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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114: I'm Going to Work at Pansy Group

Falling for him in two months?

Jane bit her lip, stating firmly, "That's impossible."

"What if? If you really fall for me, would you stay?" Patrick persisted, determination gleaming in his eyes.

"There's no such 'what if.'" Leaving these words behind, Jane walked out of the CEO's office without looking back.

Yet, her heart couldn't help but beat faster.

What did Patrick mean? Did he really want her to stay?

And what about his Candy?

Jane kept telling herself that Patrick's words were merely because she resembled Candy.

She, Jane, refused to be anyone's substitute!

The next few days seemed calm.

Monica was sentenced to a year in prison for intentionally causing harm.

"Ice and Fire" achieved unprecedented success. Bruce was very pleased with the collaboration and returned to France with his assistant.

Nana, under Carl's enthusiastic invitation, enjoyed a few days in Guavo and then returned to France.

The "Ice and Fire" jewelry collection became wildly popular, achieving remarkable sales. Pansy Group surpassed "Love & Romance" in the jewelry industry, becoming the new leader.

During these days, both the jewelry production factory in the outskirts of Guavo and the branch in France worked overtime to produce "Ice and Fire."

Because Jane was in charge of the "Ice and Fire" project, she received lavish praise from Patrick, making her the center of attention.

At the Doyle family villa,

Florence, watching Jane frequently appear in the media with Patrick, had an angry expression. She grabbed a vase from the table and fiercely threw it on the ground. "Jane, Jane, it's always Jane! What's so good about her?"

Erica, startled by Florence's reaction, hurriedly consoled her, "Florence, don't worry. Jane is just lucky. She managed to turn danger into opportunity several times before. I bet Patrick is just seeking novelty. One day, he'll get tired and kick Jane out. Then, the position of Mrs. Pansy will be yours, Florence."

"When will that happen?" Florence spoke with resentment. "What's so good about this country bumpkin compared to me?"

"Of course, there's no comparison!" Erica's eyes rolled. "In my opinion, this country bumpkin is just a case of 'the first to get the moon near the water tower.' Think about it. She works with Patrick, lives with him, and can flirt with him as much as she wants."

"What should I do? Come up with a way to get her out of there quickly!" Florence burned with jealousy, wishing Jane would disappear without a trace and never appear again.

"Florence, why don't you think of a way to work at Pansy Group as well?" Erica suggested, "This way, Jane will be right under your nose, and you won't have to worry about her pulling any tricks. Plus, you can spend time with Mr. Pansy, and he'll soon realize you're a thousand times better than Jane. Then he'll definitely dump Jane and pursue you."

"That might be a good idea." Florence, unusually satisfied, nodded.

However, how could she get a job at Pansy Group?

It seemed she had to ask her brother for help.

With a bowl of chicken soup in hand, Florence went to the study downstairs and knocked on the door. "Big brother, may I come in?"

"Come in." Peter Doyle spoke.


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