppressing the flames within, his tone carrying a hint of warning.

He held Jane's wandering hand in place with one hand and dialed Evan's number with the other. In a serious tone, he said, "Evan, come over."

"Mr. Pansy, what time is it now? I'm already asleep." Evan, disturbed by the phone's ringing, answered with sleepy eyes.

"No time for chit-chat. Hurry up!" Patrick urged with a heavy tone.

"Alright, alright. Where are you? Send me the address." Evan put on some clothes, resigned to his fate.

Patrick hung up and sent the location to Evan.

"Jane, bear with it. The doctor will be here soon." Patrick took off his suit, wrapping Jane up.

Jane began to fuss again. "So hot..."

She reached out to remove Patrick's clothes, but her hands were firmly pressed down.

"Patrick, let me go... I feel so uncomfortable... so hot..." Jane licked her dry lips, twisting her body uncomfortably, murmuring incessantly.

Unable to resist the tempting sight of the woman in front of him, Patrick suddenly lowered his head and kissed those enticing red lips.

"Um..." Jane, for the first time, actively responded to him. His cool lips were too comfortable.

Patrick's deep eyes seemed to ignite a blazing flame. He held her tighter, deepening the kiss.

The temperature inside the car continued to rise... an intimate ambiance.

Just as the two were deeply engrossed in the kiss, Evan, panting, arrived.

"Um... Mr. Pansy, did I interrupt something?" Seeing the two passionately kissing in the back seat, Evan looked utterly confused.

Patrick, who had awakened him in the middle of the night for this, was it just to witness his young master's live performance??

Hearing Evan's voice, Patrick reluctantly ended the kiss.

Patrick sat up straight, adjusted his clothes, and his breathing was still somewhat erratic. "Help her."

"What's wrong with her?" Evan looked suspiciously at the woman lying in Patrick's arms.

This woman seemed familiar.

Evan quickly remembered. Wasn't this the woman, Jane, who was said to be Patrick's fiancée?

Both times Patrick urgently called him were because of this woman.

It seemed that this woman held a special place in Patrick's heart.

Evan carefully examined her; he saw that Jane's face was flushed, and her hot body was clinging to Patrick, uncomfortable.

As an excellent doctor, Evan quickly realized that Jane had been drugged.

"Did you do this?" Evan half-jokingly asked.

Patrick gave him a cold look. "Of course not. She was drugged. Help her."

Evan took a glance at Patrick, who still seemed somewhat breathless, and chuckled, "Mr. Pansy, you really didn't need to call me in the middle of the night for this."

Patrick was momentarily stunned. "What do you mean?"

Evan smirked suggestively, "Aren't you the best antidote for her?"

"Be serious!" Before Evan could finish, Patrick shot him a piercing glare, his tone turning serious.

Evan immediately fell silent, taking out a syringe from his medical kit. "Luckily, my kit has all sorts of medicines."


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